Is this innappropriate ?

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skyhightree1":yjnlgo3b said:
I would be glad to post something here but it would definately get the thread locked or deleted.. If you want an example of how it was functional I will pm you but warning you may not be happy.

If it is a matter of proven, accepted, historical fact, and not conjecture, I don't see how it would result in a locked thread.
If you mean a functional (albeit under developed for the time period) "society", I agree.
ANAZAZI":1lnyxheh said:
The notion that it might be offensive to wish someone a merry christmas or a happy day is completely ridiculous. Are you serious?
Right on. So I'm not supposed to wish a Jew a Happy Hanukkah, or a veteran a Happy Veterans Day because I'm not a Jew or a veteran? The guy needs to practice what his religion preaches, along with just learning the difference between a religious meaning and a simple polite greeting.
highgrit":356vws98 said:
I don't support terrorists if at all possible. But it's hard to find a convenience store that's not operated by a terrorist around here. And I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, happy holidays is more liberal crap trying to be forced down our throats. This country was founded on Christian beliefs and the farther we stray the further we fall as a nation.

That's pretty accepting of you. :clap: You should call the FBI and let them know you've figured out that the next 9/11 is coming straight out of the 7-11 on the corner. Last time I checked 1) the constitution does not mention Christianity explicitly and 2) there's a freedom of religion clause. IE. I'm free from having to believe in the same thing that you do.
Ahhhhh, Merry FXXXING CHRISTMAS! When I finish my coffee I'm going throw my Christmas tree out in the yard.
skyhightree1":kjlr9tr4 said:
I would be glad to post something here but it would definately get the thread locked or deleted.. If you want an example of how it was functional I will pm you but warning you may not be happy.

PM it to me, please.
Have you read any of Allen Eckert's books, starting with The Frontiersman, that deal with this? He calls it the 'Winning of America' series but it's more like the 'Theft of America' by the English. Very fascinating stuff and very well written.
Well, I wouldn't understand why someone would go off on you for that, doesn't make sense.

However, if you've made a few of these type comments to the guy....

I sure have my yotes botcats and foxes under control for the most part... I guess thats cause I am good at pretending to be a blood thirsty savage and killing everything in site

he just might of taken your sincere statement as less than sincere this time. Saying that, I think I'll be kettle and you can be pot, because a name like pot could draw some unwanted attention in a state that still has laws against wacky tabacky.
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone , and I am not religious just spiritual , and I know the true meaning of Christmas , my ancestor's came here in ships and they were also already here first , so with that said
Merry Christmas everyone
skyhightree1":3ec0s200 said:
highgrit":3ec0s200 said:
I don't support terrorists if at all possible. But it's hard to find a convenience store that's not operated by a terrorist around here. And I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, happy holidays is more liberal crap trying to be forced down our throats. This country was founded on Christian beliefs and the farther we stray the further we fall as a nation.

whoa Nelly... pump your brakes... Let's not forget about the nation that was already functional before Christianity and superior weaponry came into play. That was a superior system IMO this country was also founded off of thievery and greed dishonesty in which is thriving well today.

I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around something.... you're upset that a particular land mass was discovered by Europeans and settled by those Europeans... because without such, the Native population would have retained control until the next either Europeans, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, or Australians did such or even one Native tribe becoming dominant. (Can you imagine the fun times the SS would have had here after they annihilated Europe with no US opposition?) But without those events, and unless you are 100% genetically Native with all your Ancestors arriving to the continent from pre-columbus time periods.... what wouldn't exist is actually YOU?

So your angry that you exist?

The land rightfully only belongs to Natives.
Anyone that is not Native should not be here.
You have ancestors that were not Natives, so you wouldn't live here.
The land you love, you wouldn't possess or live in.

That is a tough situation.
Commercialfarmer":2vtot05d said:
Well, I wouldn't understand why someone would go off on you for that, doesn't make sense.

However, if you've made a few of these type comments to the guy....

I sure have my yotes botcats and foxes under control for the most part... I guess thats cause I am good at pretending to be a blood thirsty savage and killing everything in site

he just might of taken your sincere statement as less than sincere this time. Saying that, I think I'll be kettle and you can be pot, because a name like pot could draw some unwanted attention in a state that still has laws against wacky tabacky.

Lets keep the comments that are quoted within the context of the current post... That comment was due to CB calling me a pretent indian so if we are going to muddy the waters lets muddy them where that post came from. However, No the Dr. has never said that to me he is a lil more educated than my original attacker.

Commercialfarmer":2vtot05d said:
skyhightree1":2vtot05d said:
highgrit":2vtot05d said:
I don't support terrorists if at all possible. But it's hard to find a convenience store that's not operated by a terrorist around here. And I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, happy holidays is more liberal crap trying to be forced down our throats. This country was founded on Christian beliefs and the farther we stray the further we fall as a nation.

whoa Nelly... pump your brakes... Let's not forget about the nation that was already functional before Christianity and superior weaponry came into play. That was a superior system IMO this country was also founded off of thievery and greed dishonesty in which is thriving well today.

