I don't normally say much, but...

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Farmer Jack

Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
East Texas
I am tired of this message board. This board is being ruined by a select few older individuals who do nothing but belittle the others on here asking legitimate questions.

Sure, you all say "If you can't handle the answer don't ask the question" or "don't post a pic if you don't want our opinion". Come on people, these younger people and hobby farmers are the future of our beef industry. Why not answer questions politely instead of berating someone over something petty.

I have been a lurker on this board for several years. I normally prefer to stand in the background and just listen. But, the behavior of some of the "so called cattlemen" on this board almost make me ashamed to call myself a cattleman. I would not want my name associated with some you people. Take a step back and just observe all the rudeness. What about being polite? Do manners and being courteous go away as you get older?

I don't care how stupid the question or how bad the picture. Let's help these people, not tell them how bad or stupid something is. This is the beginner board, where some juvenile questions might be asked. HELP these people. What good are you doing by saying some of the things you do? Does it help the person by telling them there questions are stupid, telling them hobby farmers aren't worth there time , or telling them how bad their bull is?

I will always be the first one to help the younger generations and the so called hobby farmers. They make our industry tick just like the crusty, rude, full time ranchers. It takes all kinds. I remember back many years ago when I was getting started. I was helped by older cattlemen. Where would I be today if they had been rude to me. It probably would have left a bad taste in my mouth.

I don't care if this post makes you mad, makes you laugh, ruffles you feathers, or makes you call me names. I hope it makes you think about the way you treat others on this board.

So, go ahead. Call me a rookie, hobby farmer, or just laugh at me.
Dead on, Farmer Jack.

You can be the best cowboy in the world, but nobody will care what you know, until they know that you care.
good point, I think the guy or guys on this forum must also be hobby farmers because what I've noticed they sure have alot of time on their hands to be on the internet all day poking fun and downgrading the future of the industry. They sure aren't out calving and taking pics like the teens, on this board, that they belittle.
It is getting very old and I'd like to ask, some of these "TRUE'' cattlemen, 'How many cows do you have?', but I know that isn't polite, so they say.
Farmer Jack, You have the nerve to stand up and and say what some folks are discussing behind the scenes.

Got an email yesterday citing all the double standards folks use in this forum. I hadn't thought about some of them but its the truth, when you check it out in the posts.

When you work with a bunch of engineers from the north, you hear all kinds of insults thrown at farmers. Names like "poor old dirt farmer", "Cedar Hackers" hear locally, "Stupid ole fence mender" and other derogatory comments that I don't much care to hear. Then you look in here and see farmers insulting each other too.

I take pride in my heritage.
I welcome FJ - and I also challenge the originator of this thread to bring lots of opinions to the table.

I figure I will be the same and that there will be little change in what you see. I also believe this board will continue.

As for the yelping of the "right on Farmer Jack" supporters - I wait to see what they bring. Some have been here for a while yet still complain about this and that. Seems to me they have the same right to post their opinion. If someone disagrees with the post - then that originator simply has to put up with the disagreement - or bring back a constructive comment.

It would seem to me that your new found followers have as much right to be here, but they needed you Farmer Jack as the catalyst for their comments.

It is a public board and I have never been afraid to speak my piece - sometimes it is good and sometimes it is not.

If there have been "behind the scenes" complaints - that indicates a weakness in my mind - character or whatever. If the complaint is valid - bring it to the forefront - and it will be discussed.

If it is "meowing" then it can stay in the background.

Bring your coffee when you come in FJ - there is a lot of good advice here. There is also a lot of direct and pointed questioning at times. Sort the wheat from the chaff and you will learn lots.

And you can send some of your knowledge down the pipeline! Never hurts to learn a new way of doing something.


Without getting into a heated debate over this, I agree there are a select few on the boards that are a little over the top when it comes to answering questions.
I'll also agree with Bez, make your feelings known.
Those few, with one or two in mind have and will answer questions legitamately.

