8,000 Canadian Cattle Quarantined!

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Why do we need a court of law? Our Supreme Court has already shown us that landowners are nothing but s***t on their boots.
Yes I am aware of the packers activities.
I am also aware of the Texas Transcontinental Highway which would link the US, Canada, and Mexico together and to the H*ll with those of us who oppose it. My representative in the Montana Grain Growers wasn't even aware of it. He is now.
Yes there are numerous Ag papers out there, I just thought to offer as a nice person.
Did you ever hear about the USDA inspector at the Sweet Grass Border entry? This good man died a number of years ago, but was first forced out by the USDA because he did his job. The Agri News covered the whole story. The local papers didn't even admit that what was going on.
I know the packers want the cheaper beef for their higher profit.
Come on Bez, tell me something I am not aware of yet.
You come across as very informed.
I know all of these things you have spoken of.
When I spoke of all of us standing up and fighting I did mean all of us. Both US and Canada.
I wasn't offended.
ILH as canadians we are so used to claims that we are cheating it is like white noise. there have been 14 challenges to the CWB as being unfair by US producer groups and have never lost in a hearing. Was that USDA inspector the same one who turned truck loads of hogs at sweetgrass because there was manure in the trailers and that wasn't on the bill of ladding, when US hog producers said canadians were dumping hogs in the US? US ag producers have to recognize that because the canadian dollar is 13 to 20 % lower than the US and that gives Canada a competeative advantage. I find it funny that US ag. producers say canadians are not competeing fairly, but at auction sales US buyers in canada have no problem buying for a 20 % dicount on US prices, is that not unfair to canadian producers. As for a transcontinental highway if your opposition is in the minority your not important it is called democracy. I think it is a good thing for businesses in the US it will make shipping products north and south easier.
He turned back a load of hanging beef because the temp he took on different sides of beef were not at the proper temp. He requested a vet certificate to verify that the temp was correct. The truck returned with the certificate, but when he went to look he found that the inspection tape he had put across back doors was not broken. He had to pass the truck because they had that certificate. He became a whistle blower but was told he would be transfered to another state or take early retirement. He died later from a heart attack.
SK we are the minority. Only 2% of the population farms or ranches here in the US. If we don't have the money to oppose these things we are ignored. So that highway would be great? So what is so great about the increase in drug trade? Importation of cheaper goods? That will affect you also.
I like one thing a family friend told me,
"By running the American Farmer and Rancher out of business all that they do is cut off their supply of cheap food and open us up to our enemies, but by the time they finally open their eyes to it it will be too late and we disappear."
Love that man.
Did you ever read James Herriot's books? He spelled it out in one. Same thing. By making England dependent on foriegn food they would open themselves up for an enemy country to starve them into submission in just a matter of weeks.
Cut off the food supply in the US it would take about 6 weeks, that is with no producers being around any more.
I really don't want to get into this. Actually a transcontinental high way would benefit canadian producers because our dollar is only 84 cents US today so we have a competative advantage. As for the war on drugs that was lost years ago. Play hard ball and make drug dealing a third strike death penalty offense. I am sorry to tell you but the US is already in a deficite in food already. The US farmer cannot produce enough to feed the country. How do we turn around the cheap food policy in both our countries when nobody has seen people starving to death? That is why the EU will never stop subsidizing AG. after WW #2 people starved to death in europe and people remember that and will not let it happen again.
Rangenerd. I agree that these feedmills should be shut down.Did you know that most of the feedmills are either directly or indirectly american owned. So, where is all this bse bull**** coming from? It's being trucked up here from your own plants and feedmills, thanks a lot.It seems like you have extremely poor scientists down there, or maybe they think that a shaky cow just has a nervous problem.We have seen shows on tv, where vets and other dept. of health officials have quit their jobs over the coverup of confirmed BSE cases in your country. These are quality people, of quality character. They are concerned for peoples health and not the all holy dollar that your country and it's people so relish.All through american history, you guys have been covering things up. This is just another cover up.I don't mean to come off as an american basher, as I have a lot of american relatives and friends.They are as concerned about the bse in your country as I am.They are not happy about the disregard for human health.To me it really doesn't matter if the border opens or not. The japanese are not stupid. They know that you have bse coming out your ying yang but you just can't seem to find it. Maybe we should send down some canadian or japanese scientists to help you guys out in pinpointing this problem.You had some good scientists that could find it, but they lost their jobs for some reason??????? Anyway, get your head out of the sand, have some balls, buy a microscope, and make your feedmills quit using cheap protein from ground up livestock and sending it up here.Oh yeah, don't believe everything that your government or media tell you. Have a nice day. :D
Problem is, that Common Sense has been lost! This has become a total Blame game instead of just using common sense and basic Scientific Principle to work on a solution. It's easier to blame the U.S. feedmills for the banned feed (if indeed that acusation is true) that is being fed in Cananda...by Canadians!! If it's bad fed, don't feed it...Duhhh!.....those who are can't be so stupid. The mentality of using it anyway and then blaming it on the supplier later??? Or saying that you didnt know?? Give me a break? Lets just close and keep closed our borders, North and South...both directions until we can agree on a solution, work together to solve the issues or accept our own problems as "ours" and not blame someone else. As I was reminded earlier in this post, by a wise Canadian beef producer, this is a North American problem, not individual Canandian, American problems. The same people that blame their indescretions and problems on the supplier calls another countries Scientists uneducated and "extremely poor" because they do not share the same ideas or policies! Again, Give me a break!! There is more disagreement and difference of opinion in the Scientific Community than anywhere else......period.....Fact!!! To call others stupid, or wrong for not agreeing with you.....well.....makes you "not so smart" doesn't it? I have seen on numerous occasions several different folks completing the same successful tasks in totally different ways! Acheiving the same results, doing it....their way!! Go-Figure? Watch a Criminal Court case sometime! By time one gets through listening to the Lawyers and Experts share their different opinions.....**** Son! Who is right / Who is wrong? But maybe that's the problem, too many Lawyers, "Experts" and Corruption out there. I say, lets close em all...the borders...North and South, both directions.....America, Canada and Mexico! No one else to blame and last one standing.........WINS!!!
Gary J Gale":3ebhww1x said:
I say, lets close em all...the borders...North and South, both directions.....America, Canada and Mexico! No one else to blame and last one standing.........WINS!!!

