Children in the kitchen

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Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
Today it seems you don't see too many children learning how to cook in the kitchen anymore. Years ago mothers would take their children under their wing and teach them to make delectable treats like sugar cookies, brownies and homemade biscuits with plenty of lard and heaps of butter so they would rise properly.


Now with so many people embracing the vegan life style children don't seem to be interested in helping in the kitchen and learning the art of cooking. Can Spicy Tofu Extraordinaire be that unappealing or is it just children today have too many other things to occupy themselves with? Just wondering.

That gif is to funny.

All the young couples I know live off restaurant food and microwavable-able stuff. Don't know of many vegetarians in my area. By the same token I used to see lots of dads throwing a ball of some sort to their kids. Don't see much of that either.
My daughter was two when she started cooking eggs by herself. The problem was that she slipped off and tried to do it on her own ALL the time. I had to take the knobs off the stove.
Shes 17 now and is a great cook and really enjoys it.
It was very worth the extra time and effort it took to include her in the kitchen when young.

She was dangerous as a kid- if she ever saw you do something she was determined to do it all by herself. I have an iron whole burnt in my carpet(behind the couch) to forever remember her by. BTW her dolls dress came out beautiful.
Dead eye has been baking and cooking for several years. Almost all meals are a team effort from growing to plating. Being that he's almost 15 and eats 24/7, a lot of mornings we wake up and it looks like a 5 course meal was made in the middle of the night. We needs to work on his cleaning skills
I have a co-worker that has twin 13 year old boys. He said that teaching them to cook was the worse thing he ever did. He said he has to hide the groceries to keep anything to eat in the house. :shock:
Our son cooked for a living for two years, one of his first jobs. He already knew some from home and learned a lot more. Not flipping burgers, either, a real small town restaurant so he cooked good cuts of steak, pounded out pork tenderloins fresh every day, fish, fried chicken, etc. Now, if he cooks dinner -- his wife will do the cleanup for him. Even if she's not home for dinner, she'll do it when she gets home from work. Does he return the favor when she cooks? No. She spoils him.

Everybody should know basic cooking. It's a survival skill and a budget saver. You can throw together a good meal cheaper than fast food. It tastes better and is healthier too.
Jogeephus":dl3qdh7t said:
Today it seems you don't see too many children learning how to cook in the kitchen anymore. Years ago mothers would take their children under their wing and teach them to make delectable treats like sugar cookies, brownies and homemade biscuits with plenty of lard and heaps of butter so they would rise properly.
My mother was a terrible cook, I learned to cook in self defense. My sister cooks just like my mother did, horrible. My MIL was the same way, unless you could sole a shoe with the meat it wasn;t done. I cook most the time now, sometimes it's 50:50. Started that deal when my wife was in college at night and I was working regular hours. She had time to scoot home and eat and get back to night school. Truth be told, most of the time I prefer my cooking to hers.
My wife is a great cook and homemaker because her mom made her and her sister take on a lot of responsibility at a pretty young age. My wife and I are already raising ours the same way, inside and outside of the house. Just simply the way IMO things should be. Seems like now a days a lot these kids don't learn much till they get to college age, and that's way too late, a lot of them are too deep in the lazy disease by that point to snap out of it. Society and bad parenting is raising a bunch of Zombies
I found out today if you don't introduce a kitten to both wet food and dry kibble by 14 weeks,it will never learn to eat them. Makes me wonder if the same is true of humans.
Taught my kids to cook simple things,pot roast,ground beef with macroni,chicken and rice.. I'd always cut the bell peppers and onions,such in big chunks.. "Ok,just pick them out,the chickens will eat it" Then a few years later my son calls up.. "Mom this doesn't taste right" Me "Did you put bell peppers&onion in it?" "No.." "There's your problem" :lol2:
Us kids going in the kitchen while the adults were cooking was a good way to get a willow limb across our butts and legs. Just wasn't allowed.

I did eventually learn to cook tho, and do most of it nowadays. Had no choice, being a single parent with 4 younguns to feed.
First off, Hook, I can't believe that Dead eye is almost 15. I still think of him as a little kid. Yikes!

Funny funny gig Jogeephus!

All 5 of our children were pretty good cooks by the time they were preteens. They worked a lot of 4-H concession stands and fundraisers. They all enjoy cooking and one of our sons is a pastry chef at a 4 star restaurant. Sometimes our second oldest daughter will send me a text and say that she is doing dinner for the night or brunch on a weekend. She and her sister (our youngest) get busy in the kitchen together and turn out a great meal.

Like Dead eye, their clean up skills are not the best. But doing things as a family is worth the mess : )

Our oldest daughter is teaching her children to cook also. Our oldest grand child is 6 and loves to bake.

So many people do not cook at home, or if they do, the food is frozen or mostly pre-made so all they do is heat it up. Years ago, a co-worker of my husband's complained that his wife had to drive around the Sonic parking lot for over 20 minutes before she could park and order dinner. They also did not own any silverware (all plastic) and used paper plates all of the time.