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I was told this in relation to agriculture, but its a good bit of advice for anything.

"Seek first to understand, then to be understood"

And completely OTT, my other favourite is

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"

Angus in Texas, down here we say "As useless as tits on a bull" or a modern variation "As useless as a pair of testicles on a good show steer".

"Flat out like a lizard drinking" and
"It will rain when black galahs fly backwards"
angie":3bvtchvc said:
"Dam ~ thats gonna leave a mark!"

Heard at least once a day at our place.

Good one Angie :lol: Ours is "Dam...that's gonna hurt" or "Dam...that hurt"

DiamondS; yours is an alltime favorite here too ;-)
MistyMorning":27t19que said:
angie":27t19que said:
"Dam ~ thats gonna leave a mark!"

Heard at least once a day at our place.

Good one Angie :lol: Ours is "Dam...that's gonna hurt" or "Dam...that hurt"

DiamondS; yours is an alltime favorite here too ;-)

ohh, yer gonna feel that tommorrow...
I've always liked Bama's sig line...

"culling solves 75% of your problems"
"Nah, that bull is real easy handled - gentle as a pup."

"Just drive on over - we got a really good place to load."

And my all time favorite -

"All we'll have to do is get a bucket and they'll follow us to the barn."
Not calling for rain, think I will cut hay.

I got to get this in the ground before that rain gets here.

I should of been a weatherman apparently you don't have to know a dern thing.
Behind every successful rancher is a wife who works in town.
(On a sign at the feedstore)

She'll be good for one more year.
(In reference to one of our many old cows)

My favourite:
A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal. Proverbs 12:10
Grab that wire and see if it's hot.

Oh, I see you cut your foot.

Did you buy a new bull? Because there's one I don't recognize in the pasture on the back side.

Who left the gate open? (Followed by)

Awright, let's go try to get 'em back in.

One day we're going to have to actually fix this fence, instead of just "jury rigging" it.

Oh. This was a REAL good idea.

Yeah, we can get that done before dark. (Guaranteed to be incorrect 75% of the time.)