Caviar (fish eggs)

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Jul 11, 2005
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Not sure if I spelled it right.... but I met a man last night, who has "Fish Farms" across the world to harvest caviar(fish eggs). I have never tried it, and don't plan to, it really doesn't interest me (ick). This man also raises beef cattle, from cow/calf to finish.

Interesting info he told me - not sure how accurate it is - just taking his word on it -- But he can sell all the pieces from a 20ish pound of sturgeon for more $ than a 1400+# finished animal!

It is an interesting world we live in!

I have some friends who are commercial fishermen on the Columbia. Every now and then they get a season for sturgeon. I want to say they get $6.00 a pound??? Which wouldn't make more than a finished steer. But a 20 pounder isn't even big enough to be a legal keeper. One big enough to get caviar is more like a 100 pounder or more.
I was talking to chef from europe and he said the russian mofia controls the caviear market ????---any way I tryed those fish eggs once -dont want them again, had a mouthful of those little balls hard to swallow and hard to spit out

Yeah these are Beluga Sturgeon.... he also said that 1.2 pounds of feed puts on 1 pound of gain! How'd we like those kinds of returns!!
I've read some articles on the caviar market in Russia and as Carlos found out it is run by the mafia. They have lots of poachers who work for them netting the fish. There have been Beluga sturgeon caught that were ten feet long and weighed 2000 pounds. That's alot of fish, but what the mafia wants is the fish roe. I don't have any idea how many pounds of roe could be gotten for a one ton fish.

Michele, the fella you met must be a fish farmer or something if he is talking about rate of gain in weight. Beluga sturgeons are getting harder and harder to find in the wild and farms are springing up to raise them. Can't be to bad if the caviar sells for $100 plus an ounce.

I hear that the canadian government has released a few sturgeon in the assiniboine river ( about a mile away from here) apparently they use to be there-- my wifes great grandfather caught one ( mentioned in his diarys)--I think it was pretty big --but then it was a fish story :D anyway mabey they need colder water to survive
