Giant hornets in tree

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2014
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Pisgah, Alabama
Got stung a couple of weeks ago while mowing. Not sure if it's the Asian variety or European. Super large and the most painful sting I've ever gotten ! Wasp and hornet spray didn't seem to faze them . Went tonight and tried the old liquid method but all it seemed to do was stir them up ! They are about 8-10 ft in a hole going into a hollow tree . Anyone have any suggestions ?
Got stung a couple of weeks ago while mowing. Not sure if it's the Asian variety or European. Super large and the most painful sting I've ever gotten ! Wasp and hornet spray didn't seem to faze them . Went tonight and tried the old liquid method but all it seemed to do was stir them up ! They are about 8-10 ft in a hole going into a hollow tree . Anyone have any suggestions ?

Yeah, call your extension agent. If that doesn't work call the nearest university and talk to an entymology professor, or at least someone in the Biology Department. If that doesn't work call the CDC at (800-232-4636).

And if nothing gets any action, call the biggest press outlet anywhere close to you.

And I'd mention to each of these suggestions, when you call them, that you will be calling the press and telling them which agencies ignored your call.

F**k... I hope it's not the damn murder hornets.
Be careful whatever you do. I had some africanized killer bees under a wood feed trough I had built that had tires under it for legs. They were in the tire and on the wood. They got after me and the dog one day and chased us into the pickup. I was stung about 10 times, the dog about 20. It scared the crap out of me. It was fascinating but scary watching them attack the truck with us in it.
A couple days later I got the cab tractor over there with a pallet on the forks. On the pallet was one coffee filled with gasoline, in another can was a small fire made with sticks and toilet paper. I dumped it on the trough and watched the excitement. I had to drive that tractor about a half a mile before it was safe to get out.
Before I finally surrendered tonight they were coming after my flashlight . So I retreated to my truck and pulled up shining my headlights on the tree . Huge swarm and they were hitting my truck , especially the headlights. May try again tomorrow night , no light and more liquid persuasion. May carry a match .
Before I finally surrendered tonight they were coming after my flashlight . So I retreated to my truck and pulled up shining my headlights on the tree . Huge swarm and they were hitting my truck , especially the headlights. May try again tomorrow night , no light and more liquid persuasion. May carry a match .

Get someone out there that can check them out. You DON"T want them to move until they are identified. You don't want them to spread. Have a little patience and give the people that can deal with them properly a chance.
I haven't seen too much on killer bees since Steve Canyon left Idaho Springs but I do know the best time to go after wasps is
at night when they are all home. A good lethal dose of spray or flame will usually end the problem for that location.
Used to 'pizza up' there back in the day when I was a downhiller. Talk about swinging on a star,,,,,
Probably bald face hornets. I've heard the best time to spray the nest is early morning. They're still inactive and you can see what you're doing. WD-40 helps alleviate the pain if you get stung.
not sure if this is available in your area or what is in it but by far and away the best bee spray I have ever used. I try not to breathe when I use it, it is scary how fast it kills them. Hose the tree down good with it and thats the end of that.

At night those European hornets will come out to a light and swarm FYI.


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When I was little I took a Walnut and center a hornets nest and took off running as fast as I could. One hunted me down and nailed me in the back. Be very careful around them.
Fence has a set of big boy pants he let me borrow to get rid of mine last year. I found a spray that I have yet to see any bee survive it's spectrum like above but it's the professional kind itin a white can and I can only find it at Lowes. It flat out works, I do agree with travlr get them identified fore they scatter. Even if it's just on the internet.
Would permethrin work. Its cheap and kills really fast. Last year i disturbed a nest of paper wasps and the little buggers got me good. I keep a little pump hand sprayer mixed up of permethrin as it doesnt go off. I pump it so it shoots a good distance and within minutes they're all dead. But these wasps are mild and not agressive unless disturbed. We used to get huge orange hornets that killed those big huntsman spiders and you'd see them dragging them away. But they've all disappeared now.
Got stung a couple of weeks ago while mowing. Not sure if it's the Asian variety or European. Super large and the most painful sting I've ever gotten ! Wasp and hornet spray didn't seem to faze them . Went tonight and tried the old liquid method but all it seemed to do was stir them up ! They are about 8-10 ft in a hole going into a hollow tree . Anyone have any suggestions ?
Do you have a picture of these Giant Hornets? You said wasp and hornet spray didn't faze them. I have to agree - get an expert out there to look at them before you kill them or let them move. Sum-theng' aint right.
not sure if this is available in your area or what is in it but by far and away the best bee spray I have ever used. I try not to breathe when I use it, it is scary how fast it kills them. Hose the tree down good with it and thats the end of that.

At night those European hornets will come out to a light and swarm FYI.
I sprayed a whole can at the hole as they entered and left and it didn't touch them !
Golden color - Japanese hornets. They nest in cavities. Black and white: baldfaced hornets - typical paper nest shaped with a wider top and pointy end.
I sprayed a whole can at the hole as they entered and left and it didn't touch them !
It's not killing them because it's not touching them. Without knowing how large the hole is or how far back they're going, it's tough to say what will work best. Either try the foaming type of wasp/hornet spray, or fill the hole with powdered Sevin.

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