Most Hated Show Calf Chore?

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Mar 1, 2005
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Southeast Kansas
So what do you dread the most with you show calves?

Me: I hate blow drying, it just seems to go on and on. It is not so bad when just doing it for daily hair management but when you are getting ready to clip and need them good and dry. :(

Maybe I need to get me a new blower mine is ancient. Or maybe two and use a splitter, I have wondered how much time that would save?

What do you dread the most?
Although I don't actually do it.... hoof trimming is what i dread the most. one little slip and you can cause some serious issues. and if you don't know what you are doing you can cause serious issues. we have our own trimming table, however i refuse to trim any myself until i really understand how to trim the hooves properly.

as for what i have to do myself... cleaning the pens and trailer. scooping poop and just relocating to another spot on the ground, BORING!

For some reason blow drying is right there with washing and clipping for me... i enjoy it. find it peaceful and somewhat relaxing, probably b/c of how hands on it is and you can see your results right then.

Unloading the steers for the first time at a show...I'd usually pray the entire way, you never know how they'll react and after one wreck...and I'd always be nervous about it so that wouldn't help, they go from a completely calm environment at home where they're fine and suddenly you have 4 year olds with balloons running by, kids shouting, dogs running around, pigs, sheep, everything, crazy. After that first unload, things would be good, but I always feared that.
My most dreaded chore with my calves is trying to get their hooves spotless, especially when you do, they go and step in more doo right before you go into the righ. :lol:
I love blowing out the cattle (and two blowers with a splitter makes it go really fast) but I hate their clipping heads.
Ryan":2dvpqu1s said:
Although I don't actually do it.... hoof trimming is what i dread the most. one little slip and you can cause some serious issues. and if you don't know what you are doing you can cause serious issues. we have our own trimming table, however i refuse to trim any myself until i really understand how to trim the hooves properly.

as for what i have to do myself... cleaning the pens and trailer. scooping poop and just relocating to another spot on the ground, BORING!

For some reason blow drying is right there with washing and clipping for me... i enjoy it. find it peaceful and somewhat relaxing, probably b/c of how hands on it is and you can see your results right then.

I'm with you Ryan. Washing and drying is theraputic. I hate scooping poop.
*Cowgirl* said:
Ryan said:
Although I don't actually do it.... hoof trimming is what i dread the most. one little slip and you can cause some serious issues. and if you don't know what you are doing you can cause serious issues. we have our own trimming table, however i refuse to trim any myself until i really understand how to trim the hooves properly.

as for what i have to do myself... cleaning the pens and trailer. scooping poop and just relocating to another spot on the ground, BORING!

For some reason blow drying is right there with washing and clipping for me... i enjoy it. find it peaceful and somewhat relaxing,
Well if it has to do with cows i really have no problem doing, but i half to say washing and blowing are the funest, and cliping heads, and packing the trailer to go to a show..well actully really don't like loading up to go home after a show or making to beds for the cows. But i will agree that blowing a furry cow in 40 degree with someone breathing down your neck too hurry up so we can clip is not very fun! but looking at them cliped, clean, and dry eating hay is plenty of rewarded!
I don't wash - that's hubby's job - which is real simple now that we use EQ Solution. But I LOVE to blow dry. Like Ryan says, it's relaxing & rewarding. LOVE to clip them, especially a pasture wooley one, never been clipped. What a difference one clipping will do!!!
I love the anticipation of arriving at a show. Guess I don't like the fear of how they will react at a first fair. Spookie ones may be calm, calm ones may be spookie.
There's really only one thing I don't like doing...and that's loading up after a show. It always seems like there's just SO much more to pack than what you came with. :lol:

I agree with the others.. blowing, brushing, etc are all therapeutic to me. I may sound crazy but cleaning the pen...i.e. scooping poop is somewhat relaxing to me as well. :oops:

jaydill":tq9g8aa8 said:
There's really only one thing I don't like doing...and that's loading up after a show. It always seems like there's just SO much more to pack than what you came with. :lol:

I agree!! :D What I think is even worse than that is unloading it when you get home. Everything seems to get heavier with the ride home. ;-)

My favorite is washing, drying, clipping, the whole shebang. :banana: :banana: :banana:
Colorado2008":1yklfqa0 said:
What I think is even worse than that is unloading it when you get home.

forgot about this one. we usually always leave most of our tack in the trailer between shows, but unloading the cattle is never fun. we've usually got 10-12 head in the trailer and they cannot wait to get out of the trailer after 3 or so days at a show. almost dangerous sometimes.
i dont know if you consider this a chore but i do cuz i have to do it everyday.... but i think halter breaking beats out doin anything else. ill come poop scoop, wash, blow dry and clip all ya'll's calves if somebody else does the halter breaking. i lllooovveee to wash them. they seem to like it too. they really seem to relax. and yeah, unloading sucks too. and loading up a dumb bullheaded herf sucks the biggest fat one you can find. :mad: how can you hate something you love so much.
cattleluvr18":2nt5dmpd said:
i dont know if you consider this a chore but i do cuz i have to do it everyday.... but i think halter breaking beats out doin anything else. ill come poop scoop, wash, blow dry and clip all ya'll's calves if somebody else does the halter breaking. i lllooovveee to wash them. they seem to like it too. they really seem to relax. and yeah, unloading sucks too. and loading up a dumb bullheaded herf sucks the biggest fat one you can find. :mad: how can you hate something you love so much.
I don't mind halter breaking, and Jeanne, I too love to block out the "woolies" see all that hair accumulating in the bottom of thechute :)
What I hate most is dealing with heifers in heat at shows. That's crazy!!! And I hate loading everything back up and unloading it after a show. But I love Breaking calves its so much fun as long is to a big area with out thing to run over. Love to clip, wash, blow-dry. But I think the best part is when you win with a baby your've raised own your own or just winning thats great to. And when city people come throw the barn and you get to tell them all about what you do everyday of everyday. But the VERY Best part is little kids getting to pet there first cow. ;-)
jaydill":3t75q5m7 said:
There's really only one thing I don't like doing...and that's loading up after a show. It always seems like there's just SO much more to pack than what you came with. :lol:

I agree with the others.. blowing, brushing, etc are all therapeutic to me. I may sound crazy but cleaning the pen...i.e. scooping poop is somewhat relaxing to me as well. :oops:


I think it is because, when you load to go to a show every little thing has its own spot, and when you get to a show it get taken out and not put back in its place, and we always seem to acumlate more stuff. but we always park the trailer and unlaod cows then the next day unload the trailer.

[/quote]What I hate most is dealing with heifers in heat at shows. That's crazy!!! And I hate loading everything back up and unloading it after a show. But I love Breaking calves its so much fun as long is to a big area with out thing to run over. Love to clip, wash, blow-dry. But I think the best part is when you win with a baby your've raised own your own or just winning thats great to. And when city people come throw the barn and you get to tell them all about what you do everyday of everyday. But the VERY Best part is little kids getting to pet there first cow.
I think that just about sums it up!!!!!!!!!!you expressed what i was tring to say! You are great!!
i like washing in the summer but durring the school year i wake up at 4:30am every day go and rinse the calves then feed then feed the calves, donkeys, pigs, horses, goats, sheeps,
lama, chickens and then the turkeys every morning, then during my lunch hour i have to drive 15 miles out of town to rinse my calves one more time. so i like it in the summer hate it in the school year
yeah school is so pointless. aw hell no, there is no way i would get up at 4:30. when i have to do that i just miss my first two periods. but i have to be at math otherwise ill fail that worthless class. all that sounds like a good job for my dad. i dont even have time to drive home 10 miles no less 15. hek, we dont even have open campus lunch. oh well dont matter anyway cuz i dont have time to drive home.and plus some dumba-s-s kids ruined it for underclassmens cause they were caught doing things unmentinable on this forum.
My favorites are halter breaking, training them to walk, brushing and blowdrying. I don't mind washing as long as we have the EQ. I don't like scrubbing feet especially when they are white taking heifers to their first show.
one I get to the barn the smell hits me, and it relaxes me-kinda wierd but its true

the blowing,brushing and the sound of all the fans relaxes me, I acctually get better grades when I have animals to take care of ( well except for when we go to major shows, then my grades take a bit of a hit)

Loading the trailer after a show is hard, you are exhausted and in a time crunch to get out of there, not to mention you have spent your waking moments with the same people for 5 days, that always makes things a bit more tense

other than that I love everything about it, even the polotics are fun to sit and laugh at
Most of the time I really enjoy breaking cattle . . . even more so when its a particularly difficult animal. I really don't like cleaning pens but it has to be done. The worst for me has got to be sitting in the line of trucks for three or four hours waiting to get into the showgrounds at sydney royal. Or even worse, waiting in the line at sydney to get in to load and go home.

A lot of people say to me they hate shining leather halters. I dunno, i've always found it theraputic