Calves not gaining weight

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Nov 17, 2014
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Hi! Not sure if this is the right board or not but here goes. We have a bull that just turned a year old in October. At every show he's been to, we're always told he's too lean. Anytime we try to increase his feed (16% - corn, oats, cottonseed hulls, etc.) he gets scours and it takes several days of almost no feed and just hay to get over it. After the state fair at the first of October we ended up giving him boluses because he wouldn't eat after we came home and he had a wheeze. Since that time, we've struggled with keeping him on a regular schedule of feed because of scours. It's come and gone for the last month. We provide hay all day and a mineral block and feed in the morning and again in the evening. He also eats extremely fast. Do any of you have any suggestions of what I can do?
I'm no feed expert by any stretch, however internal parasites could be something to check (deworm him), but perhaps he's unusually susceptible to acidosis? Maybe there is some sort of an antacid available?

Welcome to CT, hopefully someone else has some better ideas and will speak up :)
Have you tried a normal bull ration at about 12% protein . It sounds like he just cannot handle the higher protein , they do not necessarily need a high protein ration to gain . They just need an adequate amount of energy and protein, plus the proper roughage . What kind of hay are you feeding him perhaps it is to high in protein.

I am sure there will be more on her that can chime lots of help and info .
Sorry , but I have never had a problem with a bull gaining weight (touch wood) I do know that the show feed regiments can be extremely hard on them and any little thing that is off can wreak havoc on some of them.
Make sure he is well wormed, a stool culture could be in order. But all show cattle I include probios as a top dress. ALWAYS. It is normal for them to get the runs from stress and the extra feed. But you have to rule out bacteria or parasites also.
The probios help a lot.

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