How people live in city vs country

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In the city, there are also far too many people, so there is not so much gossip or a busy rumour mill.

Even in larger towns, seems everybody knows someone who knows something, when someone passes, it usually only takes 24hrs and your being told all about them.......that kinda thing just does not happen in the city.

There are some real nice people too, of course.......

Some of the nicest country people i knew were on over 10000 acres decades they just wanted good company....not the rumours and dirt etc....I think mobiles phones and internet has changed that kind of isolation.
greggy said:
Well I come from the city and moved to country....we are not far from a town.

I find the country people all want to know your business and stick noses into everything....many pretend to be friendly but are not, there also is an intense jealosy with some especially those in town who find out your from the city or live on acres.

So, it is more about those who have money and white collar....who look down on others many times, blue collar areas in the city you get no neighbor trouble, people have money in some country areas....and like those in the city....they seem to like trouble.

That is a geralisation, but that is my observation.....

My observation would be the exact opposite.
greggy said:
Which part ? or all of it ?
Pretty much all of it. I am living around the most friendly, helpful, supportive people I have ever known. They mind their own business and could care less who you are and what you have. About a month after we moved here someone past away. We got a call that said you might not have known her but you are part of the community now. There will be a gathering at the community center. They reached out to make us part of the community. That day and other times too.
I guess it depends on where one lives. I have experienced a mix. You couldn't pay me to live in an urban area, but I visit relatives in Louisville sometimes, and they live where the houses are close. I will have to say that it's a different feel. I've never heard them say anything negative about their neighbors, and they don't seem to care what their neighbors do. They're not running to the window ever time they hear a sound to check on the neighbor's activity, and the neighbors return the favor. They just don't care, and it's a feeling I absorb even as a visitor.

On the other hand, country neighbors I've experienced are super friendly and helpful, but they do like to keep up with everybody's business.
Ryder said:
Some country and small town folks if they can't keep up with everybody's business they will just make it up.
I said "some", not "all".

That's true too. If someone has an accident, for example, there will be 20 versions of how and why it happened.
To me there is a huge difference between city and country. And there are a lot of people who live in conditions that are somewhere in between. The city is basically almost nothing but buildings. It may be areas with individual houses generally on small lots. But row after row of houses. In between the lots get bigger. Houses get spread out more, some into areas where every house is on 5 or 10 acres. These people often think they live in the country because they have a few acres. But to me that is not really country, it is suburbia. To me country the smallest lots are 100 acres or more. The nearest neighbor is a quarter mile away. Then there is really rural. These areas often have thousands of acres owned by one family. And it can be multiple miles to the nearest neighbor. There are huge differences in the people who live in all those areas. That is speaking in generalizations but how they think, what they do day to day, and how they interact with other people is just different.

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