New Type of Cattlemen!!

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redfornow":1igdhy0y said:
S.R.R.":1igdhy0y said:
redfornow":1igdhy0y said:
S.R.R.":1igdhy0y said:
dbc":1igdhy0y said:
I am 19 years old and was interested in improving the land that is in my family because we cannot afford to make all the improvments necessary. now if you want to say im looking for wellfare then thats your business, but i thought that land grants were a semi-commonthing. i guess next time i have a question ill find someother place. sorry for creating a third type of rancher.

You are 19yr and way to young to be sorry! Also way to young to be looking for handouts. You have free land from your family which puts you a hugh step ahead of most. Take some pride in yourself go to school get a job and then use your hard earned money on fixing up the place. Then you can walk tall with your head up and tell anyone that that should ever try to knock you to go to HE$$!!! ;-)

This young man is to young to be sorry and your to old to be an A$$. But somehow it happened.

Last I checked there was more to farming than a new fence, so even if he does get that done, if he farms and makes a living. He is FAR from sorry.


With a response like that I can see you are one of these new types of cattlemen I am talking about. ;-) I see nothing wrong with encouraging a young person to have pride in themselves and not to join the ranks of the welfare cattlemen at such a young age. :x

Thats my point exactly you dont know CRAP about me or the young man either one. Alot of talk but not much else good.
I have never taken a penny in my life, but dont see where its your business if I do or not.
Meanwhile, pick up one of those big books. I believe "encouraging" is defined alittle different than calling a young man you know nothing about sorry. So I stand by my first statement of you just being an A$$.
Yep you are a mentor to us all. :roll:


If you read what I said insted of what you think I said you will see I stated that a young person of only 19yr is to young to be sorry!!! ie. has no need to be sorry as he is still learning and has every right to make a mistake here and there!!!

As for me being your mentor that is a bit :oops: but thanks I guess.
LangCattleCompany":60v0gx4n said:
S.R.R.":60v0gx4n said:
LangCattleCompany":60v0gx4n said:
So do you guys make your kids turn down grants for college. Do you say no free money! Go work at mcd. you people are an interesting lot. If we raise cattle or pork, or poultry or whatever you people do when you're not looking stupid on here. You generally pay taxes, so how your welfare I don't know. If you pay in and its available I'm going to take it. Of course there is nothing available. For me anyway.

My kids work their summers to pay their half and my wife and I pay the other half. No free handouts around here!

How do you take pride in what you have built when half your fence, pond, barn and bull was handed to you?

So you would have your kids turn down free money that you and they pay for through your taxes? Why are you paying half their way? That's not teaching them to take responsibility is it? Oh my this is very troubling. Keep up the entertainment for me please. Like I said before that's all I come here for most of the time.

Glad to see that you find us all so entertaining! ;-) Maybe we should start charging you a fee! :lol:
S.R.R....sometimes youngins need a little bit gave to them before they can learn to work sons never asked for much because they knew they'd have to work for it...but when I would give them some money they'd make good use of it...most of them just saved up the money then once they turned 18, they packed up a few things and joined the military...but just cause you stated your opinion them people aint got no reason to call you an a$$...everybody has opinions...there's a difference in taking money just cause its out there and taking money cause you need it...I aint sure if the dbc fellar needs the money or not...but maybe it will help him get his land up and running...a lot of people need help when they're just gettin started

welp...I aint taking sides on this topic...grant or no grant...farming takes a lot of hard work...I dont care if people take grants when they need long as they put the money to good use

Have a good day everyone
s.r.r Ican see that you want to start an arguement with me as others. But I have stated the way I feel about it and any amount of posts will not change my way of thinking, or yours. I will not give you the satisfaction of argeung with you.(sorry)

But on the other hand you have yourself a fine day up there with all our draft dodgers.

Oh I understand what your said, if he doesnt agree with YOU, he is sorry. We all get your point I am just calling you out. Not that you are wrong or right, just that you are an A$$.
No surprise I am sure you have been called that before.

On that note the :roll: meant something, reread the post and figure it out. If you need help just ask the 19 year old, oh wait you dont need help you would just rather be stupid.
yep you are a hero to us all. (please note sarcasm as I would hate for you to go out and buy your self a medal)

redfornow":1819523d said:
Oh I understand what your said, if he doesnt agree with YOU, he is sorry. We all get your point I am just calling you out. Not that you are wrong or right, just that you are an A$$.
No surprise I am sure you have been called that before.

