Weather Map

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
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Central Texas
Best looking weather map I've seen in 5 months. :clap: Wonder what is going to keep it from comming on thru and giving us some rain. :(
I would like to see the rain start a little farther south also, but the line looks full till it nears the Big Bend where the rain starts and just a few pop-up showers till you get to the spot in Louisiana. Doesn't really show anything that would split it apart or knock the tops off of it if it wanted to come thru. RedBull, if I could I'd anchor it down and try to wring it out. I wouldn't mind if it hung around for several days. :nod: Sounds like you might have cut some hay? Maybe off a weather report like I saw Friday that had no chance of rain in the 7 day forecast. :eek: Got real cloudy this afternoon, to cloudy to be the scattered clouds like the forecast called for. That's when I looked again and found this.
Vette.. you must be somewhere close to me! I watched it cloud up in the south all afternoon while digging mesquites... even got about 10 drops of rain.

I think we have chances tomorrow, but don't know what percentage. Feel free to share if you get some!
Yep, I think one time you said you were 60 or so miles east of Austin. I'm guessing you are somewhere in the Lincoln, Lexington, Dime Box area. I am northeast of Caldwell.
1982vett":w7v05imm said:
Yep, I think one time you said you were 60 or so miles east of Austin. I'm guessing you are somewhere in the Lincoln, Lexington, Dime Box area. I am northeast of Caldwell.

Did you get rain in Caldwell. I drove through Dime Box and Caldwell today (from San Antonio to College Station). It was sprinkling a bit in my rear view mirror. I forget at what point though.
CattleHand":38shkhgs said:
Did you get rain in Caldwell. I drove through Dime Box and Caldwell today (from San Antonio to College Station). It was sprinkling a bit in my rear view mirror. I forget at what point though.

Not that I am aware of, but It might have showered in the area without my knowledge. I know I didn't get anything here.
I felt the odd drop this morning when I got up. We haven't had any rain since Ike and it's getting dry. Heck, it is dry. I hope it does rain. We could sure use it.
I don't got any hay down Vette, but i have a contract with Arkansas Game and Fish. I have a 100 acres of ground plowed up and the seed and fertilizer coming today. So i need today and tommrow to get it all done.
Going to borrow a line from Peg,
OOOOH CRAPP<Crapp,crappp ***crapp

RedBull, looks like it's not going to get close enough to get a line on it to nail it down. The main part looks like it is going to slip by to the the north of us. Can only hope for a straggler of a shower, 1/10th of in inch at the most.

Glad your getting some Lammie, looks like a pretty good rain. Havn't had cloudy days much less rain since Ike either. Your turn to watch out for army worms.
Lammie":1gisnioq said:
I felt the odd drop this morning when I got up. We haven't had any rain since Ike and it's getting dry. Heck, it is dry. I hope it does rain. We could sure use it.

Ike barely gave us a half inch. No rain since. Terrible fires Saturday in all that wind between Granbury and Cresson. A guy had bought 30 round bales from me and he watched them all burn in his pasture.

AT 3 a.m. I awoke to lights flashing on my window. I stuck my head out the door and it was lightening and misting rain. This is a good day for us. The rain got a bit heavier before day light.
I didn't know the army worms came out because of the rain. We have had a few this year, but nothing that we could not control with a saw and some fuel...

Still raining. And boy am I glad of it. My St Augustine was starting to get crispy. Something about September makes me lose all interest in watering grass. Just not in the yard groove like I am in summer. I guess going back to work will do that to a body.
I second that on watering the yard. Quite a number of trees are giving up around here also. After Ike I took the stance that if the good Lord didn't water it, it wasn't going to get any.
Vett, I think by far you have suffered the worst drought of anyone this year. It sounds like it is so dry there the drought is feeding on itself since there is no water. I remember when it was that way here and it took a big storm to break the back of the drought to get some water cycling. I empathize with you and hope something will change shortly. You will be in my prayers till it does. Good luck and hang in there.
1982vett":1ex88zoe said:
It never showed up. :mad:

I was going to ask you if you ever got any rain from that system. I thought that big storm around Stephenville might have gotten your way. I got, maybe, 2 inches from the whole thing. I will take it. It really perked things up around here. Cool and windy here today. Froggy.

I sure do know what it is like to have it rain all around you and not on you. I sure do wish you'd have gotten some of it.
I guess Red Bull's rain repellent didn't work for him but it did help us after all. Yesterday mornings weather didn't push thru but I guess it made a second effort last night cause it started raining about 3:30 this morning and rained 3/4 inch. Actually Jo, I'm not as bad off as some to the southwest of us. We were lucky enough to get a good rain out of Ike. Those 15 or so miles farther west didn't get much. I was around 4 miles north of here last week and they were baling hay. They had gotten some showers before Ike and the rain they got from Ike put them in good shape. I guess we are pretty much on the northeastern edge of the dry conditions.

I feel pretty confident that it will start raining if I would sell those 10 heifers I bought last May to put on all the extra grass I had. :lol2: