cows per bull

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i am just wondering how many cows most people run with one bull, or at what age they put the bull out with the cows.

i have a herd of about 20 f1 tigerstripes that will be ready soon. at that time, my bull will be 18 mo old but i am not sure this is the place to start him???

not sure if he can handle that many that quick.. within a months time, he will have had the chance to breed most of them.

comments welcomed,



[email protected]
Most of the time a bull can handle up to 25 heifers/cows, but to get it done in a months time will depend on the bull. If he's been around the heifer's for a while to where they know eachother would be a big plus.I'm sure it will take at least a couple of weeks to get going. If he's new at this and I assume he is it will probably take while to learn the ropes for both the heifer's and the bull. A month is probably asking for to much. Hope I helped...
i can see that my post is a little misleading... these are not heifers, but cows that the bull is run with for a set period each year, then pulled off... they calve, and then the bull is put back on them a couple of months later... thus they all calve and rebreed very close together.

these cows are very efficent and well proven, they have dropped calves like clockwork.

my concern is whether an 18-19mo old bull could handle them.


> Most of the time a bull can handle
> up to 25 heifers/cows, but to get
> it done in a months time will
> depend on the bull. If he's been
> around the heifer's for a while to
> where they know eachother would be
> a big plus.I'm sure it will take
> at least a couple of weeks to get
> going. If he's new at this and I
> assume he is it will probably take
> while to learn the ropes for both
> the heifer's and the bull. A month
> is probably asking for to much.
> Hope I helped...

[email protected]
Some folks recommend a cow per month of age up to two years old. So you're exceeding that a bit. But if he's a well grown out bull, fertile, in good shape, I would think he could handle them. How many acres he has to cover to check the cows could be a problem, too. Good luck...

> i am just wondering how many cows
> most people run with one bull, or
> at what age they put the bull out
> with the cows.

> i have a herd of about 20 f1
> tigerstripes that will be ready
> soon. at that time, my bull will
> be 18 mo old but i am not sure
> this is the place to start him???

> not sure if he can handle that
> many that quick.. within a months
> time, he will have had the chance
> to breed most of them.

> comments welcomed,

> thanks

> gene
Assuming he's good and sound, and tall enough for those big tiger stripes, give him a shot. He should be OK even if he has to clean up the following month.

> Assuming he's good and sound, and
> tall enough for those big tiger
> stripes, give him a shot. He
> should be OK even if he has to
> clean up the following month.

> Craig

I would have him tested by your vet. It's an inexpensive test. He can tell you if he is ready. I made the mistake of not having a young bull tested 2 yrs ago and I missed a yrs calf crop. That's expensive.

[email protected]

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