Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg...........

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Aug 25, 2013
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RIP, Ginsburg subsequently served 27 years on the nation's highest court.

Pancreatic cancer is a terrible thing. One of the worst, and many times most painful forms of cancer to suffer through. She was very tough to fight it as long as she did. Hopefully folks will give her family respect and time to mourn as this will only amplify the bickering back and forth The next month and a half and importance of the Presidential election filling the vacant seat she left.
She remained sharp as a tack to the very end. Sad day for the country.
Expect Trump & Mitch McConnell to have the vacancy filled before the election by nominating a conservative, but non-controversial female, for quick approval to avoid prolonged hearings process.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Amy Coney Barrett will do just fine.

I think it will have to be a female for Susan Collins to vote yes. Mitt will vote no.
Son of Butch said:
Expect Trump & Mitch McConnell to have the vacancy filled before the election by nominating a conservative, but non-controversial female, for quick approval to avoid prolonged hearings process.

This willl be a bit more complicated than that. McConnell refused to hold a hearing for over 11 months for Merrick Garland who was nominated to the Supreme Court because he said, "it was an election year". Many Rebuplican Senators have said the same thing. Not that that will tie their hands. They can do it, but I believe at great cost to them. Trump is already dragging down the ticket and this would make it worse for those in close races.

Also, consider this, there is not a constitutional limit on the number of Supreme Court Judges. The Democrats, if they take the House and Senate, they could easily just vote to increase the number of Judges on the Court (Judge packing). The deomcrats would feel justified in doing this because they will feel that McConnell has stolen two appointments from them.
sstterry said:
Son of Butch said:
Expect Trump & Mitch McConnell to have the vacancy filled before the election by nominating a conservative, but non-controversial female, for quick approval to avoid prolonged hearings process.

This willl be a bit more complicated than that. McConnell refused to hold a hearing for over 11 months for Merrick Garland who was nominated to the Supreme Court because he said, "it was an election year". Many Rebuplican Senators have said the same thing. Not that that will tie their hands. They can do it, but I believe at great cost to them. Trump is already dragging down the ticket and this would make it worse for those in close races.

Also, consider this, there is not a constitutional limit on the number of Supreme Court Judges. The Democrats, if they take the House and Senate, they could easily just vote to increase the number of Judges on the Court (Judge packing). The deomcrats would feel justified in doing this because they will feel that McConnell has stolen two appointments from them.

So you are predicting a 60 vote Senate majority for the dims after Nov. 3rd? Seriously, turn off MSNBC, it's rotting your brain.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
sstterry said:
Son of Butch said:
Expect Trump & Mitch McConnell to have the vacancy filled before the election by nominating a conservative, but non-controversial female, for quick approval to avoid prolonged hearings process.

This willl be a bit more complicated than that. McConnell refused to hold a hearing for over 11 months for Merrick Garland who was nominated to the Supreme Court because he said, "it was an election year". Many Rebuplican Senators have said the same thing. Not that that will tie their hands. They can do it, but I believe at great cost to them. Trump is already dragging down the ticket and this would make it worse for those in close races.

Also, consider this, there is not a constitutional limit on the number of Supreme Court Judges. The Democrats, if they take the House and Senate, they could easily just vote to increase the number of Judges on the Court (Judge packing). The deomcrats would feel justified in doing this because they will feel that McConnell has stolen two appointments from them.

So you are predicting a 60 vote Senate majority for the dims after Nov. 3rd? Seriously, turn off MSNBC, it's rotting your brain.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst
TennesseeTuxedo said:
sstterry said:
Son of Butch said:
Expect Trump & Mitch McConnell to have the vacancy filled before the election by nominating a conservative, but non-controversial female, for quick approval to avoid prolonged hearings process.

This willl be a bit more complicated than that. McConnell refused to hold a hearing for over 11 months for Merrick Garland who was nominated to the Supreme Court because he said, "it was an election year". Many Rebuplican Senators have said the same thing. Not that that will tie their hands. They can do it, but I believe at great cost to them. Trump is already dragging down the ticket and this would make it worse for those in close races.

Also, consider this, there is not a constitutional limit on the number of Supreme Court Judges. The Democrats, if they take the House and Senate, they could easily just vote to increase the number of Judges on the Court (Judge packing). The deomcrats would feel justified in doing this because they will feel that McConnell has stolen two appointments from them.

So you are predicting a 60 vote Senate majority for the dims after Nov. 3rd? Seriously, turn off MSNBC, it's rotting your brain.
I don't understand your point here, and by the way I never watch MSNBC. They are the same as Fox on the opposit end of the Spectrum.
A.J. said:
Pancreatic cancer is a terrible thing. One of the worst, and many times most painful forms of cancer to suffer through. She was very tough to fight it as long as she did. Hopefully folks will give her family respect and time to mourn as this will only amplify the bickering back and forth The next month and a half and importance of the Presidential election filling the vacant seat she left.

Well said.
"Historically, since 1900, presidents have made 5 supreme court nominations in the year they were running for reelection — Taft in 1912, Wilson in 1916--in fact he had two nominations--Hoover in 1932, and the great hero of Democratic Party, Franklin Delano Roosevelt did it in 1940," Spakovsky told Fox News. "All of those nominations were confirmed."


Git r done!
This could potentially be the sitting Presidents third confirmed Supreme Court Appt in a single term. No President has had more than two confirmed appointments since Reagan had 4 during his tenure. Crucial to the future of the US as we know it in my opinion. I imagine the DEMONcrats will pull all the rabbits out of the hat, if they've got any left, to prevent this from happening.
This is getting interesting. Already learned a lot from the reading above.
JMJ Farms said:
This could potentially be the sitting Presidents third confirmed Supreme Court Appt in a single term. No President has had more than two confirmed appointments since Reagan had 4 during his tenure. Crucial to the future of the US as we know it in my opinion. I imagine the DEMONcrats will pull all the rabbits out of the hat, if they've got any left, to prevent this from happening.

I'm not the most well-read on the topic, but my understanding is that impeachment processes supersede other congressional business, including SC nominations. Given that there were already rumors swirling about impeaching Louis DeJoy, that would seem to be a likely possibility as a stalling tactic.
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