Why there is not looting in Texas.

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Well-known member
May 11, 2004
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thats just to funny.but its right people will use the guns here.an put a stop to that real fast.scott
It appears to me like they are telling the truth.
Nothing worse then a bunch of white people with guns willing to shoot a poor soul just cus they want something they aren't willing to work for. Dang, guess my lootin days in Texas are over.

Thye could mow the lawn tho eh? :lol: :cboy:
On NBC the other night the anchor said they had been told by the New Orleans City government that no looting took place in NO.
There were however a few cases of misappropriation of non-esential goods during a time of public infrastructure outage.
I Like it. :lol: That should be the case everywhere
I guess that it works.....
A few years ago when I lived in Georgia it was:
"The Law in Kennesaw"
for awhile anyway until the twinkie do gooders complained.

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