About to get cold!

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Stocker Steve said:
No ducks here. Did they bail out early?
They were headed for B.A. Stienhagen lake this morning by the droves.
That lake has 13k wildlife acres around it, two rivers endless creeks sloughs and ponds with oak flats.
Saw a total of two wood ducks in the past two weeks. Some geese.
Rumor is the ducks left ND because the rains were too heavy. :nod:
Killing frost is forecast for late this week.
Bigger birds stage north of the border due to higher ND hunting pressure. Been there.
They usually stay until snow covers up the grain.
Then they catch a tail wind and can fly over the Dakotas.
These mule deer does are bunching up. A week ago they were traveling alone or maybe occasionally in pairs. Now I see them in groups of 10 or 12. This morning there was a bunch of 16 in the front field.