Lump size of softball... Please help

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2014
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Evington VA
Im a Newbie well I was down feeding the cows just now and I have one real sweet cow that loves a good neck rub. My girlfriend was rubbing her and asked "whats that"? Well she has a lump on the right side of her neck probably big as a soft ball. Its hard and doesn't seem to bother her. I pushed on it multiple times etc. If she turns her head the opposite way it stretches out and doesn't look to big. But if she is looking straight at me I can see it but mainly when she turns to her right it seems like it bunches up and gets much bigger. Any thoughts??? I don't think she has had this but cant rule it out she pretty new to me and she just had a nice heifer calve.She eats like a hog and all seems fine. It just worries me. Any help would be great. I called my vet but she is out of town.
Thanks again.
No vet did shots between the ribs. I really don't want another vet bill but my cow comes first. I will get her here if need be.
Have you had her long? It could be an access from a shot given some time ago.

I am the curious type and would puncture it with a hyperemic needle and see if anything drained out.
I have seen lumps like that go way, have seen some rupture and drain.
I have had her roughly two months I have never felt it I rub her daily she comes right up for her rubbing everyday. But again my girlfriend found it it might have been there and me being me never paid any attention its kinda far back on her neck near her body. I don't usually rub her there. Think I can get away with trying to pull a fluid from it without having to head gate her? Or will that go over like a lead ballon?
If it's as big as you say you should be able to take a 18GA needle and pop it in it while You are rubbing her.
Should I try to just stick it and see what comes out or should I attempt to pull some fluid from the mass. I would assume blood is good pus, yellow or clear fluid is bad? I have 20 Ga needles on hand thats all that should do huh? Im gonna attempt this at day break before work in the morning. If I can get some fluid whats good whats bad once I draw some out? I really appreciate ALL of your help. I am a complete newbie but Im really enjoying my cows. I realize to some things like this might not be a big deal but to me it is. I don't do well with having any unhealthy animal. I like to know I'm at least doing all I can to help them be healthy. Thanks again
cross_7":2jxyoz01 said:
On the neck or closer to the jaw ?

Cross Thanks for joining in its not near her jaw thank god. Its on the long of her neck almost where her body meets her neck.
hicky214":30ti54oq said:
Should I try to just stick it and see what comes out or should I attempt to pull some fluid from the mass. I would assume blood is good pus, yellow or clear fluid is bad? I have 20 Ga needles on hand thats all that should do huh? Im gonna attempt this at day break before work in the morning. If I can get some fluid whats good whats bad once I draw some out? I really appreciate ALL of your help. I am a complete newbie but Im really enjoying my cows. I realize to some things like this might not be a big deal but to me it is. I don't do well with having any unhealthy animal. I like to know I'm at least doing all I can to help them be healthy. Thanks again
20ga needle is way too small to drain with.
it is in the place to be from a shot,as some get hard lumps that may or may not go away in time
I would just leave it alone and watch it myself
hicky214":2n5ffjnd said:
cross_7":2n5ffjnd said:
On the neck or closer to the jaw ?

Cross Thanks for joining in its not near her jaw thank god. Its on the long of her neck almost where her body meets her neck.

As some have said clostridial vaccine (covexion 8 )will leave a knot
If its new I would suspect an abscess
Since its hard I doubt you'll get much out not to mention trying to find the heart of it with a needle
I'd get her in the chute and look for a scab or wound. Open it up and clean it good and try and drain it
Spray with iodine
Give her a shot of la300
Again if it is in fact an abscess

Edit maybe TB can google something for you too
If you puncture with a hyperemic it will give you an idea on what is inside.
Since she is tame then you should be able to stick her with out a head catch. You can go back to scratching her once the needle is out and begin rubbing around the mass. You should be able to see is it is weeping from the puncture you made.
Once you get an idea of what is inside then you will have a better idea of what you are dealing with.
This isn't directed at anyone so don't read too much into it
Just sharing some personal experience

If it is an abcess and you hit it with a needle and are not lucky enough to hit the puss pocket then your not going to do any good
Most times there is lots of swelling that contains no puss
Not to mention he stated it was hard
If it is due to puncture and infection then it needs to be cleaned and make sure a thorn or what're ever is not broken off inside
suzorse":2y4zbasg said:
it is in the place to be from a shot,as some get hard lumps that may or may not go away in time
I would just leave it alone and watch it myself
Ditto. Probably from a shot. If she ever had Antibiotic injections, they are brutal on the tissue. LA 200 or LA 300 especially! Sometimes they never go away.
Most knots come and go.May I ask what shot the vet gave between the ribs?
Shot between the ribs was a 7 way of some sort and we did rabies. I realize most don't do rabies but We have had a couple farmers loose cattle from rabid skunks. Well sure enough last weekend a see a cow swinging her head at something and here comes this confused skunk. It was staggering everywhere and walked right to me. Would not leave. I didn't have a gun on me but I did have an axe. Im off to check this lump ill update. Thanks guys

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