sharing fence cost/neighbor

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Dap":3ewh9k11 said:
In my opinion you'd both have to want a new fence, agree on what type, share either the labor or cost or both

This is how it worked for us with a neighbor on one side. We all wanted a new fence, we settled on what type and the neighbor provided all the materials except for brace posts and we provided the labor, (neighbor helped a little bit). We are all still getting along just fine, we were all satisfyed with the arrangement. It worked for us.
I think it really depends on who the neighbors and the different personality types.

We are in the process of talking with 3 different neighbors about bulldozing and replacing 4,600 ft. of permiter fencing. Everyone has been great and all have agreed to pay 1/2 of the bulldozing (we have a quote in at $4,500 and one at $5,000) and 1/2 of all the materials to build the fence. One guy wants to put up field fence so we will price out the price of what a 6 barb wire fence would cost and we will pay 1/2 of that cost and he will pay the difference. We will be doing most of the labor though. One of the other guys said he would send a couple of his "hands" over to help. The guy that want's the field fence want's to pay us to put up more fence around his place that doesn't ajoin us - so that will help offset the materials a little bit. I am planning on pricing all the interior fencing that we will be getting cost-share EQUIP monies for at the same time all all this other to get a bigger volume discount. We're talking a little over 10,000 ft of fence. - It's going to be a long winter-
You build and pay for the half of the fence on your right side when standing on your property.
Round here if the neighbors want the cattle to stay off their yard...they get to help.
Donn't share fence with anybody all fences are six feet on my side. You put up yours horse high and bull strong. Good fences not shared = good neighbors.
With friendly neighbors it could work but an old timer and a someone like that other guy it obviously doesnt work. Plus it pry didnt help that he just sent him a bill. That kinda fires me up thats absolutely ridiculous whos he think he is just stoppin into the country side and acting like hes god that kinda stuff doesnt go over well...its done with now though
Most of the time it's just easier to do it yourself. One fence neighbors relatives (the worst one to deal with) he uses cheapo wire and can't build a good fence to save his neck. So when it comes to rebuildin with him or even just repairs, I just usually do it myself. Two other fences join one man, he's a real stickler for good fences, he prefers to do it himself, but he builds nice fence, we've offered to help but he says, "naw, I'll take care of it" I will however repair anything I come upon on those adjoinin fences. Third and worst fence of all, has the Rail Road just across the fence. Now you talk about someone that's hard to deal with. We've been at it for 10 years tryin to get them to do what they say they'll do. They say they'll supply all the fencing materials, you do the work. That's hunky dorry fine with me, but you can't get them to shell out the fencing materials. We've had an electric fence up on about 1/2 mile of fence now for that 10 years. Bout ready to just say to heck with it, and get it done without their help. Oh and heaven forbid you doze the fence line and happen to leave a small tree layin on the RR right of way, they have a fit. We rebuilt our catch pens last year, and had to take out a couple trees in the fence. They were layin there for about 2 hours, when someone came by to tell us that we had to get those moved. Which we were plannin to do anyway.
We've never had a problem sharing fences with neighbours. We have had a new fence put in between us and a neighbour. We paid half of everything, he paid the other half. No problems.
Caustic Burno":15lb6y8m said:
Donn't share fence with anybody all fences are six feet on my side. You put up yours horse high and bull strong. Good fences not shared = good neighbors.

Is it possible to lose the six feet of property on the other side of the fence after a number of years?
Bret":3qbvdv8s said:
Caustic Burno":3qbvdv8s said:
Donn't share fence with anybody all fences are six feet on my side. You put up yours horse high and bull strong. Good fences not shared = good neighbors.

Is it possible to lose the six feet of property on the other side of the fence after a number of years?

20 years here. Not sure bout Texas.

Posts are set on the line and the fence is on the side the cows will be pushing from unless rounding a corner.
I also have to use hilllside staples too.

Caustic...are you telling me that there is no way we could build the same fence and run cattle on both sides and still come out as friends?
I touched up the fence between us and the little widowed women beside us, she saw me working and called that night and offered to pay for materials if I did the work. It helps the both of us out in the long run but I just don't like taking money from her. When I do the major overhaul I know she is going to stop by with money, she is just that type of lady.

