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hooknline":2lillmd6 said:
Clue # 2.
Their focus is now on the stand your ground law.

Your right Hook it never was about the crime it was the anti-gun bunch and the media seizing upon an opportunity.
Here in Texas a black woman gunned down a mother(white woman) 3 day's after giving birth to steal her baby in the Dr's parking lot.
It doesn't get more low life than that, you don't see the media making a big deal over this.
Killing a new mom and a kidnapping a newborn and depriving him of ever knowing his mom.
I hope she rot's in he!!.
http://news.yahoo.com/mother-shot-dead- ... 56084.html
I heard about that here cb. Its a shame. Young
Family, husband loses his wife and 3 kids lose their mom.
But not enough scandal to cause an uproar.
hooknline":2bwvpuhr said:
I heard about that here cb. Its a shame. Young
Family, husband loses his wife and 3 kids lose their mom.
But not enough scandal to cause an uproar.
Maybe the white woman was in the way of the black one going to get skittles. It's ok with the media though because it can't be a hate crime because it's black on white and blacks don't hate whites and it's ok just to kill someone as long as you don't hate them.
It has nothing to do money for the Martin family. It has to do with the truth and realities now the media and the joke reverends have backed off
Let's just say that things are clearer for the family now.
hooknline":3bx14etd said:
It has nothing to do money for the Martin family. It has to do with the truth and realities now the media and the joke reverends have backed off
Let's just say that things are clearer for the family now.
Dang I've never known the truth to matter.
jedstivers":2oncqsh0 said:
hooknline":2oncqsh0 said:
I heard about that here cb. Its a shame. Young
Family, husband loses his wife and 3 kids lose their mom.
But not enough scandal to cause an uproar.
Maybe the white woman was in the way of the black one going to get skittles. It's ok with the media though because it can't be a hate crime because it's black on white and blacks don't hate whites and it's ok just to kill someone as long as you don't hate them.

Jed I might not see it in my life time, but there is a war coming, the division in this country is getting wider and the flames are being faned by the media and politican's. America is arming itself at a rate never seen before, gun manufacture's have had to refuse any more order's for the year as they are past production capacity. It is not going to be North and South this go around but Red and Blue. During this Martin event you had members of congress preaching civil unrest, look's real familar to the history of the 1850's. Special interest groups have been ruling Washington for years and the silent majority has had a belly full. It is our political leaders that are profiting off of division. I pray we find our moral compass and get back on course as a nation but for now it looks like the train has jumped the tracks.

"The thing that separates the American Christian from every other person on earth is the fact that he would rather die on his feet, than live on his knees!" George Washington
I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty of murder, manslaughter or flat out innocent. I do know that the media and the race baiters are trying to railroad him off to jail before the evidence has been all layed out by the court. I think that there is enough initial evidence to say that there is a good chance it was self defense. Enough to let him post a reasonable bail. I have never seen such a gross negligence of the media and politicians in declaring Zimmerman guilty. I have never seen reporting so biased as to edit 911 calls to make him appear racist. I have never seen a news network get off for such misconduct so easily. Because it is so ridiculus I actually went to http://www.therealgeorgezimmerman.com and made a donantion to his legal defense fund. He may be guilty of murder and if he is he needs to serve his sentence but I'll be doggoned if I am going to sit and twiddle my thumbs while the media and politicians twist facts. I feel for Trayvon's family. I can't imagine what they are going through but at the same time I don't believe that hate, hysteria, politics and the biased media should send a man to jail for 25 years just to make a political statement or to appease rioters, looters and thugs. I don't care what race Zimmerman is or isn't. I don't like to see anybody, regardless of color, tried in the media. Afterall these media folks have about 0 common sense and they do not live in the real world. I would not trust them to report on the weather and be truthfull about it. A few years ago a local group was collecting funds to oppose a Klan function. I donated to their cause to counter the Klan message but I also believe the Klan had just as much right to speak as well but they won't get my money.

I agree with CB that a 2nd Civil War is brewing and it may be closer than we think. We will either have to choose a side or get caught in the crossfire. Hopefully whatever country or countries emerge after it is over has learned enough to do things differently and not repeat the mistakes we have already made. The side that will win will be the side that has a clear picture of right and wrong and clearly drawn principles to stand upon. I can't imagine the "moral relativism" crowd having any principles that they believe in enough to eat a bullet for.
The Martin family is now upset he made bond.
How dare he be set free again?
This whole fiasco has more twist and turns than rt 66 along the pch. start point and end point will still be the same. But I have to just shake my
Head in disgust at what the media, the he77 bent reverends, and the lawyers are aiming for.
I think we're a whole closer to that revolution than most know. Sad thing is the general public would rather listen to the media than look into issues for themselves.
Too much effort I guess
HOSS":e7hnvmks said:
I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty of murder, manslaughter or flat out innocent. I do know that the media and the race baiters are trying to railroad him off to jail before the evidence has been all layed out by the court. I think that there is enough initial evidence to say that there is a good chance it was self defense. Enough to let him post a reasonable bail. I have never seen such a gross negligence of the media and politicians in declaring Zimmerman guilty. I have never seen reporting so biased as to edit 911 calls to make him appear racist. I have never seen a news network get off for such misconduct so easily. Because it is so ridiculus I actually went to http://www.therealgeorgezimmerman.com and made a donantion to his legal defense fund. He may be guilty of murder and if he is he needs to serve his sentence but I'll be doggoned if I am going to sit and twiddle my thumbs while the media and politicians twist facts. I feel for Trayvon's family. I can't imagine what they are going through but at the same time I don't believe that hate, hysteria, politics and the biased media should send a man to jail for 25 years just to make a political statement or to appease rioters, looters and thugs. I don't care what race Zimmerman is or isn't. I don't like to see anybody, regardless of color, tried in the media. Afterall these media folks have about 0 common sense and they do not live in the real world. I would not trust them to report on the weather and be truthfull about it. A few years ago a local group was collecting funds to oppose a Klan function. I donated to their cause to counter the Klan message but I also believe the Klan had just as much right to speak as well but they won't get my money.

I agree with CB that a 2nd Civil War is brewing and it may be closer than we think. We will either have to choose a side or get caught in the crossfire. Hopefully whatever country or countries emerge after it is over has learned enough to do things differently and not repeat the mistakes we have already made. The side that will win will be the side that has a clear picture of right and wrong and clearly drawn principles to stand upon. I can't imagine the "moral relativism" crowd having any principles that they believe in enough to eat a bullet for.

Hoss the purchase by the Department of Homeland Security of 450,000,000 rounds of ammunition over a five year period should be warning enough that something is definitely wrong. Why in the world would Homeland Security need a 1/2 billion rounds.
The real question is what are they preparing for and who are they planning on using all that ammo on?
CB, judging by the views held by some guberment officials, those rounds have probably been destroyed. You know, to keep them out of the hands of us wackos.
I wouldn't be surprised if Homeland Security isn't working with ATF and doling them out a box at a time to the mexican drug lords so they can track where the bullets go.
Even if every round equaled one illegal and they tracked every round across the border they wouldn't do squat.
Bigger question is why does homeland security have 1M body bags in storage?

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