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Nov 5, 2006
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My daughter has been looking at the pics here and would like opinions on her 4-h steer. He is just over 1 yr and about1050 lbs.
beautiful mountains in the background, we don't have those here!

The calf is not too bad. He looks like my sons calf from last year. He's a little high flanked and not real big boned, but he has a nice front end.
It can be very nice living here. It was 92 degrees today. gets down in the 40's at night. Of course, in July it is 115. There is a great peak further south that we like to hike. We have a couple of little shows between now and the county fair the end of March. It is strange to show around here. If we buy for the fair we do ok inthe shows. Buy for the shows and do terrible a the fair.
I like him pretty good for a couty fair steer. I would put him on some beet pulp to get that flank dropped down.
If you hold his head up as high as you can he will look a lot better in the picture. Nice calf.
We planned to go to the Arizona National but high school got in the way. The Fiesta Bowl National Band Competion is at the same time and our high school was the only Arizona band invited. My daughter is on the flag line.
I'd like to see his neck clipped to get an idea of how his neck looks. All that hair tends to make his neck look a bit bullish.

Overall I think he has the structure to put on another 300 lbs and look pretty good at that weight.
Hmm.. he looks a little posty in the rear legs to me.. and doesn't his head blend into his neck a little strange? It could be the pictures of course.

Nice bodied, and good topline.
Hey look another Arizonan. Howdy. :)

He looks like an ok guy. Clip him, hold his head up real high and he'll look really nice. Can you get a picture with his head up?

You arent going to AZ NLS? Well why not? I'm going. Taking the week off of school to go there.
I tried to talk her into skipping the band competition and going to the Ntls but she said I am crazy. Next year my middle child said she will go. Very dissapointed to be missing it.
hraz":36fh5ru5 said:
I tried to talk her into skipping the band competition and going to the Ntls but she said I am crazy. Next year my middle child said she will go. Very dissapointed to be missing it.

:( She will be missing out on lots.
hraz":2o9tre5e said:
I tried to talk her into skipping the band competition and going to the Ntls but she said I am crazy. Next year my middle child said she will go. Very dissapointed to be missing it.

I know how that is.
I'm on the flagline, too and they reaaaally pressure you into these competitions. They tend to do underhanded things like make attendance a double test-grade or something similar.

It's hard to schedule everything around band competitions and practice, FFA, academics....But I hate to hear about someone missing a major competition like that. Bad luck.

Good luck with that steer!
We have had 8 competions so far this year. She would give up any of them except the Fiesta Bowl. Only death will keep her from it. We will hit the AZ Ntnl for sure next year. Both of my girls want to go.

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