Nope , you close your borders,largest exporter and largest debtor of the world, and suffocate on your own crap.

We are opening our borders, increasing our saleability and becoming a world trade leader. We are the most trusted country in the world. ( Guess who trusts us the least ).

Most Canucks would say we've won already.

Unless you are going to come on up and kill us all. Which would be typical. ( For Gary J., not all my sane US friends here ).
Its not about freindships..freind? All of the crying and whining about (your)Canadian problems....and the blames associated with them is coming from Canada? Thats all I hear. Therfore, I say you all work it out, yourselves.... without us to blame? Fix your own issues, yourself, with a closed border!
Besides, I'll proudly eat my American beef, you can chow down on yours! While your doing that stop whining and fix your own problems instead of blaming the American!
Oh! you might try an American Steak! You'll never go back!!:)
Gary J Gale. Please proofread what you have written before you submit it.You are hard to understand.

I luv hrfds- thankyou for your comments, finally somebody that can see the big picture.

This is a NORTH AMERICAN problem. I don't like it and you don't like it. It is your US packing plants up here that are cashing in big time while you and I are playing the blame game. It seems like there are a lot of sore feelings being built up between countries and the packers are sitting back and expanding on yours and mine sweat.The only thing that they are worried about is their quarterly profits, and how to control more of the marketplace.I have to throw out a scenario to you and see what you think. Britians bse came from contaminated feed,so I guess that means that bse has to be from contaminated feed. Where do you get contaminated feed from? Feed mills and feed companies, that are looking to increase profits using a cheap protein source, namely animal parts. Now, for arguements sake, and please keep an open mind about this. Do you think that the large packers could have done a market share analysis if bse should show up in one of our countries? They could have probably figured out all this stuff that you and I are argueing about. A lot of your smaller packing plants had to shut down, leaving a much bigger piece of the pie for the big dogs. These same "big dogs" are becoming stronger (multinational) and will eventually dictate the price that you and I get for our cattle. Bse was probably the best thing that could have happened (planted) for them. It allowed them to overtake small companies and expand. Now I understand that these same big companies that we helped to build through our extremely cheap beef are setting their sights on south america, where the beef is even cheaper yet.Is our market going to go the same way as the chicken and pork industries.How many cattle ranchers have to quit or go under.Is there a solution? Does anybody have a crystal ball that can see 5-10-20 years in the future. Will we be raising cattle for these large packers, and paid a salary for our work and grass, not unlike the people in poor countries right now who are making clothes for other multinationals. Food for thought. All that I want to do is grow and improve the grass on my land, and raise the best quality beef that I can. As cattlemen this is probably what we like to do no matter what side of the border we are on. Our ties to the land and cattle are also probably why this whole bse stuff is taken so personally,and why feelings are so strong. I just hope that we can keep an open mind during all this and concentrate more on what we do best- growing grass and improving the environment on our own farm.
rainie-- The North American herd idea is the biggest joke in the country...Prior to BSE there was a Canadian cattle herd and a US cattle herd and Canadians called "ALL US cattle diseased" and had the Canadian government quarantine and restrict their movement into Canada to protect the Canadian cattle herd and the economic vitality of Canada's sheep and cattle industry--but then after the BSE outbreak in Canada closed the borders, Canadians (and the Packers) wanting to open the border to their only export market, started spouting this "North American herd" term....It won't fly to those that actually know what was going on....