I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around something.... you're upset that a particular land mass was discovered by Europeans and settled by those Europeans... because without such, the Native population would have retained control until the next either Europeans, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, or Australians did such or even one Native tribe becoming dominant. (Can you imagine the fun times the SS would have had here after they annihilated Europe with no US opposition?) But without those events, and unless you are 100% genetically Native with all your Ancestors arriving to the continent from pre-columbus time periods.... what wouldn't exist is actually YOU?

So your angry that you exist?

The land rightfully only belongs to Natives.
Anyone that is not Native should not be here.
You have ancestors that were not Natives, so you wouldn't live here.
The land you love, you wouldn't possess or live in.

That is a tough situation.

No ones angry :) I am very happy :nod: I just think some need the reminder that bringing their beliefs to another place did not make it better it was doing ok without them. Christian beliefs did not make this country any better nor can I blame it for the down fall of society in my opinion... I am still entitled to an opinion like everyone else right ? :tiphat: I got my answers in which I was looking for on my post anything else yall can duke it out.. im outta here :wave:
Well, what the heck ......

By the way - all of the comments below are true and can be found on the internet should you care to do your due diligence.

Indians were not nice people - there is historical evidence that they committed genocide against other tribes. Yeah, that is true despite the publicized fluff - look it up sometime. While they may have arrived in North America before the European, there is strong historical eveidence it was accupied by others who in turn were killed off by the Indians. Yeah, look it up.

Blacks are pizzed because they claim they are hard done by because of early slavery in the US of A - yet the first official slave owner (NUMERO UNO!) in the US of a was a black man - and in fact that colour of people became a very large part of the "slave owners" of the US of A.

Blacks seem to gravitate towards Islam - yet it was the blacks and muslims in Africa that went into the jungle and captured those who would be slaves and sold them to the evil white man who in turn sold some of those blacks to black slave owners as well as white slave owners - not just in the US of A but in many other parts of the world. Brown slave owners in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines also benefitted from this profitable trade.

Whites were not/are not nice people at times either - and in fact some European based whites attempted to wipe out a specific religious group - and in turn had a complete city (Dresden) fire bombed and tens of thousands of civilians purposely burned alive as part of the retaliation by the good guys (winners - who get to write the history of the event).

Chinese people have been committing murder and possible genocide in the Tibetan Mountains and have been killing Bhuddists and FallonGong for longer than I have been alive.

Slavery is alive and well in the Middle East, with some of the favourite slaves being Indian and Pakistani women who travel to those countries to work as domestics - have their passports taken and then are used as sex slaves - never allowed to return home.

In Sudan blacks/muslims are killing Christian blacks as the war rages and no one outside of a few even know this is happening.

Congo blacks/muslims are enslaving Christian black girls as sex slaves and killing all who attempt to save them.

Today in Pakistan a so called honour killing wiped out an entire family but for one little girl - who told the story to police.

Yesterday the Taliban attacked and killed specifically targeted children in a school on Pakistan. More than 130 children deliberately targetted and killed. Very likely starting an even bigger and far more dealy offensive to wipe out the Taliban and any found with them.

Yesterday an ungrateful muslim refuge out on bail for more than 40 sex crimes and possible accessory to murder was involved in a hostage taking in which 3 people were killed. Police had many opportunities to take him out - one shot one kill but their bosses made them negotiate with a man who had likely already decided to die - and two others died with him.

Believe me I could make this list go on for pages. I guess I read this thread and did not like the innuendo and the side stepping.

What the heck - "Is this innappropriate ?"

Do any of you find the above offensive? "Innappropriate?"

This may very well be the last or close to the last post in this thread ..........

(Am I not allowed to rant as well - or is it "innappropriate?")

Be happy, count your blessings - no matter how bad it may seem, there is someone somewhere in the world that would love to be you.

Merry Christmas to those who do not find it offensive.

Happy Hanukkah to those who do not find it offensive.

And if any of you do find it offensive - then pizz off!

Have a nice day folks - hope it goes well over the holidays

Be safe and be happy

I didn't mean to get the chief riled up. It doesn't matter what color someone is, if their a muslim and believe the koran or quran they are our enemy. Bestoutwest, I preach to no one, but I do believe a lot of what's written in the Bible.
Hopy YOU feel better as well. And thanks for the "old news". Some of keep up with world affairs. Merry Christmas to all.
skyhightree1":2njc68jr said:
Commercialfarmer":2njc68jr said:
Well, I wouldn't understand why someone would go off on you for that, doesn't make sense.

However, if you've made a few of these type comments to the guy....

