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9 ER":2129vxj5 said:
Those that don't need to shouln't
Thats a good point. Does Todd or Craig or any other person who ripped Earl really need the exemptions? If not, then why take it? Because its available and keeps money in their pockets would be my guess. No difference in Earl looking for a grant because they might be available and it will keep money in her pocket.

Some dont think that there is any difference. Some do

Earl was taking a beating and will probable be afraid to post anything again. I dont mind getting ripped. I'm a coach. I get yelled at about my decisions and opionions all the time.

I just figured up the property tax we would have to pay based on commercial valuation of our property. We would have to take the profit from selling 120 calves JUST to pay the property taxes :shock: There is no way our property could support that many cattle, let alone enough for us to show a profit after paying that tax rate. That is why there is an agriculture valuation. Otherwise, at the rate most counties tax land, you would have to start out independently wealthy just to have enough land for a decent herd.
If I remember right the cutoff for Ag valuation is 10 acres. The reason being that taxing entities consider acreage smaller than that to be too small for a viable agricultural enterprise. I'm sure there are exceptions such as if the tract had a historical use for ag going back a given number of years.
El_Putzo":1bjioyg1 said:
Caustic Burno":1bjioyg1 said:
Looks like a good liberal,conservative discussion.
Some earn some take away. Few more liberal cattlemen won't be anybody left to raise stock be to busy trying to get grants to hire someone to do it for them.

Poor money managers way in.

I didn't know there was such a thing as a liberal cattle farmer?!? That's an oxymoron isn't it.

I thought all farmers were conservative? At least the ones that have been farming very long anyways. All the ones I know are, and that's quite a few. :D

I didn't either until you read this thread. Looks like the Gimme boys are movin in.
Tod Dague":1oi71np9 said:
9 ER":1oi71np9 said:
I'm a coach.

Now I see why you have a problem with property tax exemptions. What is the matter, want a new stadium?
How is this, I have to pay property tax to fund the local school system even though my wife and I home school our children. I pay for all our learning material out of my pocket. But my children will be better off for it. At least my children will be taught to be self sufficient. If there was a voucher system I could decide as to whether or not I wanted to receive the voucher.
Once you decide to take government money (which was yours and now is theirs ) you won't be able to decide what learning material to buy. The voucher system imo is another way to get more people on the take.
ollie":253so1sc said:
Tod Dague":253so1sc said:
9 ER":253so1sc said:
I'm a coach.

Now I see why you have a problem with property tax exemptions. What is the matter, want a new stadium?
How is this, I have to pay property tax to fund the local school system even though my wife and I home school our children. I pay for all our learning material out of my pocket. But my children will be better off for it. At least my children will be taught to be self sufficient. If there was a voucher system I could decide as to whether or not I wanted to receive the voucher.
Once you decide to take government money (which was yours and now is theirs ) you won't be able to decide what learning material to buy. The voucher system imo is another way to get more people on the take.

I agree. I wouldn't want to be under the Gov. thumb, but I would at least like to be able to say no. It would be nice for those who have to (or want to) use the public school system to be able to decide what school they wanted to use. Many won't move but at least they have the opportunity at a better school. Nothing spawns improvement like having to compete for your money.
how many of you cattlemen stood in line a couple of years ago to collect money for each head of beef cattle you owned? how come grain farmers make millions from gov handouts each year. how come some farmers get gov ponds anytime they want. how come anbody who was in the twin towers gets millions( they took that risk on their own to make big bucks) how come people from other countries like india get 5000 to come to usa & start a buisiness with no tax paid for 5 yrs. how come we pour billions into iraq when it is a no win situation. how come we pay billions to every country that has any little problem. how come we pay for better housing for people in other countries & we have homeless that can't find a job. all with your & my money answer these & then tell me why earl can't have a small grant to help get a good honest job on a farm where kids will will be taught abought nature & working & not out stealing or raping your daughter. that's only a starter for me boys, just answer me these
Jerry , I think you need to do the Howard Dean scream after a post like that......YEAAAAAAAAA.
Haven't got in on this but I can honestly say I have never recieved any type government subsidy (sp). As far as all the other programs you mentioned I feel they are wrong also. Why did the American people need to pay for the people in the Twin Towers this was an act of war. What made them any different than any other causilty of war. It was a shame it happened. Talk to me when you are willing to compensate our military men and women on the same basis for putting their lives in harms way for us.

