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Jun 15, 2020
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It may be that i don't know what i am doing. But is there some kind of probation for new members here ? Or does a new member have to post on the Beginners Board for a certain number of post before you can post on other topics ? Or be able to send private messages ? The reason i ask is because i tried to PM milkmaid since i use to PM milkmaid when i was a member here before but the PM wouldn't send ? So when i was reading i think Duns thread on how to use this forum. I came across something that said i don't have permission to send a PM along with several other things that i don't have permission to do ? I don't know of anything that i have done wrong ?
Just sent you a PM. Seems to work fine. Milkmaid hasn't been here in a coon's age. I don't know of any limitations to new posters, but I am not up-to-date on the rules of the forum.
Thank you Aaron i got your test PM. I thought I might be doing something that i am not supposed to do. I have tried to post on a couple of threads but they would not post except here on the beginners board. I had seen the thread about what feedlots that milkmaid started and was real interested in it. So i tried posting on it. But for some reason i couldn't. So years ago i use to talk with milkmaid some and thought i would try sending a PM.

So i thought i must be doing something wrong. So i found where my post had been recorded and approved or i guess to be allowed on the forum. Or the ones that had been posted. And found where one had been denied to be put on the forum. It said because i was tring to advertise and something else ? I don't know what i said in that post that would have given anyone a reason to think i was advertising anything ? I don't have nothing to advertise. I just joined the forum to try and learn something or help with what i have learned about cattle or farming in general.
From the FAQ:
Why does my post need to be approved?

The board administrator may have decided that posts in the forum you are posting to require review before submission. It is also possible that the administrator has placed you in a group of users whose posts require review before submission. Please contact the board administrator for further details.

I am far from an expert and may be totally wrong, but I believe that all "new users" may fall into this category until they have made a certain number of posts. The same goes for posting pictures. I am sure that there are those that are more knowledgeable that can fill you in.
sstterry said:
From the FAQ:
Why does my post need to be approved?

The board administrator may have decided that posts in the forum you are posting to require review before submission. It is also possible that the administrator has placed you in a group of users whose posts require review before submission. Please contact the board administrator for further details.

I am far from an expert and may be totally wrong, but I believe that all "new users" may fall into this category until they have made a certain number of posts. The same goes for posting pictures. I am sure that there are those that are more knowledgeable that can fill you in.

Five approved post are required, before you are cut loose.
I don't make the rules and can't change it.
504RP said:
It may be that i don't know what i am doing. But is there some kind of probation for new members here ? Or does a new member have to post on the Beginners Board for a certain number of post before you can post on other topics ? Or be able to send private messages ? The reason i ask is because i tried to PM milkmaid since i use to PM milkmaid when i was a member here before but the PM wouldn't send ? So when i was reading i think Duns thread on how to use this forum. I came across something that said i don't have permission to send a PM along with several other things that i don't have permission to do ? I don't know of anything that i have done wrong ?

You should be good to go now.
Ok thank you for all of your help. You know i am 59 years old. I can remember when i was about 6 years old they were building interstate 40 through NorthWest Arkansas. Around that time i remember going with my father who was a concrete finisher late during the evening so that he could wet down burlap material that was used to cover up big concrete pours. He done that to cool the new pours down to keep the concrete from cracking. So the Arkansas river navigation system was just being put in at that time. And about the time all of this was going on. I guess i was around 8 years old i watched live on a black and white screen TV the first man walk on the moon. When i was in my early twenties i went to trade school and took a two year course in electronics. They taught analogue and digital electronics. During my second year the school got its first computer. Its only purpose was i guess for amusement. Any student who would want to mess with it could. I don't think they even had cell phones at the time. The company that i have worked for during the last 29 years got its first computer i guess about 5 years after i had been working. I had a small maybe 18 inch tube monitor. It was terrible. All the time having problems with it. One night when i came in to releave the guy working ahead of me. And ask how things were going. He never said a word. Then he took his fist and beat every key on the key pad to peaces. Thoes keys went all over the place. Then he slapped the monitor off of the desk. It bounced off of the wall, desk and everything else it could have hit. Busted the screen. Needn't to say that computer was toast ! He got up without saying a word and left. I had no choice but report what happened to my supper visor. And i sure didn't like being the one to have to do that. Today i still have to work with computers and cell phones. I don't like neither, don't like nothing that has electronics. But there is no getting around it. I guess the point i am trying to make is. As much experience as i have had in my life having to deal with new technology. You would think i would be more knowledgeable than what i am with computers ! Lol !!!
Thoes pours that i mention in my above post about my father wetting down was on a lock & dam being built on the Arkansas river before the river was used for barge traffic. The river was still basically a winding drainage ditch that wasn't but about 50 foot wide in its widest places and maybe 10 foot deep.

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