Here we go again

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Jan 16, 2006
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I got the call from her mother. First degree felony. 5 to 99 years. 11 ounces in the house she was in when they kicked in the door. The entire family is devastated beyond description.

Her mother is having breathing issues. She did not want to be alone so she spent the night here at the house with me and the grandsons. What do we tell them?

My daughter finally called me about 4 in the afternoon Friday. I told her that her mother was having anxiety and breathing issues. The phone call lasted an entire 14 seconds. I was with friends. Tears were shed. I couldn't help it when I began to wonder what I was going to tell the boys. They still don't know.

This garbage has gone on 10 years now. This time around I refuse to spent a single cent on attorneys, bail - anything. I aint even going to take one single trip to the big house so that the boys can see her.

Those two grandsons are absolutely my sons now. They're mine to raise and I could not love them anymore than if they were my own. I have had them both since birth anyway.

I can't sleep. I can't believe I raised this daughter.
Don't lift one finger to help her out. That's where we are at with my brother now. Knowing full well we will get the call you did or the other one that I'm some ways would be a relief.
As for the kids, when the time is right tell them the truth.
Boogie you and yours are in our prayers. Tough spot for your family. The daughter made her bed she needs to have to sleep in it.Honesty is the best with the grandsons, tempered with kindness.
Well the way I see it you can't give up. You are the only one she has, and deep down she knows this. Maybe this time will be the time she figures it out and stays clean?? All you can do is hope and pray she gets well. Good Luck, and God Bless your family.
I sure hate to hear this. There are some situations that the only thing you can do is give it to the Lord. You're all in my prayers.

larryshoat":3uchk3dd said:
I sure hate to hear this. There are some situations that the only thing you can do is give it to the Lord. You're all in my prayers.

Ditto that....Prayers your way
Boogie it could be that completely steering clear of any of it and just raising the boys would be the best help you can give her.
Prayers for you and the boys ol Buddy.

Bad things happen to good people. I know you don't deserve this. Wish there was something I could do to help. At least your grandkids will be taken care of.
I'm very sorry to hear that backhoe. My condolences to you and your family. I'll keep you in my prayers
Calman":2i5sco0j said:
Boogie it could be that completely steering clear of any of it and just raising the boys would be the best help you can give her.
Prayers for you and the boys ol Buddy.

:nod: Especially if she has done this repeatedly, those boys don't need that kind of influence in their lives. As difficult and ruthless as it may be Boogie, walk away.....
Ouch... I can kind of relate to it though as we're going through it with a family member now and we share custody of a little boy with his great-grandmother. One day when he was struggling to understand why he was in trouble for stealing money and lying about it I sat him down and explained in detail why his mom was always in jail and that we were hard on him because we were trying to keep him out of jail. His additude has been a complete turnaround and the last time his mom was out of jail he told her he didn't want to be around her. He said he knew she was lying when she said she would quit and people that lie are wrong. :clap: Way to go kid.
God Bless you for taking care of those kids but don't tiptoe around to much... They may grow up thinking that her behavior, not only the drugs but the whole drug culture, are okay if they don't get the message that it's wrong.
Best of luck with it all and don't give her an inch.
Sorry you and those boys have to go through this. I have agree with the others, tough as it may be your daughter made her choice. Best thing you can do is show those boys a loving family and a proper upbringing, in my experience those are the kids that appreciate it the most. Love, trust and honesty go a long way in mending broken families. Best wishes to you, hope all turns well for you.
Your in our prayers . I have a sister that did pretty much the same thing . My parents have custody of her youngest the other 3 live with their dad . She had to hit rock bottom and spend time in jail . She has been there a year and is getting out soon . It has put 10 years on my moms face . The stress is tough . I hope things turn in your favor soon ..
Dang it Boogie, sorry to hear this. I'm pretty much echoing what most have said. Be honest with those boys, another lesson they'll learn about right and wrong.

Don't beat yourself up about it. You've done this before, helped her out, helped her to get back on the right track. Not your fault, she made her choices, now she has to deal with the consequences of those choices. The best thing you can do is be strong for those grand kids, and love them and be truthful without being hurtful.

Saying a prayer for you and your family for strength and peace.