Canada used a quarantine to keep Anaplas/Blue tongue out- OK--But now that we in the US want to use a quarantine to keep higher risk BSE cattle/beef from being imported and raising the risk factor to the US consumer, US cattle herd, and long term economic viability of the US cattle industry- and Canadians cry and whine about it...

But I do agree with you about the Packers aims with South America- they are spending $Billions buying ranches, feedlots, and slaughter houses there...That is why I believe we (US and Canada) need Mandatory Country of Origin, and now- before they get the access to that beef, so that we can identify our product, promote our product, and keep the Packer Mafia from importing in this cheap South American beef and passing it off to US and Canadian consumers as a US or Canadian beef...
OT quit beating the dead horse. A few years before BSE hit i was managing a 15,000 hd feedlot up here in canada. Did i seek out US buyers for my fat cattle .NO The US buyer came up here and offered 5 cents more a pound than any buyer up here and paid trucking, i had a board of directors to answer to so we sent all the fats that summer to Grand Island Neb. to be killed. A total 11000 head in one summer while that is a drop in a ocean don't dare blame canada for the intergration of the north american cattle industry blame the US packers.
The reason why canada HAD stingernt rules for BT and ana was we didn't have it up here because of our climate. Unless imported stock brought it up and isf discovered they were immediately disposed of. Why won't the US just do the right thing and adopt a simple scorched earth policy when it comes to animal diseases.
OT "1 I don't cry or whine about anything other than being taken over by a multinational company.There was a lot of american cattle brought up here before bse and as far as I know they only had to be tested for anaplasmosis/bluetongue which wasn't a big problem. It wouldn't bother me a bit if the border was closed for these high risk cattle, as you like to call them.Why don't we make this simple. If your packers want these hamburger cattle so bad why not test each one with a simple 20.00 dollar test.I would gladly pay the twenty bucks if that is what is needed. This is a NORTH AMERICAN problem, not because I want to sell beef across the border but because pretty much everything up here is american owned, the chain stores,the car companies, livestock drugs and vaccines, feedmills, some feedlots, and lastly the packing plants, along with pretty much anything else you can think of. If these feedmills and feed companies north or south of the border , ignore these feed ban regulations they should be strung up.From what I have read on these south american cattle imports, there seems to be big time health concerns.Do you really think that labelling is going to do any good? I think that the consumer north or south of the border, has a walmart philosophy. They are going to buy the cheapest cut of meat no matter where it comes from.Walmart never got to be the biggest chain store in the world just from selling only us made products. They sell products from all over the world.I read where your national traceability program has been cancelled.So if you are still in denial about having bse what is protecting your cattle herd and your consumer from any other health problems?A good website to check out is http://www.eatwild.com There are documented cases where some feedlots will feed chicken feathers,bagels,old bubble gum,newspapers,etc. to their animals as a source of fiber.Maybe that's why the consumer wants grass finished and only grass finished beef.Can't say as I blame them. If we knew what went in to a hotdog we probably wouldn't eat it either.Getting back to this border thing again it probably would be good if it was closed.We have a very good traceability program in place.I would love to nail any feedmill screwing around with the rules,and you should feel the same way.We have a good grip on this bse thing.If any more show up ,they show up. We'll find them in a heartbeat. I wonder if you can say the same for your cattle herd.
rainie- It appears you and I agree on one thing- that we shouldn't be shipping these old cattle back and forth just to please the packers...There is just too little known about the disease and the extent of it in either country to be dropping this important quarantine...And if they need the beef so bad, it should be required to be tested...

No other country in the world has dropped quarantines on live cattle and imported them after being found to have BSE- EU, UK , and Japan are still not...

And rainie, quarantines are how both the US and Canada have controlled diseases for over 150 years- and it has worked successfully...As far as Mandatory ID, I admit the US as a whole does not have one- but some areas/states of the country have ID systems that have been working for years- some further ahead than Canada's...In Montana, along with about a dozen other states- every pasture movement (across county lines) and/or change of ownership of cattle is monitored and recorded...

But as many of the mandatory ID opponents said- mandatory ID never prevented or stopped any disease, but good health restrictions, preventative measures, and quarantines did...But an ID system can make the quarantine area much smaller....

That is what we in the US want now is for the USDA to drop the rule allowing importing of old cattle from BSE countries- as a preventative measure...The same as I will challenge the proposed rule that USDA has now to allow beef products to be imported from Argentina- a country that still has Foot and Mouth Disease- (which if I was a Canadian, I'd be very concerned about- because as the laws now exist this Argentine beef will be able to relabeled as US product and sent right on thru to Canada) ....


Just what Canada needs on top of BSE-- FMD ;-) :(

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