Due to excessive birth weights on my Limousin bull, (2.4 bw epd, 76 # actual), I purchased an Angus bull to get the Limflex cross, and a lower birth weight calf. The Angus had a yearly weight of 1124 on the papers, and had been fed, but to what extent I am not sure. I have a yearling Limousin bull from the above bull, and with enough feed to make him want to the corral, his yearly weight was 780#. I know the Angus was probably fed, but 344 # adds up to a lot of cash that isn't in my pocket. My mind has several questions, and I know that one bull is not a fair comparison, but none of us want to leave cash on the table. Are Limousin later maturing than Angus? I am sure the feed quantity on the Angus was enough to put more weight on it, I weighed it on the way home when purchasing the 15 month old bull and it was around 1200. The Limousin is from good stock, the cow had her first calf, a heifer, the previous year from the same sire, (Hunts Hi-Liter lineage), that had a 9 month weight of 700. I know the Limflex cross will probably add to the weights produced, and that is the bottom line, but I still wonder if this yearling bull is average or below average. I have 5 more registered bulls from the same sire, all with birth weights of 92 to 102 pounds. I will see what their weights do this year, but I know not all of them will be good enough to sell as bulls. Having a lot of second thoughts on raising the registered animals, not sure if it worth the extra time keeping them, or if I would be ahead to sell them as commercial with the other calves. I would appreciate your advice and comments on the above, as profit is what we all hope to make.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,