Weaning by the signs?

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I don't know. I would guesee the lower the body the better. My MIL says to castrate when it is below the hip or somethign. Also long as its belwo the area. Farmers almanacs have this stuff I think.

Always below the head ( and going down)? I have been doing it in the breast and have very little bawling from calves.Dont know if there is anything to it or not and not exactly sure that is right or not just what I was told.JHH[/b]
Ok Folks..I'm a bit lost here...what is the question exactly...weaning by what signs...zodiac?
Could someone enlighten me....por favor.
Yes zodiac or moon. It works but I have to ask someone who knows where to find it in the almanac.
Thanks, I thought i had heard before to do it when the sign is in a low part of the body. Although the chart contradicts that somewhat, for instance the 19th of this month it is in the head.
I've always heard that if you wean in the top half of the body that calves will generally bawl for 2 to 4 days, but if you wean in the lower half of the body, that they will generally bawl for an average of 3 days. ;-)
Daddy used to do everything by the signs. Cut pigs,calves. Wean calves, plant potatos, kill hogs, plant trees the whole shooting match. I only saw him lose 1 piece of meat in 30 years. That was because my brother was impatient and wouldn't wait on the signs to kill a hog. I do think there is something to it. If the moon can influence the ocean to rise and fall it most likely has an effect on other things.
We use the following signs to wean and castrate here:

When the bottle calf is eating at least 2-3 lbs of grain a day, it's a sign that it's time to wean.

When it's a pasture calf, then the signs are when the grass is getting scarce, or it's time to give momma a rest, or we just want to ship you for some added income, then it's the right signs.

When the testes are almost to big to fit into the bander, then it's a sign to castrate.

Thats our use of the signs. :p :cboy:
my dad used to do all that by the signs... plant garden, castrate, wean, etc....

knees - capricorn
legs - aquarius
feet - pisces

I think that's the right zodiac sign, but that's what he looked for on castrating and weaning.
We've always weaned by the signs and it works-for both the cows and calves. They'll bawl about two days and it's over. Usually try for the knees but I think the lower part of the body is good. Alot of people don't believe it but it does work.
Rustler9":2surc8he said:
We've always weaned by the signs and it works-for both the cows and calves. They'll bawl about two days and it's over. Usually try for the knees but I think the lower part of the body is good. Alot of people don't believe it but it does work.

I do believe you. When I was a kid I saw it work for dehorning, but I couldn't remember the rules.

Had an Indian woman that used to come by when I was getting a garden ready. She would tell me what sign to plant what by. I just never could get the weather, dirt, and time to work all lined up with the signs. So I just planted when I could.
She never did turn down any of the stuff I gave her out of the garden.
I can't remember all the right times to plant, set eggs ect. either but my parents do everything by the signs so I just ask them whenever I'm getting ready to do something. I think you can look in the Almanac to see the signs too but I never remember to get one.
What about cutting trees? Isn't there a time/sign to cut brush, trees, etc. so that it won't sucker back up?
I get my calendar from the local feed store that has all the signs on it

Here's on the back page....

When the moon is in the barren signs, Gemini, Leo or Virgo, you can destroy noxious growth, deaden trees, pull weeds and turn sod best -- especially if the moon is in the last quarter.

Never plant anything in the barren signs, as they are only good for grubbing, trimming, deadening and destroying noxious growths...

yeah I know go ahead and laugh but once you plant, wean, castrate, etc according to the signs... you'll find they do better

gemini - arms
leo - heart
virgo - bowels
I usually try to wean according to the Almanac. This month (Sept) it says to wean 1st-3rd or 25th - 30th. But last week after reading about the fence line weaning I thought what the heck, I'm going to try it now. I put a six (6) month old heifer on the opposite side of four strands of barbed wire from her momma with some other stock. Went O.K. most of the day. That evening I moved the group beyond two (2) strands of hot wire for the night. Heard some bawling but it didn't last long. Next morning early I found the heifer with mom. She had done the hot wire & barbed wire and was having breakfast. Today she went to market with some steers I had planned to take. I'm going to try the fence line thing again with some others, but I think I'll wait until the 25th.and see if that helps.