I would not want the bull in question in my herd. That said, many here wouldn't want my bull in theirs. I accept that. I chose to raise Longhorns and that alone is cause for many here to give me flack. I accept that also.
warpaint":1pkpm1rn said:
Without getting into a heated debate over this, I agree there are a select few on the boards that are a little over the top when it comes to answering questions.
I'll also agree with Bez, make your feelings known.
Those few, with one or two in mind have and will answer questions legitamately.

I would not want the bull in question in my herd. That said, many here wouldn't want my bull in theirs. I accept that. I chose to raise Longhorns and that alone is cause for many here to give me flack. I accept that also.


Flack? You bet. Stringy, useless crappy animals - unfortunately they cross well with most British, eat nothing and usually pencil out well in harsher climates. So we are stuck with this darned useless, horn growing, stringy, polka dotted creature. 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bez!":1dco4lcj said:
I welcome FJ - amd also challenge the originator of this thread to bring lots of opinions to the table.

I figure I will be the same and that there will be little change in what you see. I also believe this board will continue.

As for the yelping of the "right on Farmer Jack" supporters - I wait to see what they bring. Some have been here for a while yet still complain about this and that. Seems to me they have the same right to post their opinion. If someone disagrees with the post - then that originator simply has to put up with the disagreement - or bring back a constructive comment.

It would seem to me that your new found followers have as much right to be here, but they needed you Farmer Jack as the catalyst for their comments.

It is a public board and I have never been afraid to speak my piece - sometimes it is good and sometimes it is not.

If there has been "behind the scenes" complaints - that indicates a weakness in my mind - character or whatever. If the complaint is valid - bring it to the forefront - and it will be discussed.

If it is "meowing" then it can stay in the background.

Bring your coffee when you come in FJ - there is a lot of good advice here. There is also a lot of direct and pointed questioning at times. Sort the wheat from the chaff and you will learn lots.

And you can send some of your knowledge down the pipeline! Never hurts to learn a new way of doing something.



No spin needed. Differing opinions are perfectly fine. The problem is how people present them.
MikeC":xam4war5 said:
This is now an "ARGUMENT" about "ARGUING". Too funny.

Yep! But that was all in fun the way I see it. No belittling, just a little needed humor.
Bez!":112jycsh said:
warpaint":112jycsh said:
Without getting into a heated debate over this, I agree there are a select few on the boards that are a little over the top when it comes to answering questions.
I'll also agree with Bez, make your feelings known.
Those few, with one or two in mind have and will answer questions legitamately.

I would not want the bull in question in my herd. That said, many here wouldn't want my bull in theirs. I accept that. I chose to raise Longhorns and that alone is cause for many here to give me flack. I accept that also.


Flack? You bet. Stringy, useless crappy animals - unfortunately they cross well with most British, eat nothing and usually pencil out well in harsher climates. So we are stuck with this darned useless, horn growing, stringy, polka dotted creature. 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


There is a WORLD of difference between the popularized, historic rangy Longhorns of the 19th and early 20th century and the "quality" Longhorns of today. Numerous websites out there displaying quality, well-fed, good-bodied Longhorns...all for the "clicking on" ... No, Longhorns will never be the "same" as the English and Continental breeds...they were never intended to be the same.

Of the dozens of different cattle breeds in the world, each breed has its function and place in the scheme of things and in the balance of nature and commerce...

On the other hand...I'll stick with our Longhorns. And, enjoy a $3500 sale of a cow we paid $750 for. And, we've had more than one sale with similar results... Yes, we have "broke even" on a couple too... ;-)
You had better watch out all of these internet cattlemen who think the more posts you have the better the cattleman you are arent going to like your opinions. When you ask them about there experience or there operation the wont say a word but yet have time to make 1800 posts on here.
Running Arrow Bill":3mfw7csx said:
Bez!":3mfw7csx said:
warpaint":3mfw7csx said:
Without getting into a heated debate over this, I agree there are a select few on the boards that are a little over the top when it comes to answering questions.
I'll also agree with Bez, make your feelings known.
Those few, with one or two in mind have and will answer questions legitamately.

I would not want the bull in question in my herd. That said, many here wouldn't want my bull in theirs. I accept that. I chose to raise Longhorns and that alone is cause for many here to give me flack. I accept that also.


