Ellie May
Well-known member
Anonymous":340te3f7 said:Alejandro --- do you lose a lot of the young goat kids to coyotes and other predators? What sort of special precautions do you take, if any, to protect the adult goats or the kids from predators?
Do you raise straight spanish goats or do you cross with Boers?
I've read that goats are very compatible with cattle on a lot of the type of range we have in the southwest -- that you can run them through a pasture after taking the cattle out and they will clean up much of the brush, huisache, mesquite, blackberry vines, etc. that the cattle won't touch. Do you find that to be true
Thanks for any comments you care to make. Arnold Ziffle
Craig-TX":2r1n5nc0 said:No doubt that goats will clean a place up and make it look like a park. I like to see a place where the tree limbs are all even underneath and the creek bottoms are neat and clean. The main expense is fencing. If a place is not fenced for sheep or goats it costs an awful lot to get ready.
Ellie May":3ao81eph said:Hi everybody. Yes goats are easy keepers once you put up the right kinda fence. I was wondering if anybody has any ideas. We had 7 kids born last week. And 3 of the youngest died. They were nursing & looked good when I left I didn't get to check on them till today (that means one day I didn't check on them) I found 3 dead just curled up in the hay in the barn/shed. I was thinking it might of been too cold, but never had a problem with them being too cold. It was only about 40 degrees. I dunno!! The rest are bouncing around. One bad thing about living on a farm the deaths but the best thing is the births. I just LOVE to see newborns....calves, kids, lambs, foals, crias, everything.
Ellie May
MULDOON":1u2bsceo said:Didn't have much luck with the goats , One hung itself in the fence, one the horses killed , the other two ran away !! don't blame them.
Now I've had much better luck with the Barbado sheep.
Sold a couple of rams @ auction , not evan big horns ,and averaged 52 bucks!!
My big ram got sassy with my 1/4 broodmare, She kicked him in the head =dead![]()
Any body got any good recipes for barbado's???