Craigslist Cattle

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2006
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Yantis, Texas
In my area the folks trying to sell cattle on craigslist evidently have not got the message that cattle are not as high as 2 years ago.
Wish I knew how to do links. Look on the Richmond VA craigslist for the angus starter herd. If you search cattle in for sale it should come up. That guy is related to P T Barnum.
That's the one! It is a nice fence, I think I know how he is paying for it. Wish I had what it takes to even try to screw people like that- well not really but it would probably do wonders for the bottom line in my check book.
I posted this same thing on a Facebook group I'm on last night. You wouldn't believe the sheit storm it started, blah, blah, blah, quality, yada, yada, yada.
It's their cattle they can ask for however much they want. They'll realize sooner or later that they have them over priced. Sometimes I just feel like people bellyache about someone's prices when they should just move on to the next ad or bull or whatever and find the deal they're looking for.
They can ask what they want and I can laugh as hard as I want. That price is to high for even when we were at the highest prices.
Yes they can and yes you can. But I would go on about my business instead of poking fun and talking about them. Also some people like to bombard sellers over and over pleading and begging them to lower the price that they aren't worth the price etc... etc.. whether they are or not instead of moving on and finding other livestock priced right where the buyer feels comfortable paying.
SmokinM, If someone gets screwed buying cattle it's their own fault. Don't know of any one holding a gun to a buyers head and saying buy them for this or I'll shoot.
They still will list what they want but they will only get what they can get someone to pay them. I guess it don't hurt to try, As the saying goes A fool and his money are soon parted.
I think I have a craigslist cattle thread out there and flying its funny for us to read cause we know its ridiculous. I think you are taking this thread too personal and feelings are too involved. Maybe you posted yours and had a bad experience or something but chill out we like looking at these and having a good laugh.
Sorry if I stepped on any toes. I did have kind of a bad day yesterday or heck even this last week but not cattle related or craigslist related. Suppose I might have come on to strong just being a bit irritated from things going on in my personal life. I myself like looking at some of the ads and having a bit of a laugh too. Sometimes just don't think I should be listing it on the net or a forum laughing at others choices. I just feel if they saw it say here on the thread that they might get upset.
No biggie Flying we all have bad days I didn't take it personal and didn't want you to either as many of us including myself sell stuff on craigslist. I hope your day is better and things in your personal life get cleared up.
I comb thru craigslist almost daily. There are deals, and there are are overpriced things. Just gotta keep shopping and jump quick when something good is offered. It is a buyers market right now.