Flack? You bet. Stringy, useless crappy animals - unfortunately they cross well with most British, eat nothing and usually pencil out well in harsher climates. So we are stuck with this darned useless, horn growing, stringy, polka dotted creature. 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


There is a WORLD of difference between the popularized, historic rangy Longhorns of the 19th and early 20th century and the "quality" Longhorns of today. Numerous websites out there displaying quality, well-fed, good-bodied Longhorns...all for the "clicking on" ... No, Longhorns will never be the "same" as the English and Continental breeds...they were never intended to be the same.

Of the dozens of different cattle breeds in the world, each breed has its function and place in the scheme of things and in the balance of nature and commerce...

On the other hand...I'll stick with our Longhorns. And, enjoy a $3500 sale of a cow we paid $750 for. And, we've had more than one sale with similar results... Yes, we have "broke even" on a couple too... ;-)

Well, I never got that for any of my Brit / LH crosses - but I can say they tasted like they were worth it! :lol:

lakading":37u3zy52 said:
Bez!":37u3zy52 said:
I welcome FJ - amd also challenge the originator of this thread to bring lots of opinions to the table.

I figure I will be the same and that there will be little change in what you see. I also believe this board will continue.

As for the yelping of the "right on Farmer Jack" supporters - I wait to see what they bring. Some have been here for a while yet still complain about this and that. Seems to me they have the same right to post their opinion. If someone disagrees with the post - then that originator simply has to put up with the disagreement - or bring back a constructive comment.

It would seem to me that your new found followers have as much right to be here, but they needed you Farmer Jack as the catalyst for their comments.

It is a public board and I have never been afraid to speak my piece - sometimes it is good and sometimes it is not.

If there has been "behind the scenes" complaints - that indicates a weakness in my mind - character or whatever. If the complaint is valid - bring it to the forefront - and it will be discussed.

If it is "meowing" then it can stay in the background.

Bring your coffee when you come in FJ - there is a lot of good advice here. There is also a lot of direct and pointed questioning at times. Sort the wheat from the chaff and you will learn lots.

And you can send some of your knowledge down the pipeline! Never hurts to learn a new way of doing something.



No spin needed. Differing opinions are perfectly fine. The problem is how people present them.

Spin? What spin?

As for presentation - beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Do not like the heat - leave the kitchen. Or jump in and add your own fuel to the fire.

Oops..sorry T&S.

Guess I'm guilty of making too many posts. Was just grabbing a quick cup of coffee while boiling some water to unthaw the darn Mirafont, so I guess I'll post another one now.

In all seriousness though, in the winter, especially calving time, there's often enough slack time in between checking and daily chores to fart around on the boards.

Sure does make the winters go by faster, what with all the visiting here and information to glean through. Was going to work with the colts again today, but darn mercury in the thermometer dropped sometime between my midnight check and two thirty this morning...and after painting the kitchen last night into the wee hours of the morning don't really feel up to dealing with the bronchy one today. ;-)

Personally, seems that if folks just follow the Golden Rule about 'doing unto others as you would have others do unto you' then folks get along pretty well.

Take care.
T&S Ranch":2lpum95g said:
You had better watch out all of these internet cattlemen who think the more posts you have the better the cattleman you are arent going to like your opinions. When you ask them about there experience or there operation the wont say a word but yet have time to make 1800 posts on here.

I for one - and possibly a whole bunch of others could not disagree more.

You see, I know a fair bit about the posters you might be hinting about - I am simply unable to comment due to my having promised to say nothing.

But there are many who as blunt as they are - will give out info that works. They just present the info in their own "special" way.

So if you are a weak dick looking for trouble - then as with any board - there is always someone who will take up the challenge. If you are prepared to add to the board - it is always welcome - and, it is rare to see someone like this get jumped on.

Otherwise sort the info out - there is a lot of good stuff out there. Justra matter of getting by the personalities - no different than anywhere else.

Some people are rude. Some people are polite. Sometimes polite people say rude things. You have learn to avoid rudeness. But if a newbie got 30 cents less a pound for his calves because nobody told how bad his bull was , how rude would that be? Be kind.

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