Vaccine backorders

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Jun 10, 2015
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Winfield, KS
Going to work the entire herd in a few weeks and usually use Vira Shield 6+VL5 HB-Somnus for the cows, retained heifers & bulls in the spring, along with Calvary 9 (for all), an autogenous pinkeye (targets Moxarella Bovis, Moxarella Bovoculi & Mycoplasma Bovoculi), Triangle 4+PH-K for calves & Cydectin for worming. Different protocol in the fall.

Anyway, the only vaccines I was able to get was the autogenous pinkeye from my vet and the Triangle for the calves (already have Cydectin). Everyone is out of stock & backordered, even my vet. As in, practically every Vira Shield product is OUT. Looking at alternatives, I could go back to Covexin 8 but it's a larger dose & has more of a reaction at the injection site. Contemplating a mod live (like Cattlemaster Gold) but still have 6 that haven't calved, and my cows haven't been vaccinated with a mod live since they were 11 months old. Not interested.

Quality time on the 'net and I finally found the Farmers Business Network, You have to register, provide some info on your operation & if you provide your farm number, your order is tax exempt. And I'll be darned if they didn't have exactly what I wanted. I honestly didn't compare prices (beggers can't be choosers) but I believe they are comparable or less then Valley Vet, PBS, Jeffers, etc.

Anyone else ever use them? My order should arrive on the 16th - hopefully. I didn't search all their products, but I know First Defense has been backordered for months, along with a number of other popular vaccines, ear tags, etc.
There's my education for the day! All I saw was two bottles that needed mixed and I was out. And yet, as with any mod live, I'm assuming what you don't use is wasted?
It's a combination modified and killed vaccine intended to be safe for pregnant cows. The components that would be dangerous for bred cows are killed.
How close are they and have they ever had a live of any kind?
5 are due this month, 1 is questionable (preg checking again when we work them). Only mod live vaccines are retained heifers when they get their BANGS/pelvic measured at 11 months, Inforce 3 on newborns and Vista Once for the calves at weaning. So, my oldest cows are now 13 and haven't had a modified live in basically 12 years.
5 are due this month, 1 is questionable (preg checking again when we work them). Only mod live vaccines are retained heifers when they get their BANGS/pelvic measured at 11 months, Inforce 3 on newborns and Vista Once for the calves at weaning. So, my oldest cows are now 13 and haven't had a modified live in basically 12 years.
The vets here will chime in but I think the cows in last month of pregnancy have very little risk.
Going to work the entire herd in a few weeks and usually use Vira Shield 6+VL5 HB-Somnus for the cows, retained heifers & bulls in the spring, along with Calvary 9 (for all), an autogenous pinkeye (targets Moxarella Bovis, Moxarella Bovoculi & Mycoplasma Bovoculi), Triangle 4+PH-K for calves & Cydectin for worming. Different protocol in the fall.

Anyway, the only vaccines I was able to get was the autogenous pinkeye from my vet and the Triangle for the calves (already have Cydectin). Everyone is out of stock & backordered, even my vet. As in, practically every Vira Shield product is OUT. Looking at alternatives, I could go back to Covexin 8 but it's a larger dose & has more of a reaction at the injection site. Contemplating a mod live (like Cattlemaster Gold) but still have 6 that haven't calved, and my cows haven't been vaccinated with a mod live since they were 11 months old. Not interested.

Quality time on the 'net and I finally found the Farmers Business Network, You have to register, provide some info on your operation & if you provide your farm number, your order is tax exempt. And I'll be darned if they didn't have exactly what I wanted. I honestly didn't compare prices (beggers can't be choosers) but I believe they are comparable or less then Valley Vet, PBS, Jeffers, etc.

Anyone else ever use them? My order should arrive on the 16th - hopefully. I didn't search all their products, but I know First Defense has been backordered for months, along with a number of other popular vaccines, ear tags, etc.
Cavalry 9 and Covexin 8 is still MIA online. I did order from Farmers Business Network today because they had Virashield 6 VL5 HB and Tetanus toxoid. Went with Ultrabac 8, so needed the tetanus.
Thanks for the tip @TCRanch!
I compared my order with Valley and FBN was a little cheaper.
B uses Cavalry 9 on new born calves. None available here. He says that is the pits because it is one thing that he has found that works.

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