I don't mind either way, because I need a good fence there to keep everything in.
It would have been a Heck of a lot cheaper to just trade the man a good bull for his sucky one than to hire security guards, file law suits, and then ultimately have to defend yourself against a murder charge.
To save all the hassle since our neighbors don't run cattle and we are borrowing some ground from the power company, yeah, they approved using their ROW for pasture...we did all the fencing. One truck load of wire and posts and alot of beer and beef for the "hands" and a few days we had new fences.
The fence line doesn't determine the property line, squatters rights went out early in the last couple of centuries.
I bought a place a few years ago that needed all new fences. When I went to the lady that owns the pasture on my the East side of me, she told me that she didn't own any cattle and didn't plan on getting any so she wasn't gonna pay for any fences.

I let it go and put up all new fences with the other neighbors chipping in.

About 3 months later I noticed some cows on that lady's property and found out that she had rented it out to someone. I went to her and asked for half the fence costs..............She referred me to the rentor. He refused, saying it was not in his deal.

I turned it over to my lawyer and received a check a few weeks later for the entire fence costs where she joins me.

Seems the law is pretty cut and dry here.

The fence line doesn't determine the property line, squatters rights went out early in the last couple of centuries.

I can tell you one thing in this area about the fence determining the property boundary. It is almost impossible to move a fence that was put up on your side of the line for more than 5 years. I have a neighbor that has 40 ft x 200 ft of my property fenced in and my lawyer told me to try and talk to the man and settle it that way because it was tough to do in court.
When I bought our place my rancher neighbor took me out to the middle of the fence that borderes our land and said. "All the fence on the right you keep up and all the fence on the left I keep up." Well from were we were standing the right had an old criscross wood fence with a strand of barb wire. To the left was a new woven wire fence with 2 strands of barbed wire! I think I got the ass end of the deal on that one eh? :shock: :lol:
Susie David":1uoezf33 said:
To save all the hassle since our neighbors don't run cattle and we are borrowing some ground from the power company, yeah, they approved using their ROW for pasture...we did all the fencing. One truck load of wire and posts and alot of beer and beef for the "hands" and a few days we had new fences.
The fence line doesn't determine the property line, squatters rights went out early in the last couple of centuries.

Not true at ALL!! Under Alabama law, if a fenceline is an accepted property line for 25 years it IS the property line. My family bought a field in 1946 thinking it was 50 acres. We sold it in 2001 with 58.26 acres. The real line was well to the east of the fencerow (the result of a mistake in a family farm division); but since we had owned it "by adverse possession" those 8.26 acres were ours. I can't speak for other states, but a fenceline is better than a survey or a deed description if it is old enough.
Brandonm2":2hfblfhw said:
Susie David":2hfblfhw said:
To save all the hassle since our neighbors don't run cattle and we are borrowing some ground from the power company, yeah, they approved using their ROW for pasture...we did all the fencing. One truck load of wire and posts and alot of beer and beef for the "hands" and a few days we had new fences.
The fence line doesn't determine the property line, squatters rights went out early in the last couple of centuries.

Not true at ALL!! Under Alabama law, if a fenceline is an accepted property line for 25 years it IS the property line. My family bought a field in 1946 thinking it was 50 acres. We sold it in 2001 with 58.26 acres. The real line was well to the east of the fencerow (the result of a mistake in a family farm division); but since we had owned it "by adverse possession" those 8.26 acres were ours. I can't speak for other states, but a fenceline is better than a survey or a deed description if it is old enough.
wouldnt it have to be the accepted property line by both property owners for 25 years you would think if it was my property i could build a fence any where i chose right?
You can claim anything you want to claim and the real property owner has 25 years to get an attorney and a survey and get the line straightened out by a judge. The neighbor surveyed and found the discrepancy on our place when he inherited his ranch in ~1960; but my Grandfather (who had bought it from a guy who had it from 1926-1946) wasn't budging or believing anybody else's surveryor and was not sued over it (probably because he would have won). That old guy is still alive and is a friend and he still says that his Grandfather got cheated by his great uncle.