On that note the :roll: meant something, reread the post and figure it out. If you need help just ask the 19 year old, oh wait you dont need help you would just rather be stupid.
yep you are a hero to us all. (please note sarcasm as I would hate for you to go out and buy your self a medal)


O.K. I will try again real slow..... The young man has NO as in 0 reason to be sorry! Get it? I can not make it any clearer for you!!!!

Dont get me wrong here i am not tring to put you down, nor am i saying i think it is bad for anyone to take advantage of any grants or goverment assisted programs to help farmers out. Because i myself fall into the later catagorty. And am proud of it. And i can honestly say i pay and have paid for years more than my fair share of taxes. But i have participated in some cost share progarms and will in the future if i can qualify for them. And i dont feel the least little bit bad about it.

But what i want to point out here is that your Canaidian goverment operates a little different than the US goverment does. Anyway i think they do. The reason i say this is i saw a documentary a few years back about how Canaida had a very low percentage of their country on walfare programs. And the reason for this was because the Canadian goverment provided alot of services that i can not remember now what they all were. But they were something like free health care ....., thing's of that nature. These service's were for all ages of people not just the elderly. Our goverment does not provide these services. For free that is, not to everyone. That is where your income determines weather or not you qualify for these service's programs etc...., Now they do have something similiar such as medicare but you have to be disabled or elderly to qualify for them.

But the way i understand it. In Canaida you pay higher taxes than what we pay here in the US ? I dont know that for sure. But i think that is what they said on the show i watched.

My father, two brother's and myself served in the military. And fought to protect this country and its goverment. And all of its rule's, regulations, and by laws. Now with that being said as far as i am concerned our goverment here in the US is run by the biggest bunch of crooks that has ever walked the face of the the earth. And it will continiously be run that way by the next crook they put in charge of this country. And for what little they give to the people who pays taxes here. They still squander, and waste 10 time's what they will ever give back to the tax payer's who has paid taxes all of their live's.

Thats just my 2 cents worth.
Calman":s0jo3dmj said:
s.r.r Ican see that you want to start an arguement with me as others. But I have stated the way I feel about it and any amount of posts will not change my way of thinking, or yours. I will not give you the satisfaction of argeung with you.(sorry)

But on the other hand you have yourself a fine day up there with all our draft dodgers.


I love you to! ;-)

As for draft dodgers you can see from my post on this thread ... e&start=60

that I nor my family have much use for them! :mad:
Stepper":7eegin56 said:

Dont get me wrong here i am not tring to put you down, nor am i saying i think it is bad for anyone to take advantage of any grants or goverment assisted programs to help farmers out. Because i myself fall into the later catagorty. And am proud of it. And i can honestly say i pay and have paid for years more than my fair share of taxes. But i have participated in some cost share progarms and will in the future if i can qualify for them. And i dont feel the least little bit bad about it.

But what i want to point out here is that your Canaidian goverment operates a little different than the US goverment does. Anyway i think they do. The reason i say this is i saw a documentary a few years back about how Canaida had a very low percentage of their country on walfare programs. And the reason for this was because the Canadian goverment provided alot of services that i can not remember now what they all were. But they were something like free health care ....., thing's of that nature. These service's were for all ages of people not just the elderly. Our goverment does not provide these services. For free that is, not to everyone. That is where your income determines weather or not you qualify for these service's programs etc...., Now they do have something similiar such as medicare but you have to be disabled or elderly to qualify for them.

But the way i understand it. In Canaida you pay higher taxes than what we pay here in the US ? I dont know that for sure. But i think that is what they said on the show i watched.

My father, two brother's and myself served in the military. And fought to protect this country and its goverment. And all of its rule's, regulations, and by laws. Now with that being said as far as i am concerned our goverment here in the US is run by the biggest bunch of crooks that has ever walked the face of the the earth. And it will continiously be run that way by the next crook they put in charge of this country. And for what little they give to the people who pays taxes here. They still squander, and waste 10 time's what they will ever give back to the tax payer's who has paid taxes all of their live's.

Thats just my 2 cents worth.

Your comments are well taken Stepper.
Why S.R.R, are you saying that you opted out of the cull cow program, and the Set Aside Program here a couple years ago? Cause if so you would be about the only Canadian cattleman I know that didn't take up that money....
Well I'll jump in here, I don't understand why most of the post are against SRR, he is right on the money. I don't have anything against people taking advantage of the benefits they have earned, ie; military, mediacare, social security. But to ask for a hand out because you are young and want help is BS. Try strapping a weed sprayer to your back and working on your own place without asking for a handout. At 44 that's how I started, and still building. That's part of the reason this country is going to he!! in a hand basket is because some do not have the work ethic that our fore fathers and mothers had. I have 4 sons 1 is military, 1 is married and doing very well on their own, 1 is 19 and has 4 grand in savings, 1 is lost in a rebel without a clue land ( he's coming out of that land though). It's because I taught them not to look for a hand out, to work hard, don't wait for a hand out, it won't happen.

