Prayers are with All that were in Katrina's Path

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2005
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Middle Tennessee
Hope all is well with any members here that were in Katrina's path.Please post a reply as sort of a card to all these good folks.We wish you a speedy return to normalcy, and hope the Good Lord spared you any damage.
Here's hoping all our friends affected by this storm are well and wishing you a speedy recovery. Having been there and done that 3 times last year I feel your pain.
D.R. Cattle":20uoix8o said:
flaboy":20uoix8o said:
Here's hoping all our friends affected by this storm are well and wishing you a speedy recovery. Having been there and done that 3 times last year I feel your pain.

What he said.

I'll third that, hope everybody turned out ok!!
flaboy wrote [/quote]Here's hoping all our friends affected by this storm are well and wishing you a speedy recovery. Having been there and done that 3 times last year I feel your pain. [/quote]

Same here.

Living through several floods but not of the same magnitude I really do wish for you the best that life has to offer. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Juno :( :cry:
Sadly, this tragedy is gonna take a lot more than prayers for the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. New Orleans is 80% flooded in over 3 feet of water, which means 80% of the city is destroyed. Hundreds of people are dead, and it is gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. The governor of Louisiana said for another several days, no one can enter New Orleans, and when they do allow them in, it is only to try to salvage very few important things. After that, they must leave again possibly for up to a month. Just like someone said that was interviewed on TV, this is something you would see in some 3rd world country, never America. I think there is only one word to describe what has happened, Hell.
Thanks to all of you who have expressed your concern and offered prayers for us. It really means a lot. You folks are living proof of the spirit of the brotherhood of man (and women of course).

Just got to town from farm. Everything in pretty good shape.
Trees down on road, but passable. No electrticity nor phone in country for probably 4 to 6 weeks.
Fences ok, cows have good grass and water, so they will stay home.

We were fortunate in that the major force of the storm moved to the east away from us. Also, some dry air came in from the northwest and just cut off a big portion of the west side of the storm.

An adjacent parish (county) to the east is called a black hole. No communication and people are not allowed to go in. New Orleans is sealed off. Water over most of the city and still rising in some parts because of a broken levee. Major effort down in that area is the rescue of survivors. Rescue teams with boats are coming from Maryland and California.
As you know, this was a killer over on the Mississippi coast. It will be a while before they know how many lives were lost in the New Orleans area and in Mississippi.

I will close this post and start another.
Storm cont.
People from New Orleans had homes, jobs, businesses, a structured life. Now it is all gone.
Some people were moved from a NO nursing home to a Baton Rouge shelter. Three of them died enroute. They can't really be moved very far now as they are too weak. They were low on supplies, food and medicine. I am sure that they have been provided with more food by now, but I am concerned about their medicine.

Hospital patients were evacuated from NO and taken to Baton Rouge, smaller towns, north Louisiana, etc. Their families may not even know where they were. I have heard them call the talk radio stations and tv stations trying fo find out how they could locate relatives, but no one could help them. People in other places can't checkon family members because of no phone service.
Tonight I was able to take a little extra time to check on one man so I could use e-mail to let his very worried brother in London know that he was ok.

People leaving NO the day/night before the storm formed a sea of cars on the interstates going north and west, moving at a snails pace. It was awful to see. They drove for hours going up into Mississipi, west to Houston, To North Louisiana, Dallas, into Arkansas. Many couldn't find rooms and backtracked not knowing what else to do. There may have been shelters open, but they didn't know where they were. The only "place" they had was their car.

They are told it will be weeks if not months before they can get back into New Orleans. Of those that have hotel rooms, Many cannot afford to pay for a room plus restaurant prices for extended periods of time.

New Orleans is a big city, built in a mud hole, it is 12 feet below sea level, and largely surrounded by water. The levee and pump systems were designed to protect the city from a category 3 hurricane. This one came in as a 4. Had the storm not moved slightly to the east and also lost strength on the western side, it would have been even worse. I'm not too clear about the Mississppi coast, but I don't think they anticipated the course change and by the time they said evacuate, it was just a little late.

Don't ever take a chance with one of these storms!

Again, thanks for caring. I am ok. But please continue to remember those thousands that have lost their homes and don't know where to turn.

May God bless us, each and every one.
Crowderfarms":g8wmfj4g said:
Hope all is well with any members here that were in Katrina's path.Please post a reply as sort of a card to all these good folks.We wish you a speedy return to normalcy, and hope the Good Lord spared you any damage.
Amen, Amen, Our Prayers are with you'll also!!!!
My God, my God. I have never seen anything like this. I hope the nation comes together like they did on 9/11 and there is an out pouring of love and help for our brothers and sisters on the gulf.
John Mc.":2vnlidmk said:
I hope the nation comes together like they did on 9/11 and there is an out pouring of love and help for our brothers and sisters on the gulf.

I was thinking the same thing today.
If I lived closer to those areas affected, I'd offer up the use of my 'puter and phone to folks to try to locate or notify loved ones. And lend hand wherever I could.

I just wanted to share this email I received today.
I work for some very nice pediatricians, they have big hearts when it comes to caring for children.

We actually saw a patient from Louisiana yesterday.  The mom cried the whole time.  It was heartbreaking.  They lost everything but their life.  Their house is 27 feet underwater, no jobs now and they are not going back.  The dad is a teacher without a school and she was a secretary for a company no longer there.  What they have is what they got in the car.  I guess when you see all the people in Astrodome and Reunion Arena - they were the lucky ones.  We were able to give them a gift card to Walmart so they could go get some clothes and personal items and a Grocery Store Gift Card for food.  They are staying temporarily with a relative but so are 5 other people.  This couple wants jobs and to pick up the pieces and go on.  They were so sweet.  The Mom was so overwhelmed and she said
everyone had been so nice to them.  As a result - this is the message we have sent to the heads of school nurses, assistance agencies, the county and some organizations. 

Children's Medical Clinic will see any child from Louisiana and Mississippi at no charge as our schedule permits.  We are working with the Red Cross and also providing medical care for any children in their shelters.  The must have a driver's license or some type of identification from those states. 
Also we now have a Social Worker on staff and she is assisting them with resources available to them. We are in the process of obtaining donations of Gift Cards for them to purchase clothes and personal items and Grocery Store Gift Cards for food or medications. Other collections include diapers, formula, underwear and children's clothing.   
Makes you grateful for what you have.

You should always count your blessings at the end of each day.
Crowderfarms":2mmwolcv said:
Hope all is well with any members here that were in Katrina's path.Please post a reply as sort of a card to all these good folks.We wish you a speedy return to normalcy, and hope the Good Lord spared you any damage.

Crowderfarms, I hope you don't mind if I borrow your words, and add my wishes for the same to them. You said it better than I could. Thanks! :)
I truly wish it hadn't happened to anybody, but it did. All we can do now is help in whatever way each of us can and pray. Thanks! :)

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