Get off your lazy butt and earn it. This is a great country and you can accomplish what ever you have the drive to.
Good Job with that last post of yours Jerry.

Don't get the wrong idea about me. I'm as conservative as they come. I grew up on a farm. Fourth generation farming family. I've spent many years around farmers bitching about welfare and government handouts, etc... But yet, I don't know single farmer (one who actually does it for a living) that hasn't recieved a government subsidy, government guaranteed loan, low interest government subsidized loan, etc... at one time or another. They scream independence, until dissaster strikes.

Personally I believe that you should only get what you earn, but if there is grant money available someone please PM me with the info.

I'm trying to expand my operation, purchase some more land for more grass. While I'm at it I might as well get a few more cows too. I could use the grant. I won't go broke, and I'll use our tax dollars wisely. Good luck with the search for the grant, and I'm serious about PM ing me if it is available. I'll certainly take some. God knows I've paid many hundreds of thousands in "Income" Tax (this happens when you make a profit).

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Coaches stink.

Whats wrong Scotty? Are you still mad about being cut from the team? At least you got to go to band camp!

Todd, Get off your high horse and wake up. You are one of those guys that think you are better than everyone, aren't you. Put away your silver spoon before you choke on it. If you dont like the way things are run, then do something about it and stop complaining. "Poor me, I've gotta pay taxas. boo hoo" If you want to be a politicion, then run for office. If you want to be a farmer, farm. If it was up to you nobody would pay taxes. Are you guys politicians or farmers? If you dont like the way things are in the good ol USA, then do something about it or get the hell out.

Nobody here on govt money. I earn my money and I dont like the fact that I cant keep it all, but that is the way it is. Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrate. Dont know and dont care. Our govt aint perfect, but I support it!
9er, you been hanging around the kids too long. I don't see Todd as being the silver spoon type. If he is how does his good fortune change your life. Lets keep the argument straitforward and say you are for government handouts and he is against them. If your going to accuse then have something to back it up. It would also be fair for the man to be here when your doing it.
oh no, the posse is coming. I better run for the hills. :lol:

I never said that I was for govt handouts. I'm not. What I said was.
All I'm saying is those who use the system(govt help....federal, state, or local ) should not criticize others that try

9er, you been hanging around the kids too long
Explain please

And sorry Todd, I'll call you next time and ask you to log-on.
Man reading this thing here has made me nearly want to blow my stack!!! After I get through puking!!! Free money, free money. BS!!!! That money comes from us that works for it. Hello out there...governemnt money is OUR money!! Just becasue they waste it in other ways doesnt mean we should all stick our hand out for a share. Didnt yall ever learn that about just becasue everybody else does wrong doesnt make it right??? Your upbringing must have been a heck of alot different than mine

Ranchers are least for now(dont know how long it will stay that way with the welfare attitude some of you have got)....yeah theres some that take handouts. But ranchers dont need to go the way of the sodbuster farmers and the dairymen...they have turned themselves into nothing more than a hard working welfare class...just waiting on the next price support or goverment program to keep em business one more year!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
tapeworm":35shb08l said:
Man reading this thing here has made me nearly want to blow my stack!!! After I get through puking!!! Free money, free money. BS!!!! That money comes from us that works for it. Hello out there...governemnt money is OUR money!! Just becasue they waste it in other ways doesnt mean we should all stick our hand out for a share. Didnt yall ever learn that about just becasue everybody else does wrong doesnt make it right??? Your upbringing must have been a heck of alot different than mine

Ranchers are least for now(dont know how long it will stay that way with the welfare attitude some of you have got)....yeah theres some that take handouts. But ranchers dont need to go the way of the sodbuster farmers and the dairymen...they have turned themselves into nothing more than a hard working welfare class...just waiting on the next price support or goverment program to keep em business one more year!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Tapeworm if you keep throwing BS flags like this when its needed, we might have to sign you up as an auxilary member of the Posse.
tapeworm":2s7cdwfj said:
Ranchers are least for now(dont know how long it will stay that way with the welfare attitude some of you have got)....yeah theres some that take handouts. But ranchers dont need to go the way of the sodbuster farmers and the dairymen...they have turned themselves into nothing more than a hard working welfare class...just waiting on the next price support or goverment program to keep em business one more year!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

How are Ranchers different? Many are farmers also. Ranchers consume the products that these "welfare farmers" are producing. These government price supports help keep your grain prices lower.