LangCattleCompany":q8swa4lt said:
So you would have your kids turn down free money that you and they pay for through your taxes? Why are you paying half their way? That's not teaching them to take responsibility is it? Oh my this is very troubling. Keep up the entertainment for me please. Like I said before that's all I come here for most of the time.

There is no such thing as free money.

If you make too many nickels, you can't even write off the expense you pay to send your kids to college.

If you make too many nickels, your kids don't qualify for diddly in the first place.

There are people who go to college on other people's nickels, do something with their education and wind up being tax paying citizens. This is a good thing. Wonderful thing. But there are also those who never amount to anything and make nothing of the opportunity. They are a bad reflection on those who make something of themselves.

My tax dollars also get spent on things that are far more worse than education. I can name many things that I don't like hand-outs going to.

Daddy didn't pay for my education. The government didn't either. I did. It was a long hard go. I now have a good life, but it wasn't easy getting to this point. You work a full time job, then you moonlight another, and go to night school as you can on top of that. Have you ever noticed how loud a bird will sing while it is working its tail off building a nest? It is all about mindset and choice.
backhoeboogie":1v8tpbsr said:
LangCattleCompany":1v8tpbsr said:
So you would have your kids turn down free money that you and they pay for through your taxes? Why are you paying half their way? That's not teaching them to take responsibility is it? Oh my this is very troubling. Keep up the entertainment for me please. Like I said before that's all I come here for most of the time.

There is no such thing as free money.

If you make too many nickels, you can't even write off the expense you pay to send your kids to college.

If you make too many nickels, your kids don't qualify for diddly in the first place.

There are people who go to college on other people's nickels, do something with their education and wind up being tax paying citizens. This is a good thing. Wonderful thing. But there are also those who never amount to anything and make nothing of the opportunity. They are a bad reflection on those who make something of themselves.

My tax dollars also get spent on things that are far more worse than education. I can name many things that I don't like hand-outs going to.

Daddy didn't pay for my education. The government didn't either. I did. It was a long hard go. I now have a good life, but it wasn't easy getting to this point. You work a full time job, then you moonlight another, and go to night school as you can on top of that. Have you ever noticed how loud a bird will sing while it is working its tail off building a nest? It is all about mindset and choice.

Well said!
backhoeboogie":3ukdo1wm said:
LangCattleCompany":3ukdo1wm said:
So you would have your kids turn down free money that you and they pay for through your taxes? Why are you paying half their way? That's not teaching them to take responsibility is it? Oh my this is very troubling. Keep up the entertainment for me please. Like I said before that's all I come here for most of the time.

There is no such thing as free money.

If you make too many nickels, you can't even write off the expense you pay to send your kids to college.

If you make too many nickels, your kids don't qualify for diddly in the first place.

There are people who go to college on other people's nickels, do something with their education and wind up being tax paying citizens. This is a good thing. Wonderful thing. But there are also those who never amount to anything and make nothing of the opportunity. They are a bad reflection on those who make something of themselves.

My tax dollars also get spent on things that are far more worse than education. I can name many things that I don't like hand-outs going to.

Daddy didn't pay for my education. The government didn't either. I did. It was a long hard go. I now have a good life, but it wasn't easy getting to this point. You work a full time job, then you moonlight another, and go to night school as you can on top of that. Have you ever noticed how loud a bird will sing while it is working its tail off building a nest? It is all about mindset and choice.

It's unfortuanate that you guys can't answer a question? I don't know of too many people that get offered a grant for college that turn it down. I haven't seen anyone say they would on here either, just whining about who doesn't qualify. I can name things I don't like my money going to either. I don't like the fact of paying taxes period. I don't think there is a whole lot I can do about it at the moment. I don't really like the fact that I have to pay 15 percent into s.s. and medicrap. I think I could probably invest that money a little better myself than the kennedys, clintons, or bush's know how to. Nonethe less when I got a grant for school I took it. Didn't qualify for many but when I did I took it. Yeah daddy's too poor to pay for mine to. Yeah I know about 18 hour days with work and school. don't have to tell me about hard work fellas.

