Cold front

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2003
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MO Ozarks
Well the long awaited cold front is apparently rolling in. It was supposed to get to 90 today, we topped out at 104. But with the cold fropnt the temp has plummeted 6 degrees in the past 1 1/2 hours. Just about the same time frame that the temp normally starts to go down for the day. So much for the weather liars hitting the predictions. Maybe it's just slow getting here, but I'm not holding my breath.

We are waiting for that same cold front. Around here it has been about 95 the last three days but with a good breeze today that made it not so bad.

Kentucky is considered a Southern state but the only time I remember it over 100 was in 1983. I notice it is often cooler here than in New York City on the morning news.

We had a very dry June and fell 7 inches below normal but have been blessed in July with above normal rain.

Our cows spend the day in deep hollows where water trickles over little waterfalls into pools. I watched them climb the hill tonight to a stock tank on a ridge with their tongues hanging out and felt sorry for them. I read these posts about hot and dry weather to the west and wonder how you are coping. Is anyone being forced to sell early and has it affected your market? Here's hoping you get some cooler damper weather.
It's been close to or over 100 here for so many days I've lost count. At 1:30 this morning I looked out and it was 92. It's 68 right now. And raining. Real good rain too. First one we've had since 3/4" on June 8th.
Our cold front is comming in with the tornado and thunderstorms and hail tonight. 70 rest of the week. Now that is more like it. :lol:
Cold front rolled through last night. No rain, but a nice cool day in low 70's with some drizzle. Grass is all brown back to mid 90's plus later, GOING TO THE MOUNTAINS!!!
supposed to be here tomorrow... me and the cows are ready for some cooler weather and i hope it brings some water with it. my grass is mighty thirsty again.

It was the in the low 70s here today and supposed to be again tomorrow. Bout to have to start putting out hay if we dont get some of that liquid stuff that falls out of the sky. I cant even remember whats its called now.
The cold front came through. Lowered the temps in to the low 60s over night. All of the promised rain turned out to be .24 inches. Hardly seems worth while

dun":21zxxaxv said:
The cold front came through. Lowered the temps in to the low 60s over night. All of the promised rain turned out to be .24 inches. Hardly seems worth while


We managed 6 tenths in North Dallas Co
rbell":11awspkc said:
dun":11awspkc said:
The cold front came through. Lowered the temps in to the low 60s over night. All of the promised rain turned out to be .24 inches. Hardly seems worth while


We managed 6 tenths in North Dallas Co

Must feel like a flood!

How is the hay situation? I know there have to be some places that got enough rain and no freeze so that they have hay for sale, just none in this immediate area.

Well that cold front did show up yesterday and gave us 2 inches of very much appreciated rain. It also cooled things down alot. The cows and calves must have liked it to because they were all playful and having a good time beating up their hay bales.
i dont want to hear it. today i went to the salebarn just to see what was going on and when i got back in my car the thermostat said 111. after i cranked up and moved around some it did lower to 100 so that was nice. should have bald butted calves running around any day now from heat stress. that is if they ever come out of the pond.
Sugar Creek":2cjdskpz said:
I read these posts about hot and dry weather to the west and wonder how you are coping. Is anyone being forced to sell early and has it affected your market? Here's hoping you get some cooler damper weather.

Friday's sale at Torrington Livestock is comprised of 3000 head of stocker steers that several people around here are being forced to sell because their grass has burned up. The last 3-4 weeks has been almost constant high 90's to mid - high 100's (I think the highest was 110 or maybe 113) - many days the temps are approaching 100 by 10:00 AM. Too darned hot to even breath, much less do anything. It isn't even cooling off at night lately. Finally starts getting cool enough to sleep about 11, 12 at night. It's been miserable!!
58 degrees this morning. I ran the heater in the truck. Felt good.
Dun, checking in from SW Texas county. 1/2 inch of rain early Wednesday, couple limbs blown down. We missed the first round of storms that some got. I guess last Monday when we were out of town we got 1 3/4 inches of rain! Least that was what was in the gage unless the neighbor boy who was watching the place for us filled it up to play a trick on me. It's actually looking green here. Was foggy early this morning but it's burnt off now. Nice temp. of right around 60 degrees.

Regarding hay, I had to buy this year as due to the late cold snap and lack of rain I only cut 1/3 of what I got off this place last year. I paid $20 for large round bales delivered. Good looking fescue. Got a feeling it's gonna be going up over the winter so I got more than I figured I may need. Some folks just 20-30 miles in either direction of me got good cuttings this year. The rain in our area was hit and miss, we missed.

Gonna mow the yard today for only the second time in at least 6 weeks.


Why would you run the heater in the truck at 58 degrees? It was 51 here this morning. I was driving with the window down and the tee shirt on. It felt great. West wind blowing hard this morning bring in that nice cool ocean air off the north Pacific.

Dave, I can't answer for Ollie but when you have had a spell of daytime highs up near 100 and the overnight "lows" have been in the 70's then 50 something feels downright cold! I started out this morning in a long sleeve t-shirt.

It feels downright good still this morning around here. I think we had a low of 68. Had two 2-inch rains within a week and things are greening up again. Sure is a blessing.

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