Dug a grave this morning

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2009
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Central Texas
Had to put my little friend down ( toy fox terrier ) you sure do get attached to them, has been a bad morning,. Held him in my arms as he let go, sure make a grown man cry, He has gotten old and his little heart gave out on him, could not let him suffer and hang on a little while longer suffering , dug a grave in the flower bed , he always liked to go there to heist his leg.. :cboy: :cry2:
I have a 16 year old rat terrier who I am almost there with. I am so sorry for your loss.

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of all its beautiful colors.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows,
hills and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who were sick, hurt or in pain are made whole again.
There is only one thing missing,
they are not with their special person who loved them so much on earth.
So each day they run and play until the day comes
when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!
The nose twitches! The ears are up!
The eyes are staring and this one runs from the group!
You have been seen and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him in your arms and hug him.
He licks and kisses your face again and again -
and you look once more into the eyes of your best friend and trusting
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together never again to be apart.
My son and I had to put down our 15-year-old golden retriever a couple of years ago. There were tears around the house for days. My son insisted on digging the grave by himself under a shade tree in the pasture.

I am sorry for your loss.
I understand! Sorry for your loss. I have owned quite a few terriers in my life the little dogs are just special in my book.
My old JRT she has cancer, she still has the heart to go. She spends more time riding in the seat beside me versus running in front of the Mule now.
I'm so sorry! Letting them go is the hardest thing but the only thing you can do. I'm still not over finally saying goodbye to my Lab last April but I held him until his last breath - and all the way home from the vet.
Sorry to hear that. I too like to have a small terrier to run along with the working dog. I buried my min foxie at 18 years of age a couple of years ago, she was with me from the start on the farm. I have a Jack Russell now with my Kelpie and she is showing the same loyal traits.

Gone but never forgotten. Bought my wife a pembroke corgi when we were first married. Damn dog decided i was her best friend and was wherever i was. When i was in the house she was under whatever room i was in. Never listened to anyone but i just had to gesture and she obeyed. At 12 she got cancer and it had spread. She couldn't walk so the time came, wife took her to vet to put down, i just couldn't. In the past i have shot them myself. Kids cried for about a month but now they love recalling stories and adventures we had together.
Fell ur pain just had to put down my 16 year old dog last week. Had joy of shoveling 2 feet of snow before digging frozen dirt. Added insult to injury I suppose. Can't live forever but you sure do get used to them being around!
I've had to put several down over time. Definitely not easy on the heart strings.

Escaped one situation where she got out of her pen while we were on vacation and got hit on the highway while searching for me. Finding that wasn't any easier since she deserve better than that too. Still fondly remember them all.

Got another now that will be bittersweet when he gos. Stubborn little pita... but he's still "family".
🐕🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💐💐💐💐💐💐🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 The flowerbed sounds like a perfect place to remember him. Maybe plant a tree or shurb in his memory. It will take time to get use to him not being around. Sorry about your little friend. 🤗
Well I dug another grave this morning ,had to put my 14 year collie to sleep. I have found a toy fox terrier puppy that will be brought home in 8 weeks. Sure don't like making these decisions but he was in pain. We had been many a mile together he rode in the truck bed every where we went. Lots of memories. :cry2: :cboy:
We lost a dear friend recently, it is very hard if they are close to you and a real friend.

Some people do not understand this, and some that have had many will know there are some more special than others for whatever reason.

2 that close is not good, the new one is sure to be spoilt....

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