truck mounted bale decks

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Here's some pics finally of the 'Haymobile'. Sorry the pictures are so dark, but we don't get a lot of sunshine here in the winter on the North slope of this foothill.







Take care.
The pictures look fine Annie. And that is a handy looking rig. I know a feller that has mounted 3 small tires on the front of his pickup for unrolling hay. He just cuts the wrap first of course then sets it on the ground and pushes it with his pickup! Works pretty slick. A tip for unrolling hay, unroll it just backwards from the way it goes in the baler.
How is your husband doin after his accident???
Hey Bif,

Honey's doing pretty well - even managed to play some pond Hockey with the Apple Dumpling Gang and the neighbours yesterday.

Thanks for the info about the guy with the tires mounted on his truck. One question about that (as currently unrolling the bales is the toughest part of my day - getting a 1500lb bale to start moving can be hard on this ol' girl, but fortunately we've enough slopes that once you get 'em rolling you usually got it beat) does he ever have trouble with the hay getting wrapped around the drive shafts? I've had that happen in the summer when travelling across swaths in the hayfields, and can really make for a wreck.

Honey's working on designing a lightweight yoke that can be lifted off the Haymobile and attached through either end of the core to help make unrolling easier. If it ever gets fabricated to his satisfaction, I'll post some pics.

Take care.
I'm not sure what kind of hay you're unrolling but we feed staight alfalfa and I have never had a problem with it getting around the driveshaft. We use netwrap instead of twine and I just try to be careful and not leave it laying around. If I can catch this neighbor friend of mine sometime I'll try and get a picture of his unroller. It is two dolly type wheels I suppose with 13 inch tires, wide tires with I think two mounted about 2 foot high and one on top about 18 inches or so above that. (or vice versa) He said he can just give the bale a nudge and once it gets started unrolling it works great! And beats paying 8000 dollars for an arm bed!
by the way i love the mechanical drawing you posted :lol:


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