The July/Aug night sky

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Copperas Cove Tx

Suspected to originate from Comet 96P Machholz, the Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower occurs any time between July 12 and August 23 annually. This year, it peaks during the nights of July 28 and 29. Alpha Capricornids, a weaker meteor shower, also peaks these same nights. Known to emit bright fireballs during its peak, Alpha Capricornids will be visible for everyone.
The Delta Aquariids meteor shower can be best seen from people in the Southern Hemisphere. The meteors, which tend to number 10 to 20 per hour and fly at 25 miles per second, are most visible between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. in all time zones, when the faint constellation Aquarius the Water Bearer -- the shower's radiant point -- is highest in the sky, according to EarthSky.

A dark sky is also important if you want to see Delta Aquariids cross paths with the Perseid meteor shower. Perseid, the most popular shower of the year, stems from a different radiant point, is brighter than Delta Aquariids and peaks during the early mornings of August 11-13.