I received govt survey

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Dec 5, 2005
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I got a govt survey in the mail wanting to know what I raised. It says you can be fined if you don,t send it in. I don,t feel it is any of there business I don,t get any of there wellfare money, Wife tells me fill it out. Well I threw it away and now I got another. Did any body else get this ? Should I fill it out I don,t want a fine. It wasn,t certified mail so how do they know if I got it?
I got one and so did my mother. They sent them to people who filed Farm taxes. Mine just alluded to a possible fine, empty threats as I saw it. I dont see how they could fine you or even verify you recieved it and even if you did if you answered truthfully or not.

With that said I completed it and sent it back. Its just like the census, they are just looking to see the production, size, etc. of farms in America
I also got my second one, like you the first went in the trash and I am not sure this one will not follow.
I'd throw it away too. They cant prove in any way, shape or form that you ever received it to begin with. Now had it been sent Certified Mail, that's different. They can track that.
What does it hurt you to fill it out. The information they are asking for isnt all that personal or anything.

Just about everybody on here is always complaining about the farm subsidies and other government problems and how they dont know what is really going on, or the real status of the American rancher/farmer, then when they (Government) ask you dont want to tell them!

Whats up with that? :roll:
I agree with 3MR. I filled mine out, figured it was like a census. Perhaps if the government realizes how many of us there are they might see us as an important block of voters.
I got one too. I don't think I will fill it out. If you look it has nothing to do with the USDA it actually said nass on it and aren't they the ones wanting us to do premisis registration. and livestock identification.
I put the first one in the round file. Just received the second one and haven't filed it yet. One of the first questions asked about how much gov subsidy money I received from what programs = none. Made me think they didn't need my info after that. They had my address close enough for me to get the thing but they have me in the wrong county.
NASS, National Agriculture Statistic Service. They are part of the USDA.
fit2btied":bj384152 said:
I put the first one in the round file. Just received the second one and haven't filed it yet. One of the first questions asked about how much gov subsidy money I received from what programs = none. Made me think they didn't need my info after that. They had my address close enough for me to get the thing but they have me in the wrong county.

My point exactly. I hear everybody complaining on here all the time about who got what gov subsidy and if it was fair or not. Im not saying they shouldt be able to find out some of this on there own; but seems to me they want to know if the guy with 2 acres and one cow is getting a P/U bed load of money every year.

If you guys dont fill them out, then I dont expect to hear any complaining about subsidies, you will have become part of the problem.

Am I own a soapbox, he!! yeah. We got a problem thats got to be fixed and its not going to get fixed until the beauracrats have proof, in B/W and $ of the actual extent of the problem.

Do I like giving the Gov information. He11 NO. Anybody around me will etest to that. I drive our clerk crazy telling her its none of the Army's business when they want certain info from me and I refuse to give it, But sometimes, just sometimes, there really is a need for the information they are asking for.

The farm bill is due for a overhaul and if we dont give them an accurate picture of what is going on, good and bad then we are just going to get more of the same garbage. Its just like a cow/calf operation. Garbage in = Garbage out. I would like at least a little improvment myself, even as hard as that is going to be with special interest and lobby groups.
we had a lady come to the house to fill out a huge form - this is a agricultural census -

we have to tell the powers that be how much money it takes to raise the food for the country - if we don't tell them how on earth are they ever going to know
they don't know that it takes $19,000 in propane to keep chickens from freezing for 7 weeks (profit went out the door :mad: ) - if I don't tell them - who will

as far as the subsidy info -
you receive that from lots of different agencies - don't assume they talk to each other because as an ex federal employee I can assure you that they don't (can't for same reason you can't find out what your neighbor receives)
I've got one waiting on me, too.. First one went in the trash, but they sent another. They say the information is confidential and only used by the NASS division of USDA, but I read somewhere not long ago that other parts of USDA were mining data from NASS -- which is illegal, according to their own rules..

I'll try to post a link, if I can find it again..

Personally, I've got a sneaky suspicion that it could be used to issue premises IDs for NAIS to make the plan look as though it's gaining support..

Then again, I'm paranoid. :lol:
The Goverment has been doing this census since at least the late 1800's... Sort of a national defense thing ... Want to know the country resources...Happens one every 5 or 10 years...can not remenber which...As far as ID taging cattle I think it will not be long if you wish to sale them, they will have to be taged...(for the record I am against the ideal)
The only information that you are required by law to provide is the census. Alot of the other surveys that are sent out say you are required by law to fill them out, but that is just BS. If you don't want to fill it out, don't, they can't make you.
I usually get phone surveys asking how many cows, acres of this crop or that crop, I have. The last one was for cattle. I simply responded by asking the SLB "and how much money do you have in the bank".
Her responce was "I don't think that is any of your business".
I stated "So why is it any of your business how many cows I have?" and hung up.
We filled it out after the second one came in the mail. They called me and asked me what our two places are valued at because they said I left it blank.After getting a little irritated with the lady, I gave her a diminished value.
Carefully place it in the burn barrel and strike a match. It is a back door attempt to gather information for NAIS and probably the IRS as well.Z
MillIronQH":rx52ja0v said:
Carefully place it in the burn barrel and strike a match. It is a back door attempt to gather information for NAIS and probably the IRS as well.Z

I thought them Black Helicopters did all that stuff?
Crowderfarms":giu736sg said:
MillIronQH":giu736sg said:
Carefully place it in the burn barrel and strike a match. It is a back door attempt to gather information for NAIS and probably the IRS as well.Z

I thought them Black Helicopters did all that stuff?

You get to Washinton you'll find out that black helicopters ain't got nuthin' on a bunch of goverment bureaucrats trying to justify their jobs.Z
Do you really think they don't know what you have and you are going to hide it by not sending in the survey.
After Rita the area farm service guy came by the house with satelite photo's you could see every t post that was down, every tree that was on a fence. Heck in one picture you could see the swirl a catfish had made in the pond.
They know what you have.
Caustic Burno":2x51aq4s said:
Do you really think they don't know what you have and you are going to hide it by not sending in the survey.
After Rita the area farm service guy came by the house with satelite photo's you could see every t post that was down, every tree that was on a fence. Heck in one picture you could see the swirl a catfish had made in the pond.
They know what you have.

Ain't it the truth CB.

They raised my property taxes one year cause I built a small shed.

I asked them how they knew I had built it.

"Satellite Photos" was the answer.

Ain't technology grand? :lol:

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