I admire the idealism that some of you share, however it only makes good business sense to take advantage of each financial opportunity that presents itself.

9 ER":3h73vs03 said:
Todd, Get off your high horse and wake up.
Here is what I mean by saying you've been around the kids too long.....childish
9ER":3h73vs03 said:
You are one of those guys that think you are better than everyone
9ER":3h73vs03 said:
Put away your silver spoon before you choke on it.

9ER":3h73vs03 said:
If you dont like the way things are run, then do something about it and stop complaining.
so you want him to do something about it? Just not voice his opinion or you'll say he is silver spoon crowd.
Just express your opinion with out being immature. If you are for government handouts have the guts to stand up and say so. Be a man about it and have your own opinion not whimper and criticise Todd for having his.

Lastly , no you never said you were for government handouts or well fare or what ever you want to call it but then a dalmation never told me he was spotted .... I can see the spots.
SF":24fxoa3j said:
tapeworm":24fxoa3j said:
Ranchers are least for now(dont know how long it will stay that way with the welfare attitude some of you have got)....yeah theres some that take handouts. But ranchers dont need to go the way of the sodbuster farmers and the dairymen...they have turned themselves into nothing more than a hard working welfare class...just waiting on the next price support or goverment program to keep em business one more year!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

How are Ranchers different? Many are farmers also. Ranchers consume the products that these "welfare farmers" are producing. These government price supports help keep your grain prices lower.

I admire the idealism that some of you share, however it only makes good business sense to take advantage of each financial opportunity that presents itself.

You say how are ranchers different????? If you have to ask that question it tells me one thing for a fact---you are not a rancher.
How do you figure price supports keep feedgrain prices lower??? Does support=lower??? Support to my thinking means a floor.....where did you go to school??? Seems to me that if the farmers welfare system is really working and it is supporting feedgrain prices then I am having to pay more because of either its not working and I support a failed program with my taxes or else its working against me. Either way I lose so they can stay in business one more year :mad:

And you dont have to go on just admiring the idealism that some of us can be part of it...if your not already to cozy in the welfare class
Never considered myself to be on the dole but I must be.
When I do improvments working with NRCS they reimburse me part of my costs. I alwasy figured I was just getting back some of the tax money I've paid. Oh yeah, I did collect my couple of bucks a head for the cows a few years ago too. Now I'm a deadbeat.

dun":nnl9q7uo said:
Never considered myself to be on the dole but I must be.
When I do improvments working with NRCS they reimburse me part of my costs. I alwasy figured I was just getting back some of the tax money I've paid. Oh yeah, I did collect my couple of bucks a head for the cows a few years ago too. Now I'm a deadbeat.


:lol: :lol:

I must be too

:lol: :lol:
Thank you for your honesty Dun. You are still highly respected in my book. Others are afraid or too proud to speak the truth.

ollie, be a man and have my own opinion? Am I jumping on the bandwagon and saying "yea,yea, me too, me too"? I dont think so.

What is there to back up? I gave my opinion and I stand by it. You dont have to like it, thats why God also gave you the right have one as well. Am I supposed to prove that the posse have never accepted any type of aid(handout)? That is the basis of the argument here.

Come on ollie, I give my opinion and get attacked(which is fine), and I then I attack back, and I'm childish?
so you want him to do something about it? Just not voice his opinion or you'll say he is silver spoon crowd.

I voiced my opionion and was labled as as a person who is stupid and living on govt handouts. Why didn't you come to my defence then? Is it because I have a diff opinion than yours?