Can anyone tell me where to buy used highway guardrail for cattle pens?<p><p><p><br>
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
<br>(User Above)":345oc6f8 said:: Can anyone tell me where to buy used highway guardrail for cattle pens?<br>The best place is to call the local hwy dept,city county or state and ask if they have some.In our area they contract the jobs out so you need to get the contractors number.In the Crossville,Tn area we pay $1.00/ft for used rail and $5.00/post.We have to weld 2 ft on the post to make it 8 ft long.We have used alot of it and are putting up 4000ft this spring. If I can help with any ideas on putting it up give me a holler at [email protected]<p><p>
CowCop":1fy78kfo said:I watched the auction too and was impressed with the guardrails.
Stacked 3 high with space inbetween each.
New facility.
Did you see Bull # 300 go for $240,000 ?
Your making me hungry!probably this most awesome of all is that he is the all time highest ultrasounding bull for marbling---scanned a 9.57 which is at the highest level of prime while having the fifth largest ribeye of the 600 yearling bulls scanned at Stevenson-Basin. To my knowledge he is the first bull with a marbling epd over 1.0 (most are something like 0.4) and his is 1.02---