Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

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May 7, 2016
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Hi All. Any experience with Calf milk replacer that is made from milk. But has soy protein...... I bought it cheap off a gal. And I missed the soy protein. .... So what are your thoughts on it?
I don't think anyone would prefer replacer with soy protien. But its also not poison kike some will have you believe. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the issue is some animals don't utilize the protien from soy as well as real milk protien. But lots of calves have been raised on it, I wouldn't just throw it away. Even "cheap" probably isn't real cheap.
as a general rule; milk replacers that use soy protein rather than milk whey are not as good. calves must do alright on it or no one would buy it, but I have never used it personally.
I have used it, I prefer it to be made with milk, but it should be ok. I think the main thing would be to get them on a good starter feed as soon as possible with either but especially with the soy protein milk replacer.
The last calf I raised (Honeydew, milking now) refused to eat or even nibble calf starter. I put out fresh every day for weeks. Finally I dumped some of her milk replacer on the grain and she ate it like a kid with a bowl of cereal
Calves do not assimilate the protein from soy near as well as from milk... that said, after a calf gets up to 4 weeks or so, you can use it as part of their bottle, introducing it by a small amount to replace the other... and they will do fine. I would never mix it more than 1/3 to 2/3 all milk, milk replacer... but it can be used... they sometimes will get scours from it too...
I just won't buy it... not worth the money savings in the loss of gain and growth in the early stages of a calf's life.
Yeah I haven't ever used it before,. I'm currently feeding raw milk to the calves. So I don't need to feed it for now. I should have looked at the ingredients closer. I think I will hold it back until I absolutely have to use it. And then on an older calf.

Best I've ever used, calves take to it quicker than anything. Has so much molasses it sticks together. Fortunately, haven't bought any in a few years.
In the dairy calf raising industry soy milk replacer is frowned upon.
Of course that may be a biased opinion because it's harder for them to market the milk they use for replacer. That said, soy is is high in erucic acid. Whether or not that actually causes damage depends on whether or not the study you read was performed by the soy industry or someone else...
We had one bloat up like crazy on that crap. Liked to never figured it out!!

I've used it. Will I use it again?
Even if it's free. They can keep it
I had a spare twin that was a bottle calf for a month or so last spring. Accidentally bought some replacer that had soy protein. That calf's butt reeked for a two weeks after I found the real stuff. His name was Stinky for the rest of the summer even after I got a cow to take him.
Of course that may be a biased opinion because it's harder for them to market the milk they use for replacer. That said, soy is is high in erucic acid. Whether or not that actually causes damage depends on whether or not the study you read was performed by the soy industry or someone else...
Not biased due to being dairy farmers.... the soy is not as well digested as straight milk... or all milk, milk replacer... too many studies done by too many people and too many outside comparisons done....
And I agree with the smell, the lack of absorption of the soy does cause smellier manure in calves.. I have personally tried a sip of different milk replacers to see if there was a difference in taste and the soy does not have a good taste compared to other all milk protein types... stands to reason that it might have less agreeable smells coming out the other end if it does not smell as good going in...
Calves will have a little different smell if fed goat milk, which they take better than some milk replacers...
I've raised a few bottle calves on milk based replacer. I have never raised a calf that was such a strong and aggressive nurser as this one getting Honeydew's Jersey milk. It's like vanilla ice cream diluted with water. She is also especially shiny.

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