Computer choice?

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Dumb Old Farmer
Jan 2, 2004
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Our old Compaq is giving us problems and is getting some age on it and starting to think about a replacement. Whats everyones thoughts for a good economy computer? Looked at some HP's at Walmart that were cheap and Staples had a system for $500. Even looked at getting one built locally but $750 for a tower alone is about the going rate. Even thought about ordrering all the stuff and doing it myself but it seems a little intimidating. Any thoughts?
We bought a DELL for the house a few months ago. Seems like a very good system. Got a flat screen monitor, cd burner and all the bells and whistles for something like $550. I see their ads all the time on tv and you might look into those.
I work for Dell so I am biased, but for the prices we are offering computers for now it doesn't make much sense (to me at least) to buy the parts and assemble it yourself. With Dell you get a warranty and customer service/tech support and we ARE the only major computer manufacturer still building systems in the US.
Dell computer's are the only kind that I own. I have 1 in my office, two in the house, and two lap tops. Have never had any problems with any of them. All were built just how I wanted them. When the time comes to replace any of them, it will be with another Dell.
The only problem I've had with Dells was trying to upgrade one for a friend without going through Dell for the new BIOS

I bought a Dell for my office about a year ago.. it's been good, never had any problems with it. It's one of the "returned or refurbished" systems, and they are cheaper than the ones on sale.

About five months ago I ordered another one for the house, and it was a nightmare. I had problems with the video card.. called and called, never could get a technician on the phone that I could understand I ended up sending it back and had to fight with Dell for months because they wanted me to pay for it. (I sent it back within 10 days)

I ordered a Sony laptop online, and it's a GREAT computer! I really like it.. it was a good price, and as an added bonus, it's the same brand as my digital camera, so I can take the memory stick from the digital, insert it directly into the computer, and download the pictures in seconds.
I've had a Dell laptop for about a year ( one of the specials that Cole Cattle talked about ) and it's been great. Can't speak about the service, haven't had to call anyone about anything but it works very well.

My 3rd or 4th computer in about 10 years....bummer.

Current one is an HP that crashed seriously about year ago. Took it to the local computer guru's shop. He put new drive & key components back in it and it's still working good so far. If this one crashes, I'll take it to dump and buy another one... Incidentally, I tried to get assistance from HP on this one (before I had the guru put new innards in it)--to no avail...their "help" was worthless and got royal runaround.

Agree...all those computer people, and other "help" people (e.g., credit card companies) all seem to employ people that spoke a combination of broken English and Brooklyn English...too fast, too chirpy, and you name it.

The next one I have to get am considering a Dell. Then, it it breaks it would have been cheap enough to toss without loosing too much. We have to have a good reliable system here due to our 2 websites, e-commerce, and lot of business & dealing over e-mail and internet.
We've got a Dell and been very pleased with it- We had one crash with it which was quickly taken care of by their service agreement and warranty- and thats important for me when your computer illiterate and live in the boonies........With most companies it takes them half the day to figure out where Montana is and then the other half to figure out where I live.....
What are your opinions on desktop vs laptop? I have been thinking that if I need to replace my desktop that I may like a laptop better.
CKC1586":3eq7i7za said:
What are your opinions on desktop vs laptop? I have been thinking that if I need to replace my desktop that I may like a laptop better.

You can set up a wireless network and use a laptop anywhere in the broadcast reach of the router. This could be outside depending on the transmisson strength and location of the wireless router.
The only part about a laptop that I don't like is the key board. They're much better now then the old "chicklet" keyboards, but to me they're still just a bit too cramped for easy typing.

CKC1586":3k2j4mzl said:
So do you have both the desktop and laptop or just the laptop? Do you have more "technical" trouble with the laptop?

If this is aimed at me, I have both, actually several desk tops. The laptops and the desktops both are about the same for problems. The laptop is about 7 years old and was a gee whiz barn burner for a laptop when I got it. It seems pretty slow now. Desk tops are just generally easier to upgrade then laptops.

Thanks Dun. I have much to learn in the computer arena. Sure do miss having an ITT. Before I retired I thought I was pretty good at operating a computer, I had our tech help me with purchasing the home system I have and for the most part I do fairly well, but tons of stuff I don't unerstand. It was nice to be able to just tell her what I was trying to do and she would show me. Rarely a day goes by that I don't learn a lesson on this thing.
Our computer is a custom remanufactured unit. We purchased it from a place called "Computer Renaissance." It was less than $600 and included a printer etc. It was supposed to have as much memory and speed as you could get in a home computer at the time. Of course it is now obsolete etc.