Paying it forward

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Nov 14, 2021
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Gilmer County Georgia
My wife and I are firm believers of you get what you deserve. We try our hardest to help others anytime we have the opportunity.

Everyday I look for random act of kindness that I can provide to others. I do this because where I grew up that's what people did.

I truly believe that when we are dead and gone we will be remembered by what we've done for people. I think one of the greatest gifts in life is the feeling that you get when you help someone.

I'm pretty sure they're right when they say money is the root of all evil. In my opinion, money is the #1 reason why the world is so crazy right now. Everyone is at high speed. Greed is everywhere.

The world is cruel and MOST kids these days just don't understand the value of money or hard work. The value of earning something is tremendous it creates confidence, self-esteem, and creates success.

I am not sure why everyone doesn't say please and thank you anymore, and I kind of get irritated whenever I do say thank you to a young kid and they say "no problem". I guess I'm just old school but that doesn't feel like the right response.

We still say grace and ma'am and that will never change.

My personal success is measured by my happiness... Helping someone in need makes me happy 😊

Thanks for reading
Keith, I totally believe in what you were trying to get across. I also love giving a helping hand to anyone...friend, foe, or stranger. I enjoy complimenting people on - how they look - job they did - help they offered - something they accomplished. I know I enjoy recognition for things I do, so I "know" others do to.
My nephew just got nominated for an award by the state beef producers association. I don't know what the recognition is, but I know he is going to be soooo pleased. He has come a long way in 10 years - from growing up on the streets in the city, to living on a beach for years - to learning cattle life. He doesn't know. He gets the award Saturday. I only know because I had to make sure he went to the convention. shhushh - it's a secret.
I am sooo happy for him.
Keith, I totally believe in what you were trying to get across. I also love giving a helping hand to anyone...friend, foe, or stranger. I enjoy complimenting people on - how they look - job they did - help they offered - something they accomplished. I know I enjoy recognition for things I do, so I "know" others do to.
My nephew just got nominated for an award by the state beef producers association. I don't know what the recognition is, but I know he is going to be soooo pleased. He has come a long way in 10 years - from growing up on the streets in the city, to living on a beach for years - to learning cattle life. He doesn't know. He gets the award Saturday. I only know because I had to make sure he went to the convention. shhushh - it's a secret.
I am sooo happy for him.
That is so awesome. I have a brother who's in prison. He's 5 years my senior but when I hit my mid teens it was like the maturity poles completely flipped. He's always wanted to go into a business with me, he was talking "we's" the other day on the phone when I told him I'm stocking the one family property and trying to buy the one that joins up with it. I didn't have the heart to say it. I can't put any trust in him or any store by anything he says. Haven't been able to for years. He asked me today if I wanted to try and stand us up a fence business of some type, I just played him off. I don't have the heart. He gets out in July, and can leave the state again in December. I personally think we should buy him a bus ticket and send him somewhere for six months or a year, maybe try and talk to some people and see if any ranches down in Florida will take him. Get him away. If he comes home and just stays around town, he'll be right back in it with his old crowd and back in that life again in less than a year.
I am not sure why everyone doesn't say please and thank you anymore, and I kind of get irritated whenever I do say thank you to a young kid and they say "no problem". I guess I'm just old school but that doesn't feel like the right response.
And there it is! How 'bout my retro-inspired dish towels? Old school? You're in good company.
In recent times, it has become somewhat popular in the socio/economic world for many to strongly and publicly state (or at least imply) that anyone with a few farthings more than others might have to rub together is .. bad. There is nothing at all wrong with having money (even somewhat meager wealth).
The problem arises not in 'the having', but in the importance one places upon it/the acquisition of and that's why it is important to include the 3 words that originally preceded the quote you used. 'Love of money' (or the getting it) above all else in one's life, is where the evil lies. Money in of itself, being inanimate can be neither evil nor good. What one does with it or how one views it tho, can be and often is.

If those people actually believed what they implied, (that any wealth was evil) they would immediately and forever (Ghandi like) divest their own selves of every single penny not absolutely required to provide themselves with the very basic food, shelter and clothing, and more often than not, they (so predictably) fail to do so.
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My wife and I are firm believers of you get what you deserve. We try our hardest to help others anytime we have the opportunity.

Everyday I look for random act of kindness that I can provide to others. I do this because where I grew up that's what people did.

I truly believe that when we are dead and gone we will be remembered by what we've done for people. I think one of the greatest gifts in life is the feeling that you get when you help someone.

I'm pretty sure they're right when they say money is the root of all evil. In my opinion, money is the #1 reason why the world is so crazy right now. Everyone is at high speed. Greed is everywhere.

The world is cruel and MOST kids these days just don't understand the value of money or hard work. The value of earning something is tremendous it creates confidence, self-esteem, and creates success.

I am not sure why everyone doesn't say please and thank you anymore, and I kind of get irritated whenever I do say thank you to a young kid and they say "no problem". I guess I'm just old school but that doesn't feel like the right response.

We still say grace and ma'am and that will never change.

My personal success is measured by my happiness... Helping someone in need makes me happy 😊

Thanks for reading
Amen Brother!

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