I'm calling it quits...

Help Support CattleToday:

I woke up one morning an said, i.am not going to smoke today, that was 5 years ago an i was up to 2 packs a day. You can do it.
Crowderfarms":3gjiiz9z said:
Cigarettes that is. Not a phony New Years Rez. Just calling it quits.

Anyone else done it lately?

Good for you! If you need a little support, please don't hesitate to holler. When you figure out how to get past that psychological thing, would you please let me know? Thanks!
msscamp":31yyhypl said:
Crowderfarms":31yyhypl said:
Cigarettes that is. Not a phony New Years Rez. Just calling it quits.

Anyone else done it lately?

Good for you! If you need a little support, please don't hesitate to holler. When you figure out how to get past that psychological thing, would you please let me know? Thanks!

:lol: I think it is about having to build new character more than psychological or physiological. :D
crowder i wish you all the luck in the world!
i quit last october after 50 yrs of smoking, sometimes 3 packs aday, i tried the candy, the gum, the patch but still smoked, chewing on the gum wearing a patch and sucking on the candy.
one day i told my wife i thought i would try getting hynotized, i did bingo, no more cigs,
i still find myself reaching for my left pocket at times, i still find myself thinking at times about going outside for a smoke, but by golly ido not have to,
i was really not sure it worked until later that day i was in a watering hole setting having a cold one and one of my friends setting alongside of me lit up and i had no desire!!!
only set back is i gained 20# and had to buy new clothes

i paid for the hynotist in one month of not smoking,
Ya'll are a great support group! I really appreciate the back up.I've often said these boards are like a big family, we have our ups ands downs, but are here for each other... THANKS EVERYONE! :lol:
If you can stand some more advice from a quitter, I would suggest you figure our just exactly what trips you up and makes you crave a cigarette. Is it the sight of your smokes, did you always smoke after a meal, smoke when you were stressed or angry, etc. My husband and I both quit cold turkey on Veteran's Day, 1990 and boy was it a potboiler around here for awhile but we managed to make it. The saying is 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system, 3 weeks for the habit and 3 months for the psychological addiction. Hang in there and good luck.
Mr. Crowder, there,s one more thing that will help you, and i know it won,t make a lot of sense, carry a pack of cigarettes an lighter with you, where ever i went day or night i had smokes with me an in my truck. It will help.
curtis":33kcxww2 said:
Mr. Crowder, there,s one more thing that will help you, and i know it won,t make a lot of sense, carry a pack of cigarettes an lighter with you, where ever i went day or night i had smokes with me an in my truck. It will help.

Curtis, with all due respect, I had to eliminate all paraphenalia, ash trays, if I had a pack near me, I'd smoke em'. Now I can wear all them T-Shirts that dont have a pocket on em' my Wife bought for me years ago. :)
Crowderfarms":4cw4uib8 said:
Now I can wear all them T-Shirts that dont have a pocket on em' my Wife bought for me years ago. :)

Good point. I haven't worn a shirt without a pocket since I was a kid.
cowboy44":3liv6gaf said:
Don't know what they cost in other states but Texas is adding a $1.00 a pack Tax Jan. 01 2007 will cost $4 to $ 5 a pack depending on where you buy them, I don't think that will stop people who are hooked on them to stop, you have to want to,

Colorado put a big tax on cigs and banned smoking indoors at any location except a cigar bar. Even bars! Its weird to see all the late night drinkers out in the cold lighting up, they have to be at least ten feet from the establishment. Bars, restraunts, everwhere. I don't smoke, but my husband does. I do wish he would quit, though. They say every cig. takes eleven minutes off your life. I figure he will quit when he's good and ready. Good luck to all of you!
Crowderfarms":emlob8h0 said:
Cigarettes that is. Not a phony New Years Rez. Just calling it quits.

Anyone else done it lately?

Good luck, my cyber friend, hang in there, you can do it. Besides the obvious, and not meaning to offend anyone, you will smell much better to the better half. ;-)
My cap is off to you! :clap: :clap:
Gate Opener":2xp2vpdn said:
Good for you Crowder. You will feel so much better.

