NY protesters want us to clean up the planet...

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Jul 5, 2012
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Copperas Cove Tx
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -city.html

They need to start with themselves. Left quite a mess behind--most of it made out of fossil fuel/oil base products or poor innocent tree based paper and cardboard. Wonder how much diesel soot the (it's for the children) garbage trucks will produce when they come to clean it all up?
hipocrisy anyone?



I'm sure all the photo shots were made with 100% recyclable devices, charged with only solar or wind power produced electricty. (guy in the gay colored cap is named Leonardo DiCaprio)
As I was reading this post I got to thinking about something that happened years ago and started in California. A bunch of tree huggers started a protest against cutting trees to be used as paper bags (among other things) and sparked a change to plastic bags. Now the jerks are forcing folks to bring their own bags to the stores. I have a few choice words for those folks - "MAKE UP YOUR F……. MIND".
lavacarancher":v2tfdnb4 said:
As I was reading this post I got to thinking about something that happened years ago and started in California. A bunch of tree huggers started a protest against cutting trees to be used as paper bags (among other things) and sparked a change to plastic bags. Now the jerks are forcing folks to bring their own bags to the stores. I have a few choice words for those folks - "MAKE UP YOUR F……. MIND".

I also have a few choice words to all tree huggers KISS MY A_ _!
I have wondered about the NET energy needed to manufacture and install wind and solar electric systems when you consider the materials needed and the battery storage needed when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing. Any exotic materials needed to make solar panels? What about the vast amount of land that is taken out of production and covered by the panels?
As someone who doesn't have trash pickup, I have become big into minimizing waste. When someone doesn't make it magically go away for you every week, it raises awareness!

I bring my own bags to the grocery store, who needs a zillion flimsy little plastic bags, and the paper bags are not as sturdy as they used to be. I will refuse to buy things at all if the packaging is ridiculous. Like Lunchables - half a trash can full of trash for 3 oz of meat, seriously??? We recycle our aluminum cans, re-use glass jars, etc. So all the single use, disposable crap those protestors left behind really tells the tale just what hypocrites they are, or how ignorant they are. I would have had a stainless steel insulated coffee mug of my own, just refill as needed, and probably brought snacks from home in simple packaging like wax paper, too!
I don't know if it was intentional, but you got it exactly right in your title. They want US to clean up the planet.
Leo DiCaprio went to the Soccer games in Brazil on a yacht the size of a cruise ship. We working folks should all pay for our carbon sins, but they will continue to live large.
MO_cows":209zcd6r said:
As someone who doesn't have trash pickup, I have become big into minimizing waste. When someone doesn't make it magically go away for you every week, it raises awareness!

I bring my own bags to the grocery store, who needs a zillion flimsy little plastic bags, and the paper bags are not as sturdy as they used to be. I will refuse to buy things at all if the packaging is ridiculous. Like Lunchables - half a trash can full of trash for 3 oz of meat, seriously??? We recycle our aluminum cans, re-use glass jars, etc. So all the single use, disposable crap those protestors left behind really tells the tale just what hypocrites they are, or how ignorant they are. I would have had a stainless steel insulated coffee mug of my own, just refill as needed, and probably brought snacks from home in simple packaging like wax paper, too!

I don't have trash pickup either. What do you do with your plastic trash?
I have stopped burning it in my burn barrel because most of it doesn't burn at all--it just melts into an unrecognizable glob of hard stuff in the bottom.
I do have the option of sorting the stuff out, and hauling bags of household trash to what they call the county compactor, which is a pickup point for a big trash bin. It has a hyd press built into it and the truck just comes once or twice a week and picks the compacted trash bin up and drops off an empty one but dang, it's a pita to keep it all bagged up (and stinking) till you get enough bags to make it worth the time and $$ to haul it the 12 miles to the compactor. Cost breaks down to $2/bag plus fuel and time to haul it over there and they don't take any wood, empty aerosol cans, non-biodegradables, batteries or metal.

One night in a full moon, my dogs barked 1/2 the night. Couldn't figure out what they were barking at till I finally spotlighted a walmart bag flapping in the breeze in the top of a tree. The Arkansas state flower.
The main thing is to minimize how much of it you bring in, in the first place. You will be amazed how much difference it makes to change your shopping habits even slightly. And now that my eyes are opened to it, even if we got trash service tomorrow, I'll be darned if I will pay companies more for their packaging than their product anyway.

We didn't last long with a burn barrel. What a mess, eventually you always end up with a rusted out barrel full of sooty crap to clean up.

Me or hubby haul our trash to work, put it in the dumpsters there. We have permission, and since it's only about 1 kitchen size bag a week, plus the trash can from his garage, it doesn't cost them any more or cause the dumpster to be emptied any more frequently.

The Elks lodge in our town has a receptacle for recycling newspaper and cardboard, we make use of it. Fold cardboard boxes flat to keep the bulk down until you take it away. Takes 2 seconds, BFD.

You can compost the biodegradable stuff. Keeps your trash from getting stinky to keep the garbage out of it, too. We have dogs who will eat about anything, and chickens, so that takes care of most of it for us. You can build a little compost bin to keep it neat looking and keep the varmints out. (As opposed to just starting a pile, that works, it just ain't pretty) The finished compost is great for garden, landscape plants, house plants.

Paper other than newspaper - run thru a shredder. More secure to shred it. Makes great nest box filler for the hen house. Have heard of people using it for mulch, but we don't get that much junk mail!

2 liter soda bottles, juice bottles, any decent size plastic bottle - rinse, fill with water, tuck in any empty space in the deep freeze. Makes it more efficient and you will always have potable water on hand. You can also use them in place of ice in a cooler. Drink them when they thaw, or bring them back and freeze them again. You can also use them for dry storage, use a funnel to fill with rice, beans, etc.

Food cans/aluminum cans - recycle. Rinse them so you don't draw bugs while you accumulate enough to make a trip to the recycler worthwhile. The food cans aren't worth much but the aluminum makes the trip worthwhile. We get about $100 every 6 months from our recycling.

Most glass jars get re-used at our house. You can't can in them, but they are handy for storage. I also make refrigerator pickles, so I use up a bunch of them every summer and give away pickles in the free jars rather than my canning jars I paid for and likely won't get back.

You can re-use butter tubs and cottage cheese containers and such, but I don't. We buy real butter, no tubs. The cottage cheese, sour cream and similar containers are just so flimsy I don't mess with them.

By now you probably think I'm weird, but I was raised by my grandmother who went thru the depression and she didn't waste a thing. She even washed and saved her styrofoam meat trays, we insulated a dog house with those and found other uses for them.
Ok--You are weird--------------and a borderline hoarder.
I don't have time to go thru all that and around here, throwing anything in someone else's dumpster is a good way to get shot at.
I'm only on my 2nd burn barrel since moving into this house in 2009, so that isn't bad at all.
We have trash pickup, and I'm too tight to use it. If it ain't metal, I burn it. Anything aluminum, the kids recycle it. Trash can in the house, is for burnables, you gotta make a little trip to the shed if it's metal. Try to avoid aerosol cans. Wife hates to participate, and occasionally puts one in the burnables.
Jogeephus":3s2ndqcu said:
I enjoy watching these folks. Its better than the zoo.
I like zoos a lot. I wish I could appreciate the entertainment value of these hypocrites and charlatans. I wish they would disappear into a puff of smoke. I'd take a deep breath.

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