Dirt Dauber Problems

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Walls are bad enough, how about inside equipment openings? I haven;t found anything that will keep the cursed things away. If you spray enough pretethrin aorund to discourage them they just find another even more trouble causing spot to do their deed.
dun":1bpoxe05 said:
Walls are bad enough, how about inside equipment openings? I haven;t found anything that will keep the cursed things away. If you spray enough pretethrin aorund to discourage them they just find another even more trouble causing spot to do their deed.

You're right Dun. At my place seems their preferred place to deposit mud is in the quick disconnect air hose ends. A real pain to clean their mess out. Don't seem to like grease since they stay away from my grease gun hoses.
Cowdirt":d5f5eh3f said:
At my place seems their preferred place to deposit mud is in the quick disconnect air hose ends.

I thought I had that problem whipped. I put them in plastic bags in a drawer. My mistake, even the bags had some in them.
Had a bad problem in my shop, which is about 20 x 40 feet. I got 2 of those automatic spritzers like they use in restaurants for fly control, and put one at each end. I think they spray pyrethrin or something like that every 15 minutes or so. Seems to have really cleaned them out.
I have posted this before but here goes again. Paint your garage walls and ceiling sky blue and you will have no more daubers. Hard to believe but after years of plastered walls, we painted last fall and this summer not one dauber built on the ceiling or walls.
My Dad thompson water sealed under his carport and we noticed there nest don't stick very well with the water proofer. You can hit a post with a hammer and they all fall off.
I put grease in the air holes of all my air tools to keep daubers out.

I guess you could cover a whole wall with grease? :lol:
Green Creek":9iaj2o1d said:
I have posted this before but here goes again. Paint your garage walls and ceiling sky blue and you will have no more daubers. Hard to believe but after years of plastered walls, we painted last fall and this summer not one dauber built on the ceiling or walls.

This is true for red wasp as well, painted the trim on the house blue not one wasp nest .
Caustic Burno":34ucco4u said:
Green Creek":34ucco4u said:
I have posted this before but here goes again. Paint your garage walls and ceiling sky blue and you will have no more daubers. Hard to believe but after years of plastered walls, we painted last fall and this summer not one dauber built on the ceiling or walls.

This is true for red wasp as well, painted the trim on the house blue not one wasp nest .

Hmmmm, wonder if it would work for Yellow Jackets and Hornets. Thanks guys! :)
It might work to give them an alternate spot to nest, fill a short piece of4 in pvc pipe with straws put a cap on one end and put it somewhere where water cannot get into the open end.
Never ending problem for me. I've had em nest in my A/C and keep the fan from running. Had em mud a stack on one of my tractors too. It didn't sound right, whistling like, then it blew the whole wod out. Gratefull I didn't bend a push rod or something. I try and stay on top of em now.
I always heard hanging little bags of moth balls around keeps dirt daubers and wasps away. Put a few mothballs in bags made out of pantyhose and hang them.