what'd ya get for Christmas?

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Aug 15, 2006
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My daughter got me a tea chest with tea--my son got me a Tommyhawk (I think that's how you spell it) My kids know me too well. :shock:
i really didnt get anything this year.although mom an i did go buy 3 DVD blueray movies that we both like.i might buy me a christmas present later.
We got a JD 3720 - used, but only a couple hundred hours on it. Got it a couple of weeks ago, but that's the big Christmas here. Got a loader added and bought a hay spear for it, too. Fun, fun!
farmwriter":inskivh5 said:
We got a JD 3720 - used, but only a couple hundred hours on it. Got it a couple of weeks ago, but that's the big Christmas here. Got a loader added and bought a hay spear for it, too. Fun, fun!

I was happy with "shirts" until I read this ;-)
24 wonderful hours with my daughter and my grandchildren :heart:

We got :banana: :banana: Rain :banana: :banana: it was much needed & there were no complaints when everyone had to add a few more layers of clothing.
Loch Valley Fold":7s5kedua said:
We got :banana: :banana: Rain :banana: :banana: it was much needed & there were no complaints when everyone had to add a few more layers of clothing.

OMG! I know how wonderful it is to get badly needed rain...congratulations!!!!!!!!

Me and hubby bought a new computer a month ago and called it our Christmas present....but then we both got each other stuff anyway. :help:

The best gift today was seeing the little ones eyes light up and enjoying their thrilled excitement over new toys. And a good meal with almost the whole family gathered together in spite of terrible weather. We are the oldest generation on my husband's side of the family, both parents and the aunts and uncles are gone. As they have passed away the last few years, we have learned to really appreciate these times together. That's the real gift.
Loch Valley Fold":2vneie1d said:
We got :banana: :banana: Rain :banana: :banana: it was much needed & there were no complaints when everyone had to add a few more layers of clothing.
:nod: Last year we would have been tickled to get that. This year we were happy to have a nice sunny day. Didn't bother us that we didn't have the snow, sleet, or rain everyone else got either.

Box, of "fancy" fruit, some mixed granola, couple shirts, Black Labrador Calendar, a smoked pork tenderloin, some Bruschetta pasta and a Pasta Cookbook, and a can of peanuts. Oh and a belly full of turkey and ham, mashed potatoes, dressing, cabbage slaw, corn, pecan pie, cherry pie, assorted homemade candies and other goodies..... Ready for a long winters nap now...
Our puppy was our gift to each other and we spent a quiet evening at home, just the two of us, and enjoyed a delicious prime rib dinner.
Mum got me $100 to go towards my new (old) car and a city directory for when I go back for uni :lol2: Dad got me some chocolates and s $200 voucher that's valid at a few stores (including 3 bottleshops :help:). Sister got me 3 charms for my bracelet and my brother got me some nice moisturiser my sister 'helped' him pick.

I got my mother and Elvis dvd, my Dad a new filleting knife set, brother some puzzles and for my sister I paid the remaining $40 off her shoe layby so she got those haha.

Good christmas. Mum cried yesterday when my sister left to move to the city (she's living with me now), last one from the nest. My old cat finally remembered who I was and sat on my chest for a few hours while I slept off the christmas lunch.

Went and added a few shades to myself at the beach today, it's 38C and I have to go work at the local bar at 5. Should be busy. It's race day at the nag track so no doubt I'll see a good portion of those drunks later.
Best gift of all was 5 of 8 kids being here today. 2 more will be here in a couple days. Rolled beef roast was excellent for Christmas dinner. All the best. Jim
I got a bird dog (aka radar detector). Supposed to have gotten it last year but I never got around to deciding which one I wanted. That was the main thing.

I am also getting two new teeth. They have been paid for. Lab is supposed to be making them now.
They are expensive, even with dental insurance. But should last a long time. Maybe the rest of my life if I don't hang around too long. But as much as they cost they should last a long time even if I do hang around considerable longer.
"OMG! I know how wonderful it is to get badly needed rain...congratulations!!!!!!!!
Yep very happy it has made the 30 acres of lucerne sit up & shoot of, it doubled its growth over night just from the little rain & is now ready for baling hopefully get that off next week

Its hard trying to buy presents for the family I got my parents some CD's, Buddy Holy for my mother & Slim Dusty (aussie country legend) for my father as well as an 7piece outdoor setting & up graded the old BBQ to a hooded 4 burner that came a few days early & in the 35+degree heat guess where the meat was cooked on Christmas Eve? plenty of cold ham, roasts, lamb & chicken even some deer what seems like a ton of side dishes + dessert.
All the family getting together at my grandfathers house from lunch right through to dinner, that little house was packed. Any other year we would have headed over to the beach go for a swim in the ocean for a while before eating dinner.
This Christmas will be remembered by many in the midwest for years. The storm blew over, around, and through us for 3 days dumping about 20 inches of snow on us. Haven't had that much snow at once for years. So yesterday we scooped out bunks and fed cows, got the show calves in the barn too (they didn't have to be persauded at all) :) Got in and made a roast chicken and hash brown casserole for dinner. Spent the afternoon making caramel corn, brownies and cheesecake in my Christmas present (and birthday and anniversary for the next 10 years) ~ my new kitchen. Hubby also got me an Iowa Hawkeyes Snuggie. :D
We don't get too worked up about gifts here, maybe should do more, but we have enough stuff and was just thankful to have electricity and heat over the storm.
nose hair trimmer, full belly,the smiles on the kids faces, and got to see my sister for the first time in 2 years.

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