anyone here have arterial fibrillation..Afib?

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Jul 5, 2012
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Copperas Cove Tx
Had my 2nd or 3rd episode of Afib last weekend and spent 2 days in the hospital getting it settled down and back into sinus rhythm. (no heart attack, just sudden onset of high pulse rate and low BP) I have a consult coming up with another cardiologist to see if a procedure called cardiac ablation is right for me. I've had it explained to me by my primary cardiologist and have researched it so I know 'what' it is, just wondering if anyone has had experience with it..good or not so good?
Two relatives and a good friend have had ablations and it has fixed them up. Think they will keep you in hospital overnight but not too difficult for patient. Think the worst is will be some discomfort in your groin for a few days, where they insert the scope/instrument into your artery.
Neighbor had to have it done twice to get him fixed up. He is in his late 70's and going strong. If I remember correctly he had to wear some type of heart monitor for a while.
greybeard":2ayc5j0l said:
Had my 2nd or 3rd episode of Afib last weekend and spent 2 days in the hospital getting it settled down and back into sinus rhythm. (no heart attack, just sudden onset of high pulse rate and low BP) I have a consult coming up with another cardiologist to see if a procedure called cardiac ablation is right for me. I've had it explained to me by my primary cardiologist and have researched it so I know 'what' it is, just wondering if anyone has had experience with it..good or not so good?

This guy right here has it... they had to hit me with paddles a few times to get it right then been on meds ever since dr. said i was youngest patient he had with it. Call or Text me if you got detailed questions that you don't want to be out in the open.
What I'm reading here has been what I've heard elsewhere..that it often doesn't work the first time.
Got a whole slew of tests in the next few weeks to ensure there is nothing else going on, but ablation appears to be the plan going forward and if that doesn't work, then a pacemaker of some kind..
GB The ablation was the 2nd option for me cardioversion I think is what mine was called was when they put me to sleep and put the paddles on me. Is there a reason they don't try that first?
I've had it since I was 35, now 70. Mine is controlled well with 2 meds, Digoxin & Flecainide. Good luck to you, I hope it turns out well for you.
I have had an ablation procedure done about 5 years ago. In my case, I was experiencing PVC's (Pre-Ventricular Conractions..sp?) where it would feel like my heart was skipping a beat but in reality was actually adding one! This is caused when both the bottom part and the top part of your heart beat at the same time (instead of that two-stage rhythm that is normal). It freaks you out a little because it feels like you miss a beat and them "Bam" it hits hard... it was OK for a while but when you have a run of PVC's, it can get your attention really quick! In my case, it was a electrical problem telling my heart to mis-fire... a simple ablation and I haven't experienced one since. As stated above, about the only discomfort was in my groin where they ran the scope up. I was in and out the same day. I might also add that in my case, they had to locate the bundle that was the cause so they fired me up with adrenaline (I don't recommend that!) and they located it pretty quickly!
Yes, an intermittent electrical problem and we all know how hard they are to nail down..on anything. As one diagnosis said a few months ago.."Mr. Y has an irregularly irregular heartbeat". :bang: :bang:
I'm on blood thinners of course because they're concerned about clots and stroke, and am diabetic. Had a quad bypass a few years ago and recent stress over the flood, my brother's health (terminal cancer and then he had a heart attack himself on Sept 28, caused by a failed 23 year old stint..fixed now) and I was worried about him and my most recent Afib began the night they did his stent work.

I won't know much more until the scans are all done and the consultation..the only options they've mentioned are ablation and pacemaker.

Not sure why anyone would need to wear a'll sure notice when it happens.

I take 9 different pills/day already and a couple of them twice/day..I really didn't want to have to start taking some new ones...The only good thing to come of my health problems is a change in diet and get lots of exercise. Went from size 40 jeans in Nov back down to size 36 now and I better not forget to put a belt on either. From 260 to 210 now. Kinda embarrassed to admit it, but I ride a real bicycle everyday I can, 3-7 miles or walk 3 miles on a treadmill if it's raining. Don't take me long to ride that route on the bike either..the skeeters and horseflies make sure I don't slow down. Wife rides her's with me and the 2 dogs trot along beside us the whole way.
I appreciate the input!!
The largest commercial cattle operator in Robertson County is a close friend. When we first met, we found out we were both 1950 babies. He and I are on the County Cattle Association together. His son is the Agriculture teacher at the high school. His other son died of a congenital heart condition. It was EXTREMELY difficult for he and his wife and other son. Then Bud found out he had a problem with his atrioventricular node. They cauterized it. The procedure was successful and I never see him that he is not smiling. One of those truly great gentleman.

Good luck GB. BTW: you are also a 1950 baby.
Husband has Afib and keeps it relatively under control with Sotalol (Betapace) and Xarelto. He's had a couple heart catheterizations but not the ablation, both involve a catheter in the groin. The couldn't stop the bleeding the first time, had to stay overnight and ended up with his entire leg black & blue. Make darn sure you discontinue your blood thinners, aspirin, vitamins, fish oil, herbal teas & all anti inflammatories a week prior to surgery. Best of luck!
A good friend of ours has had the ablation procedure done, and she is very happy with it, excellent results.

A very dear friend of ours has A-Fib which is managed, quite well, with medication; Atenelol and low-dose Aspirin (81 mgs) 1X daily. He had been on Digoxin for the first 4 or 5 years after diagnosis, his cardiologist stopped the Digoxin. He also takes Furosemide (Lasix-"water-pill") to reduce fluid retention and Meloxicam (to prevent gout flare-ups) once a day.

My BIL also has A-Fib, and his too is well managed with medication.
skyhightree1":qcohe6oj said:
GB...I take metoprolol or whatever its called 50 mg per day
Same here--it's generic Toprol.
Was also on Clopidigrel..Plavix generic, but she took me off it Wed and put me on Zarelto.
In the mix every day:
Atorvastatin (generic Lipitor)
Metformin (a glucophage for diabetes)
Furosemide (generic Lasix.)
Zarelto--no generic for it yet. supposedly the latest greatest thinner and clot preventer.
Losartan (generic Cozaar)
81mg aspirin. over the counter supplement but prescribed for almost anyone taking Lasix or Lipitor.
Bydureon--a belly injection I take once/week for diabetes. I detest this the most.
Amiodarone (generic Cardrone/Pacerone) ..supposed to keep my heart in rhythm.
greybeard":16r4v547 said:
skyhightree1":16r4v547 said:
GB...I take metoprolol or whatever its called 50 mg per day
Same here--it's generic Toprol.
Was also on Clopidigrel..Plavix generic, but she took me off it Wed and put me on Zarelto.
In the mix every day:
Atorvastatin (generic Lipitor)
Metformin (a glucophage for diabetes)
Furosemide (generic Lasix.)
Zarelto--no generic for it yet. supposedly the latest greatest thinner and clot preventer.
Losartan (generic Cozaar)
81mg aspirin. over the counter supplement but prescribed for almost anyone taking Lasix or Lipitor.
Bydureon--a belly injection I take once/week for diabetes. I detest this the most.
Amiodarone (generic Cardrone/Pacerone) ..supposed to keep my heart in rhythm.

I can see why you wouldn't want to have to take any more meds.

Looking at this list though, with the Atrial Fibrillation, you're already on a couple of the meds that's prescribed for it anyhow. Perhaps with the ablation, there won't necessarily be an additional meds.

Good luck with it all. I think you've been through enough already!

As for the biking nd walking.....good for you! Its good for you and can be relaxing and enjoyable. :)
greybeard":3l6arbsi said:
skyhightree1":3l6arbsi said:
GB...I take metoprolol or whatever its called 50 mg per day
Same here--it's generic Toprol.
Was also on Clopidigrel..Plavix generic, but she took me off it Wed and put me on Zarelto.
In the mix every day:
Atorvastatin (generic Lipitor)
Metformin (a glucophage for diabetes)
Furosemide (generic Lasix.)
Zarelto--no generic for it yet. supposedly the latest greatest thinner and clot preventer.
Losartan (generic Cozaar)
81mg aspirin. over the counter supplement but prescribed for almost anyone taking Lasix or Lipitor.
Bydureon--a belly injection I take once/week for diabetes. I detest this the most.
Amiodarone (generic Cardrone/Pacerone) ..supposed to keep my heart in rhythm.
Xarelto is ridiculously expensive but worth it and a generic has not yet been approved. Our pharmacist somehow got it down from $365 to $30.
Side note that you probably already know but . . . if you're having an Afib episode it sometimes helps to cough, chug ice water or grunt/bear down as if you're having a major b.m. Weird, but it can sometimes "shock" the heart into a more normal rhythm.
I too take metoprolol Er succinate. I have runs of pvc's. . Cardiac ablation sure can work. Being cardiac inverted while conscious is not fun. Seems like " clean living" and age is creeping up on a few of us.
I'm not going to like this zarelto.. Mowed the lawn yesterday evening, let a little limb brush my face and left a tiny scratch on my nose. Woke up about 4am with a bloody pillow and took me 2 hours to get that little scratch to stop bleeding and only been on zarelto 2 days now. I think my barb wire fencing days are done...
I wonder if that blood stop powder I have for the cows is safe to use on humans?

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