I sure have my yotes botcats and foxes under control for the most part... I guess thats cause I am good at pretending to be a blood thirsty savage and killing everything in site

he just might of taken your sincere statement as less than sincere this time. Saying that, I think I'll be kettle and you can be pot, because a name like pot could draw some unwanted attention in a state that still has laws against wacky tabacky.

Lets keep the comments that are quoted within the context of the current post... That comment was due to CB calling me a pretent indian so if we are going to muddy the waters lets muddy them where that post came from. However, No the Dr. has never said that to me he is a lil more educated than my original attacker.

Per you, he knows how you feel about the subject.... so apparently you've said some stuff to the guy in the past or it's reached him somehow. So pretty much my entire point.... you might of got under his skin for something you said in a conversation completely away from this one, or even him all together.

The quote was an example... it was to not argue the specifics... I don't care.

You asked about the above situation, so I gave you a plausible answer.... it's probably not about what you said at that time, it's probably about something you've said in the past, and you're good at being a smart alec- just like me. And yes the guy was probably wrong to go off on you about it. Happens quite a bit, especially in a stressful environment like a hospital.
skyhightree1":2ups8543 said:
Commercialfarmer":2ups8543 said:
skyhightree1":2ups8543 said:
whoa Nelly... pump your brakes... Let's not forget about the nation that was already functional before Christianity and superior weaponry came into play. That was a superior system IMO this country was also founded off of thievery and greed dishonesty in which is thriving well today.

I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around something.... you're upset that a particular land mass was discovered by Europeans and settled by those Europeans... because without such, the Native population would have retained control until the next either Europeans, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, or Australians did such or even one Native tribe becoming dominant. (Can you imagine the fun times the SS would have had here after they annihilated Europe with no US opposition?) But without those events, and unless you are 100% genetically Native with all your Ancestors arriving to the continent from pre-columbus time periods.... what wouldn't exist is actually YOU?

So your angry that you exist?

The land rightfully only belongs to Natives.
Anyone that is not Native should not be here.
You have ancestors that were not Natives, so you wouldn't live here.
The land you love, you wouldn't possess or live in.

That is a tough situation.

No ones angry :) I am very happy :nod: I just think some need the reminder that bringing their beliefs to another place did not make it better it was doing ok without them. Christian beliefs did not make this country any better nor can I blame it for the down fall of society in my opinion... I am still entitled to an opinion like everyone else right ? :tiphat: I got my answers in which I was looking for on my post anything else yall can duke it out.. im outta here :wave:

Okay, maybe angry is a poor choice of words.... bitter? upset? unsatisfied? misinformed?

Y. O. U brother Sky, brought the subject up, Y. O. U. keep bringing the situation up... and you're saying you do so because you're happy about it? You called our system, as noted just above, "founded off of thievery and greed dishonesty in which is thriving well today" and you're saying that your happy that it is as such? So you feel a need to point it out because you're just so happy about it?

It that is all true, justice really isn't important to you after all, you just like griping to be griping?

Why bail on something you brought up? Let's talk this over. I enjoy pointing stuff out also, especially the stuff that doesn't make sense.
Commercialfarmer":4dxfxwjy said:
skyhightree1":4dxfxwjy said:
highgrit":4dxfxwjy said:
I don't support terrorists if at all possible. But it's hard to find a convenience store that's not operated by a terrorist around here. And I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, happy holidays is more liberal crap trying to be forced down our throats. This country was founded on Christian beliefs and the farther we stray the further we fall as a nation.

whoa Nelly... pump your brakes... Let's not forget about the nation that was already functional before Christianity and superior weaponry came into play. That was a superior system IMO this country was also founded off of thievery and greed dishonesty in which is thriving well today.

I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around something.... you're upset that a particular land mass was discovered by Europeans and settled by those Europeans... because without such, the Native population would have retained control until the next either Europeans, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, or Australians did such or even one Native tribe becoming dominant. (Can you imagine the fun times the SS would have had here after they annihilated Europe with no US opposition?) But without those events, and unless you are 100% genetically Native with all your Ancestors arriving to the continent from pre-columbus time periods.... what wouldn't exist is actually YOU?

So your angry that you exist?

The land rightfully only belongs to Natives.
Anyone that is not Native should not be here.
You have ancestors that were not Natives, so you wouldn't live here.
The land you love, you wouldn't possess or live in.

That is a tough situation.

Yep the only reason he is here the Spanish failed to turn the Indian into an effective slave.
So they turned to the African Continent were the slave trade had been alive and well for thousands of years.
Alan":3695zrt9 said:
Ahhhhh, Merry FXXXING CHRISTMAS! When I finish my coffee I'm going throw my Christmas tree out in the yard.

:lol2: Man I thought that was funny. I don't know who is the worse, you for saying it or me for laughing at it.


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