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Putin, Queen Elizabeth, and Biden all died and went to he!!, The Devil greeted them and asked if they needed anything. Putin said he'd like to call Russia. The devil said sure, that will cost $5000 for 5 minutes. Putin thinks that's kinda high but agrees.
Queen Elizabeth says she would like to call England. The devil said sure that will be $11,000. Queen Elizabeth says that's kinda high. The devil reminds her that she's got the money so it's gonna cost.
When Queen Elizabeth hangs up Biden takes the phone, calls the U.S. and talks for 4.5 hrs! When he finally hangs up the devil says " that will be $4.95" . Putin and Queen Elizabeth are furious. "Why was that so cheap? " The devil says that's easy; the U.S. Is already in he!! It's a local call.
From a guy I dated in High School:

Say you're out cuttin grass on your riding mower. You know what the difference is between a hornet and a small piece of a limb flying down your shirt and stopping just inside your ol belly button? Nothing. Not One. Damn. Thing. Between the roar of the mower, the sweat stinging your eyes, Bocephus blaring on your headphones and the anxiousness of the moment, there's no way to tell you ain't about to get your sphincter stung through your belly button. So you do the only logical thing you can think of. You dance. Nah, I don't mean like Fred and Ginger, I mean like one of those nasty girls at the club that'll do anything (except cut your stinkin grass) for $50 bucks. You spin around in your seat, throw your legs in the air and beat yourself like you stole something. You'd probably rip your shirt off if it wasn't tucked into your britches tighter than an elephant into an ant hill. In which case you'd try to Hulk Hogan the damn thing, only to find out you're wearing one of those reinforced crew neck tee shirts that your loving wife got ya and you can't cut them with a ginsu, much less rip it. Besides, at this point you're too weak from doing the butt-spin hokey pokey to even think about ripping a genuine 50/50 cotton blend. That's when you realize your sphincter is worried about getting stung so it's started it's own team and is beginning to loosen its suction to the mower seat so it can escape. Problem is you gotta go with it but you now have your ankles around your ears, both hands buried down the front of your shirt and have begun to spin in your mower seat like something resembling Dorthy Hamill crossed with a dreidel being played with by a drunk monkey. As your ass breaks suction it hits you… you can fly! But only for a second cuz you know…. Gravity. One of two things is gonna happen at this point. You'll either continue your Dorthy Hamill drunk monkey hooker spin and end up somewhere between the neighbors fence and the 7th layer of hell, or you'll get incredibly lucky and use your GI Joe Kung Fu grip and grab the wheel in time to save yourself from ending up in the yard. Run over by your own mower. Again. With the neighbors having to come pull it off you. Again. I'm proud to say that this time I got lucky and saved it. Other than dislocating both hips, leaving my finger nails in the steering wheel, stretching the haggard hell out of my best mowing shirt and being a little embarrassed by the sounds I may or may not have made, I'm none worse for the wear. But next time I'm gonna take my damn chances and pull that piece of stick out of my belly button AFTER I get off the freaking mower. Now where is my tequila mug?
I referenced FW Owen's Owenlea Farms page in a discussion on pasture water systems, but he wrote some fairly amusing things on the long-defunct Graze-L and grazersedge email discussion lists back in the 1990s. The following came during a discussion thread on the dangerousness of dairy bulls:

Subject: Beef bulls may be OK

I don't see any problem with beef bulls running with dairy herds. They don't
seem dangerous to me. But I have to admit that I have had only one close
encounter with a beef bull.

It worked out like this:
A few years back, we were heavily into embryo transfer.
......We got so good at it that the vets got together....They actually had
me on the hot seat...in the state house in Columbus and made all kinds of
dire threats.
But before that happened, a day came when we had seven donors and over 100
recips in heat at the same time. The recips were scattered all over the
farm but the seven donors were a corner paddock. The paddock was woven wire
with one hot wire around the top.

Right in the corner of the paddock (I can see that place from my desk right
now) was a tear in the woven wire. It was rusted out there and cows had
been reaching under for decades stretching the wire.
I was just thinking about getting those donors in and dropping a couple
thousand dollars of SDW Valiant semen into them when I noticed a Hereford
bull working his way through that tear in the corner. He was from the
neighbors across the road. He was planning on breeding my seven donors.

I went roaring down the road on a 3-wheeler and got a hold of that Hereford
bull's tail before he got clear through.
I eventually got worked around with his tail over my shoulder and got my
feet planted in a woodchuck hole. He was down on his front knees and about
halfway under the fence.
We both got settled in and pulled as hard as we could pull. He never gave
up trying, which surprised me. A couple or three hours later my Dad came
along. Before he helped me, he took time to make colorful comments and even
asked if I thought I could hold on a while longer until he got back with a
That bull continued dwelling across the road. For years and years until he
died, I'd see him there, and had a fond feeling for him, because of all the
time we spent together.
Kindest regards,
F. W. Owen
Owenlea Holsteins
9430 Spencer Road
Homerville, Ohio 44235
The risks of hauling cattle with antique trucks... 106 miles round trip to the sale barn.
U joints were new a couple years ago.
Pulled the driveshaft and threw it on the bed. Shoved 'er in 4wd and made the last 5 miles or so in front wheel drive. The good thing about an old Ford with a divorced transfer case! 🤠 Cowboy up, ol son! 🤠

Good times! Good times!

A chevy would still be sitting on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. Most likely a Ford tow truck. @Chevy