Guru Crowder

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congrats crowder... keep on posting..

Wow, way to go Crowder! A real live Tennessee Guru! What will they come up with next? Maybe a Kentucky Guru? I guess that means the two of you could ride to the Guru gatherings together, huh? Aren't you excited?
Congragulations Crowder Farms Guru. Keep up the good posts. I really enjoy the information that you put out.
Yall' are a great bunch of Folks. I want to thank each and every one of you, for sharing your knowledge about what can be one of the toughest occupations in the world. Ranching and Farming. I've learned a tremendous amount from you all. I want to thank Macon, as well for having this site, and putting up with all of us. And yes CB, my puter can count to 21, but not much higher. Texan, what exactly was that supposed to mean?
My wife even took me to Hooters for lunch yesterday.Wish yall had been there.She even paid. :shock: