when to disc grass

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Jan 2, 2004
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we have a 100acre pasture that is the result of letting a field fallow. its sandy land, and the owners before us just let it go for years b/c they had no way to get to their land. at some point they had some coastal back there before it grew up. we cleaned it up and farmed cotton one year and peanuts one year. then we decided it would make a better pasture than anything and let the bermuda take over. it did a pretty good job on its on. but now there is some carpet grass and centipede starting to choke it out in some spots. i think if i harrow it all up the bermuda will jump back fast and take over the other spots. when is the best time to do that, in the spring?
I don't know the answer to your question but here we are going to start discing the pastures next month when we turn the cows into the hay field. I'm going to fling out 25 lbs rye per acre then disc the field with the disc blades turned at the 1st notch. It should help the grasses come back in the spring also (I hope)
I don't know how to kill your weed problems but I would cut up the field and seed with rye. It should give you good winter forage and may get some or most of those weeds for ya.
Ive got a weedy 5 acre field, I bushhogged it close last weekend, gonna burn it next weekend then seed with rye, oats and tiff9. should kill the weed with the burn and stay choked out with the winter grasses and hopin the tiff9 kicks in good for summer.
jp":1v3gorfv said:
Ive got a weedy 5 acre field, I bushhogged it close last weekend, gonna burn it next weekend then seed with rye, oats and tiff9. should kill the weed with the burn and stay choked out with the winter grasses and hopin the tiff9 kicks in good for summer.

JP, can I ask where you got your Tiff9? Might want to wait on planting that until early spring. JMHO.
It seems like with bermuda it would have to be late spring early summer when its coming on.might even want a controlled burn before too to control the other grasses & weeds.and give the bermuda a good start.
flaboy, I havent got the tiff9 yet, but a farmer near me plants his bermuda with his oats and rye in the fall so he doesnt have to work it again come spring. I thought the tiff9 would work the same
Here is my opinion. Spray with Diuron at 3 quarts per acre in early March then ferilize- that should help with the carpet grass and will weaken the centipede. If that doesn't take out the centipede good enough spray Round Up at 1 quart an acre in late may when the bermuda is going strong and fertilize again. The low rate of Round Up should take out the centipede and the bermuda will come out of the damage in a few weeks. The bermuda has a higher tolerance to Round Up than the others. This should work pretty good for you.
thanks flaboy, if it wont germinate untilnext year alot of seed would be wasted.

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