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I'm in search of a cow/calf vaccine regimen calendar with key dates and/or milestones along with the medication being administered. Anyone have such a thing they'd like to share?
Thanks for this. I need to get away from the one size fits all approach like you said.Good info, @moses388. Pretty much what I follow.
@RustyTub, your vet is your best source of information, who will recommend appropriate vaccinations based on your operation (and geography). For instance, in a cow/calf operation, if it's a defined breeding season (say, no more than 45- 60 days), it may be prudent to vaccinate bred cows with Scour Bos. If it's strung out, the vaccine wouldn't really be effective to late calvers - unless you want to bring them in one by one (and who really wants to do that?). That said, the size of your operation & resources also determines your best protocol. I calve within a 60-day window but it's essentially just me and easier to pop in a First Defense bolus (or gel) when I work the calves when they're born. And that's also when I administer Inforce 3 for respiratory. I vaccinate the entire herd in the spring for pinkeye and it's an autogenous vaccine made specifically for my area that targets moxarella bovis, moxarella bovocili, mycoplasma bovoculi. Is that necessary in your operation? Could you get by with a "standard" pinkeye vaccine that targets only moxarella bovis? Or do you even need that in your operation, depending on which time of year you calve. And I also give annual boosters of Calvary 9 to the entire herd. Just because it's relatively cheap insurance. My calves are weaned a minimum of 45 days (usually 60) and fully backgrounded, which means a solid 2 rounds of vaccinations and heifers guaranteed open. That may not work for a lot of operations. See where I'm going? It's not a one size fits all. And all subject to change.