I think the main thing is to make up your mind to do it. Oh, and don't drink for a long time, you'll want one if you do.
How much did you smoke?
When I quit I felt worse.
People talk about food tasting better and your sense of smell being sharper. None of this is as good as a smoke.
If it wasn't for the health issue I would be smoking right now. Of course If I was lucky Iwould also be a fugitive from justice for stealing considering the prices the government has run them up to in order to engineer our behavior.
I smoked like a freight train. I quit on the patch before, and ended up with heart palpitations, and dreamed in Technicolor. When I went to the step down patch, I thought I was losing my mind, and started smoking again. One time I quit by chewing Nicorette Gum. Bet I chewed 3,000.00 dollars worth, to no avail. This time I just quit.
Crowderfarms":6cf7kj3u said:
Ya'll are a great support group! I really appreciate the back up.I've often said these boards are like a big family, we have our ups ands downs, but are here for each other... THANKS EVERYONE! :lol:
I have read that ~38% of the people have a hard go of it. I was one of them. I hope you are not.

The way I did it was that I decided that I didn't smoke. I went from being a smoker to being a nonsmoker with that decision.
I didn't quit smoking because a nonsmoker doesn't have to quit. They don't smoke. This doesn't mean that I didn't want to smoke, I just didn't smoke.
Every time I wanted one, I told myself, "I don't smoke". So if you don't smoke, you don't smoke. I hope this makes sense.

The first three days were the worst. I did not get irritable, I got depressed. I was in grief because my best friend was gone forever.
If I had it to do over again I would try to get antidepressants to help with that part.

I also had to remind myself that I had known people who quit and went on to live normal lives. This gave me the hope I needed. Lo and behold, it did get better.

I did it and if I can do it then you or anyone else can do it.
A man (or woman) who can quit smoking can do anything.
They could probably even be the next president.
Crowderfarms":3kh06uid said:
I'm about to get my mind right.

Tired of the cost.

Tired of the coughing at night.

Tired of sitting in the Smoking area.

Tired about worrying of running out of em'.

Tired of wondering when they'll kill me.

Tired of smelling like a incenerator.

I want to see my Kids grow up.

Congrats on the decision! Hang in there it will be worth it. Saw how much better my dad was after 38 years of smoking then quiting. Are bodies can make major changes and heal itself no matter how long we abused them.
I don't and never have smoked, so obviously I don't know how hard it is to give up, but I wish you well in your quest, and hope you succeed. Good Luck.... :heart: Chris.
Hey i helped my wife stop smoking and it was easy to. She has not smoked in over 5 years now. Boy i watched her try to stop smoking several times.

She would always try to cut back and work her way up to like only smoking a few a day. But by the time she would get to that point she was like living with a bear.

So finally one day while we were driving down the highway we was talking about how hard of a time she was having stopping smoking and all. So i told her that i knew how she could do it. So she laughed at me and said "yeah and how is that ?" I told her to give me all of the cigerattes that she had left. She handed me the last pack that she had. And said "well now what ?" I took the pack of cigerattes and throwed them out of the window and looked back at her and said to her. You just quite smoking. See wasnt that easy ?

Boy if looks could have killed i would have been a dead man today. But all kidding aside that is how she stopped smoking. And she had smoked all of her life. She laughs about it now and she says herself that was really the only way she would have ever stopped smoking. And that these patches and tring to cut back only makes things worse.

I really did not think she would quite after i throwed the ciggerattes out the window. But she did and she is glad of it now. And i am to. Because i have never smoked in my life and it is hard to be married to someone who smokes. Or live in the same house that they do.
Tough way to quit but it works.

First off, Turn in those nice tasty cig's you like so much for the cheapest , worst ones you can buy. that will get you started to where you dont enjoy them as much. Tell yourself that if you have to have one, then it has to be one of those bad ones.
Then after about a week of that sit down on a friday night with a pack or two and smoke em till to feel sick. Then have one more.... Then go to bed and when you wake up I bet you won't want one. And if you can get yourself past that first day of not having any. you will feel proud of yourself. Then stay busy and try to keep your mind off em. when you get that craving for one take a big deep breath of clean air and remind yourself of all the reasons you dont need a cig.
Good luck...
Crowder I wish you the best. I have smoked for 33 yrs. I have tried quitting several times. But I always failed. Since they went up a 1.00 more a pack. I will slow down alot more. It's hard I like my cigs with my coffee first thing in the morning. If I could stop that I could quit. But anyway we are here for ya.
Good for you and all others kicking the habit! I quit a nasty nicotine habit 5 years ago. I used the patch as a crutch. Whatever it takes keep it up!