Rear View Camera on a Cab Tractor

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Jul 8, 2017
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Bulls Gap, TN
Does anyone here use a rear view camera on their cab tractors? I saw a video where one could be installed for about $60. Based on what I saw, it looked very handy. I was just curious if anyone here used those.
I use one on my tractor. Bought it thru Amazon. Saves a lot of wear and tear on the neck during hay season.
I never even thought of that, but the idea is appealing. As I get older I find it more and more difficult to look over my shoulder. It might be nice to have a nice screen to glance at.
I don't use a rear view that often. Our baling tractor has one that comes in handy because the baler has the net roll up front, you can watch the roll spin and stop, ensuring it has completed the cycle properly. Otherwise I don't know that it has much utility, other than being able to see cars behind you on the road.

Side mirrors are really nice for mowing hay, adjust them so you can see that the mower is offset properly without turning around. Especially while cutting to the left with a center pivot.

Although side mirrors don't seem to live very long here with our hired hands. Doesn't seem to matter how many times you tell them to stay out of the trees.
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I'm horrible at using them things. I just have to stick with old school put the window down stick your head out. My husband is great at it, he can back a truck right up to the trailer with one. I'd done knocked the trailer clear to the ocean using the camera. Seems like if you could use them good than it would be real handy. Try it, let us know what you think.
I use one in my baling tractor. Put the camera on the back of the net wrap baler so I can see if the bale is good. Also I can see traffic behind me on the road. Very simple hookup.

I need to get one to mount on the loader so I don't have to run it 8 ft off the ground to see my windrow at night. I bale prairie hay on rented ground. Never know when I may hit a hole. Having the loader up high is something I just don't do... If I lower it wher it needs to be to follow my row, I end up with a pile of hay in the front....
The wireless is just what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a camera that I can put on the rear trailer when pulling double traliers from here to the Canadian border in North Dakota. Make it easier to tell when I get past another vehicle.
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I'm horrible at using them things. I just have to stick with old school put the window down stick your head out. My husband is great at it, he can back a truck right up to the trailer with one. I'd done knocked the trailer clear to the ocean using the camera. Seems like if you could use them good than it would be real handy. Try it, let us know what you think.
I have the one on my pickup aimed at the trailer ball. The direction of the sun makes a big difference on being able to judge where it is. I park the most used trailer headed north.. Shadows are a pain and the sun in the cab is a problem also..
The wireless is just what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a camera that I can put on the rear trailer when pulling double traliers from here to the Canadian border in North Dakota. Make it easier to tell when I get past another vehicle.
I can see where that would be a concern!!!!! I drove a truck during college. Pulled doubles and triples. I hated passing. I was late many times because I would not pass since I could not tell where my back trailer was.. My driving record was spotless, so i could always get another job.. I was just too slow and cautious.