Proposed Firearm Initiatives in Washington State

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Kathie in Thorp

Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Pac NW (the Drier Part)
WASHINGTON STATE PEOPLE: Gun control/registration initiatives are on the ballet this year. Make sure you know what you're voting for. If you can't share this, cut/paste and share it.

591 pretty much leaves the status quo the same in the state of Washington, which has been a good program. Those law enforcement folks know should be tagged, are tagged.

594, now being funded w/ $$ millions by billionaires, wants your shotgun sold to your brother or your neighbor recorded, and if you loan it to him, that will be illegal without paperwork.

The goal of the billionaires pushing 594 is to bring in NRA to oppose it, drain their funds, and be limited to support firearms rights in other states. If you vote for both, there's a bigger mess than already exists. Get it? If not, read and figure it out!! The ones we need to be watching aren't covered by either one. 594 will not stop any bad guys -- they don't deal with anyone that reports any firearm. Their transactions are back-door, back-alley, or a swap for drugs, or to promote a retaliation.

Neither 591 nor 594 requires reporting of mentally disturbed persons in private treatment, and that's a huge loop hole -- the loop hole that has accounted for the deaths of many. Pretty sure the billionaires supporting 594 have armed guards. Do you? Support 591, or support neither.

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