i'm not sure what you are trying to say. your 19 year old has 4 thousand in savings so that makes him/her a hard worker. I go to school full time, work when I'm not studying and yes i too have $4000 dollars in my savings. I never said that i wasn't willing to work hard on my land, but if i don't have the money you dont think the land is just wasting away? But then again sounds like you are a real selfish person anyways.
LangCattleCompany":2i5xwu5v said:
It's unfortuanate that you guys can't answer a question? I don't know of too many people that get offered a grant for college that turn it down. I haven't seen anyone say they would on here either, just whining about who doesn't qualify. I can name things I don't like my money going to either. I don't like the fact of paying taxes period. I don't think there is a whole lot I can do about it at the moment. I don't really like the fact that I have to pay 15 percent into s.s. and medicrap. I think I could probably invest that money a little better myself than the kennedys, clintons, or bush's know how to. Nonethe less when I got a grant for school I took it. Didn't qualify for many but when I did I took it. Yeah daddy's too poor to pay for mine to. Yeah I know about 18 hour days with work and school. don't have to tell me about hard work fellas.

No I can't answer that question. I was never faced with turning down a grant. I never asked/applied for grants. Nor have I ever pan handled on the side of the road. Furthermore, I will never face that question because I will never ask for a grant.

I am not disabled. I am honored to help disabled with my tax dollars, especially veterans, but all disabled folks in general. If they ever want any kind of grant, I am all for it.
S.R.R.":2t67sdwd said:
redfornow":2t67sdwd said:
Oh I understand what your said, if he doesnt agree with YOU, he is sorry. We all get your point I am just calling you out. Not that you are wrong or right, just that you are an A$$.
No surprise I am sure you have been called that before.

On that note the :roll: meant something, reread the post and figure it out. If you need help just ask the 19 year old, oh wait you dont need help you would just rather be stupid.
yep you are a hero to us all. (please note sarcasm as I would hate for you to go out and buy your self a medal)


O.K. I will try again real slow..... The young man has NO as in 0 reason to be sorry! Get it? I can not make it any clearer for you!!!!


Thanks for clearing that up, I agree with you help or no the young man has NO reason to feel or be sorry.

I agree with Habitat for humanity. They call their help "a hand up not a hand out" At one time or another all of us have needed a helping hand, a kind word or understanding.

I see farmers everywhere being run out of this business because they cant compete with large multinational farming corps. while at the same time not getting help so they CAN compete. I have never taken a thing, but if it would help keep the family farm in the black I would stand in line, some things are more important than my pride.
We all have a price either way, we just have to name it.


ps if anyone on here has ever turned down their lands Ag exemption tax credit, let me know about that. :shock:
Pretty sad.

You know the ones I have heard so much in life yell about those "free handouts" are usually the ones that have gotten quite a few and like to ignore it.

Nothing like ignorant ungratefulness.

I dont seem to recall who made some people on here the judges of who is a farmer and cattlemen and who isn't.

Everyone has some ego. But some feed it till that is all they can do.

Usually those who gripe the most about some of these government programs are those who are either rich and never have known what it is like to wonder how you plan to feed a family of 7 when you just had your job taken. But then there are also those ungratefull people like I mentioned who get help (even if it isnt from the governement) and ignore it.

Either way sorry but I dont think they have much right to comment on it. Kind of like asking a rich guy how a poor guy should feed if family on $10 for the week. He isnt going to know, but will have a lot of talk on how he should have been investing.

I figure it is the same with these so called catlemen who haven't had to work it from scratch with little money. They just simply arent going to understand the ones that do.

dbc":1jxzv5z7 said:

i'm not sure what you are trying to say. your 19 year old has 4 thousand in savings so that makes him/her a hard worker. I go to school full time, work when I'm not studying and yes i too have $4000 dollars in my savings. I never said that i wasn't willing to work hard on my land, but if i don't have the money you dont think the land is just wasting away? But then again sounds like you are a real selfish person anyways.

All I'm saying is that you are a young man looking to dip into my pocket. I work hard and while I have little control of where my tax dollars go I will still grip about it if I don't approve. My sons who chose to go on to college either pay for it themselves with some help from their parents or get student loans, not grants.

If you choose to let your land go to waste that is your choice, or you could choose to improve it the best you can by what you have. I'm sure you can increase the vaule of your place without a handout.

redfornow":30jofq6l said:
ps if anyone on here has ever turned down their lands Ag exemption tax credit, let me know about that. :shock:

Comparing apples and oranges, the ag exemption is a tax credit ie; different tax bracket. Just as deducting children is a credit. How is that the same as asking for tax dollars already collected? I will admit that I'm walking the fence on this, there are tax funded programs I support, ie; battered women shelters, but many more that I do not. A grant is a handout to a select few.

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