Very sudden red nose on calf

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2005
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NW Wisconsin
Checked on cows about 4 hrs ago, all was well.

Just got back in house after finding 7 day old calf with a red nose. Not bloodly, but appears to be rubbed raw.

All other aspects are normal such as movement, nursing, running, etc. I did not temp calf as of yet.

Did she find something to rub it against, or is the onset of something I need to react to?
Take the calfs temp...and go from there.

We always figured a red and/or peeling nose indicated fever. When did you see the calf last? I think a normal temp for a calf that age is 101.5. Were it me, I'd give the calf an antibiotic...and our antibiotic of choice is usually nuflor. But that's just me.

was it cold when the calf was born?? if it was it is prolly frostbitten,it will showup afew days after being born.gets red then peels,looks kinda like sunburn
Thanks to all for the replies.

Vet came out and looked. He thinks that the calf found something to rub against. No temp, acting normal.

I failed to describe the red nose in better detail here. The entire nose is not red, but only 70% of the nose, above the nostrils.

Here is to hoping the vet is correct.
First, congratulation on getting a vet to come out to look at a baby calf!

Second, I'd still watch him...listen to him. If you notice in gurgly sounds or he coughs more than every now and then or he has a snotty nose, I'd see if I could get that vet back out again...

Does he have a white nose? and is there snow on the ground? if so -- probably just sunburn. I've seen it happen a lot in young dairy calves.